
YOASOBI - Idol [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on miércoles, 26 de julio de 2023 at 15:11:12

Title: Idol
Source: 【推しの子】
Tags: 【oshi no ko】 oshi ko my star 星野 アイ Ai Hoshino Aquamarine Ruby Ayase 幾田りら ikura ikuta lilas anime op opening full long ver. version japanese pop jpop j-pop female vocal
BPM: 166
Filesize: 17782kb
Play Time: 03:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2,54 stars, 577 notes)
  2. Inner Oni (5,31 stars, 1516 notes)
  3. Kantan (1,72 stars, 329 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (3,38 stars, 827 notes)
  5. Oni (4,23 stars, 1126 notes)
Download: YOASOBI - Idol
Download: YOASOBI - Idol (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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