
ShinRa-Bansho - Pink Kurage to, Sotto, Kiss o S...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 5:38:53 PM

Artist: ShinRa-Bansho
Title: Pink Kurage to, Sotto, Kiss o Shita.
Source: 東方鬼形獣 ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature.
Tags: touhou project i softly gently kissed the pink jellyfish 2hu 東方Project th17 17 wbawc ebisu eika theme カリスマ煉獄天神 あよ ayo kaztora c98 comiket 98 charisma rengoku tenshin tenjin charismatic purgatory goddess 地蔵だけが知る哀嘆 The Lamentations Known Only by Jizo ジェリーストーン Jelly Stone pinkukurageto kisswoshita kissoshita kisuwoshita kisuoshita japanese video game rock bongo -ametori
BPM: 194
Filesize: 11985kb
Play Time: 03:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. bongo's Extra Stage. (6.31 stars, 1092 notes)
  2. Hard. (3.99 stars, 766 notes)
  3. I gently kissed the pink jellyfish. (7.18 stars, 1209 notes)
  4. Lunatic. (5.09 stars, 933 notes)
Download: ShinRa-Bansho - Pink Kurage to, Sotto, Kiss o Shita.
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Check out ShinRa-Bansho!
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guess im a shinra bansho mapper now

thank you to bongo for the extra stage diff! (please play it if you don't like my edgy stuff)

thanks to -Ametori for the cute storyboard!



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