
KyoKa - Yumemi Hanabira

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2022 m. spalio 26 d. at 22:12:29

Artist: KyoKa
Title: Yumemi Hanabira
Source: さくらの雲*スカアレットの恋
Tags: eroge Cabbage Soft A love in Sacra & Scarlet Sakura no Kumo * Scarlet no Koi Sakuretto さくレット SakuKumo galgame visual novel vn opening op video game japanese j-pop jpop pop videogame female vocals vocalist
BPM: 175
Filesize: 17493kb
Play Time: 01:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,8 stars, 130 notes)
  2. Hard (3,24 stars, 240 notes)
  3. Insane (4,64 stars, 347 notes)
  4. Light Insane (4,13 stars, 309 notes)
  5. Normal (2,24 stars, 212 notes)
  6. Sakura no Ki, Hanabatake to Nazoman no Monogatari (5,36 stars, 409 notes)
Download: KyoKa - Yumemi Hanabira
Download: KyoKa - Yumemi Hanabira (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
As the curtains of this retro mystery among cherry blossoms lifts, the era slowly awakens his true potential in this enigmatic vintage city.

Another Cabbage Soft visual novel opening mapped by me~, hopefully you'll enjoy this amazing song made by KyoKa <3

A huge thank you to _xyliac gazimal Tekido for helping to polish the grammar for the difficulty name, since my japanese is pretty poor ;w; arigatouu~
🌸 thank you box 🌸

- Nozhomi Kyle Y Thank you guys so much for the mod, and the interest in nominating my mapset I really appreciate it~ <3

- _xyliac Clammbon Creamy Candy Visionary Stompy_ huge thank you guys for checking out my mapset, and helping me polishing by modding it ~~

- Ryohka thank you for the mp3 and helping with the metadata sources~

- [profile=]Syph[/profile] Thanks for the amazing feedback for my map, you're amazinggg

- defreeyay LikeShiratama Awesome video compression & mp3, thank you!!

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