
ririco - Kawaiku Naritai (feat. sana)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2022年12月3日, 星期六 at 20:24:15

Artist: ririco
Title: Kawaiku Naritai (feat. sana)
Tags: Coloured Glazee CoLoReDGlaZeE Yugu emilia Karen Kite honeyworks i want to become cute 歌ってみた cover utaite jpop j-pop japanese pop 雨宮天 amamiya sora shito gom モゲラッタ mogelatte 成海聖奈 narumi sena 告白実行委員会 kokuhaku jikkou iinkai confession executive committee コクハクノオト no oto sound of 告白シリーズ shirizu series
BPM: 110
Filesize: 43786kb
Play Time: 04:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. emilia's insane (4.32 stars, 729 notes)
  2. GlazeE's Normal (2.05 stars, 313 notes)
  3. Kawaiku Nai (5.08 stars, 1029 notes)
  4. Kawaiku Natta (5.25 stars, 1066 notes)
  5. Kite's Insane (4.26 stars, 759 notes)
  6. Yugu's Hard (3.29 stars, 557 notes)
Download: ririco - Kawaiku Naritai (feat. sana)
Download: ririco - Kawaiku Naritai (feat. sana) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
歌ってみた!/ cover
| normal
 by CoLouRed GlaZeE

| hard
 by Yugu

| insane
 by Kite
 by emilia

| kawaiku nai
 by Karen

| kawaiku natta
 by Moecho

| video compression
 by da vinki

| description design
 by Moecho

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