
Idun Nicoline - Lost Without You (Boxplot Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 04 February 2021 at 22:27:39

Artist: Idun Nicoline
Title: Lost Without You (Boxplot Remix)
Tags: dnb drum and bass electronic english liquicity zer0- zero
BPM: 174
Filesize: 9321kb
Play Time: 04:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Insane (4.76 stars, 1096 notes)
  2. Wistful (5.39 stars, 1295 notes)
Download: Idun Nicoline - Lost Without You (Boxplot Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

I'm feeling lost without you

osu! World Cup 2022 Semifinals DT3

Insane - Log Off Now
Wistful - Log Off Now & Zer0-

- eiri- - Nevo

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