
Masuda Junichi - Pokemon Center [CatchTheBeat]

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Fu Xuan
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, 1 July 2023 at 8:25:25 am

Artist: Masuda Junichi
Title: Pokemon Center
Source: ポケットモンスター ハートゴールド・ソウルシルバー
Tags: pokémon pokecenter pokécenter heartgold soulsilver heart gold soul silver kanto johto gamefreak freak video game videogame vgm instrumental ds nds generation gen 4 4th fourth iv pocket monsters nintendo 景山将太 kageyama shouta shota -Rustyy Aqua Laplus- La+
BPM: 114
Filesize: 1112kb
Play Time: 00:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab Cup (1.38 stars, 66 notes)
  2. Rustyy's Platter (2.28 stars, 79 notes)
  3. Salad (1.8 stars, 93 notes)
Download: Masuda Junichi - Pokemon Center
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Cup by -Rustyy and -Aqua
Salad by -Aqua
Platter by -Rustyy

  1. Hitsounds by -Aqua
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