
Kirsten Price - We Will Be Heroes

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Woow, it's a difficulty!

What's n the difficulty?


Download: Kirsten Price - We Will Be Heroes (Kytoxid) [Blue Dragon].osu
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Blue Dragon wrote:

Woow, it's a difficulty!

What's n the difficulty?


Obligatory mod:

You want to warn the 2x BPM somehow.

00:00:070 (4) - Probably could be shifted a grid up for spacing consistency.
00:06:091 (1,2) - Might as well stack the 1 on top of 00:07:094 (1).
00:07:094 (1,1,1,1) - Misaligned, and I recommend keeping these as a single combo.
00:26:077 (1) - Definitely not rankable, no clue where the slider goes after the W.
00:29:067 (1,1,1,1) - 1 combo?
00:31:043 (1) - Probably remove this spinner.

Kytoxid wrote:

Blue Dragon wrote:

Woow, it's a difficulty!

What's n the difficulty?


Obligatory mod:

You want to warn the 2x BPM somehow.

00:00:070 (4) - Probably could be shifted a grid up for spacing consistency. what
00:06:091 (1,2) - Might as well stack the 1 on top of 00:07:094 (1). what
00:07:094 (1,1,1,1) - Misaligned, and I recommend keeping these as a single combo. combo = no, align = yes
00:26:077 (1) - Definitely not rankable, no clue where the slider goes after the W. fixed
00:29:067 (1,1,1,1) - 1 combo? no
00:31:043 (1) - Probably remove this spinner. kay
I can't understand the 1st and 2nd mod :?
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Feels empty.
00:02:155 () - Add a note here? Extend 2 to make a slider that ends here?
00:07:074 (1) - Sounds unnatural.
00:13:012 (1) - Finish.

00:03:081 (2,3,4,5,6) - It looks ugly and weird, so spread them around more.
00:06:091 (2) - Remove repeat?

00:14:036 (3) - Remove whistle from end of the slider?

[Blue Dragon]
00:01:074 (1,2,3) - Equilateral triangle?
00:06:039 (4) - Remove clap?
00:07:094 (1,1,1,1,1) - Symmetry? (I think you should feel free to play around with the spacing rules)
00:29:067 (1,1,1,1) - Symmetry?
Topic Starter

Dusty wrote:

Feels empty.
00:02:155 () - Add a note here? Extend 2 to make a slider that ends here?
00:07:074 (1) - Sounds unnatural.
00:13:012 (1) - Finish.

00:03:081 (2,3,4,5,6) - It looks ugly and weird, so spread them around more.
00:06:091 (2) - Remove repeat?

00:14:036 (3) - Remove whistle from end of the slider?

[Blue Dragon]
00:01:074 (1,2,3) - Equilateral triangle?
00:06:039 (4) - Remove clap?
00:07:094 (1,1,1,1,1) - Symmetry? (I think you should feel free to play around with the spacing rules)
00:29:067 (1,1,1,1) - Symmetry?
Thanks! Things were changed except for BD's difficulty.
Kitty McWittles
I hate you ;_; friggin English Pokemon theme </3

00:26:077 (1) - Lol.
00:30:029 (1,1) - Turn this into a slider instead?

At least it's one of the less gay songs I guess... couldn't really find any problems so I'll just star it and be on my way~
Topic Starter

Samurai_X wrote:

I hate you ;_; friggin English Pokemon theme </3

00:26:077 (1) - Lol.
00:30:029 (1,1) - Turn this into a slider instead?

At least it's one of the less gay songs I guess... couldn't really find any problems so I'll just star it and be on my way~
XD. Thanks for modding/starring, at least. :P

Blue Dragon:

The new slider W could be more symmetrical.
hey ^^

LOL @ the kiai time, it's like more than half the song LOLOL


00:07:948 [1]one small square to the left.. i tink.. it's to far away O.O

meh =__= fine.

LOL @ this level. fine.

star star for you you ^^

Topic Starter

haisha_ wrote:

hey ^^

LOL @ the kiai time, it's like more than half the song LOLOL


00:07:948 [1]one small square to the left.. i tink.. it's to far away O.O

meh =__= fine.

LOL @ this level. fine.

star star for you you ^^

Well if you look at it another way, there're only 15 seconds of kiai here. XD

I think that note's fine where it's snapped, thanks for the mod though!

nice skin :)
the source text is very long. should reduce it to
add Blue Dragon to tags


it got some difficulty in it that should not be in a easy beatmap.
you should change the half beat repeat slider into normal sliders
nothing else to notice


00:16:043 (2) - finish sound
00:26:015 (6) - feels wrong. it should be on white tick with a finish sound too


00:14:077 (4) - whistle
00:16:043 (2) - remove clap
00:19:074 (5) - missing :(
00:20:015 (1,4) - whistle
00:22:063 (1) - clap here instead and finish on 2
00:29:067 (1,4,1) - whistle


00:09:018 (1,2) - too far
the bpmx2 warning would be easier to see if you put it over the stack
end spinner at 19:741
00:24:049 (1) - remove and add one at 25:120
00:26:077 (1) - ugly :?

BPM: 145,00 - Offset: 287 (Remember to resnap all notes.)


00:07:094 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:16:083 (1,2) - Too hard for an easy map.
00:21:039 (4,5) - ^


Seems "Hard".

00:12:029 (1) - Spinner too short for a normal map.
00:18:091 (1,2) - Hard to read for a normal.

00:21:039 (1) - Remove new combo.


00:07:094 (3) - New combo.
00:08:015 (1) - Remove new combo.

[Blue Dragon's Insane]

00:09:018 (1) - Partially offscreen.
00:09:060 (2) - ^
Modding as per request.

Bold indicates things that directly violate the ranking criteria and if left unaltered, will prevent your map from being ranked.
Italics indicates aesthetics suggestions
Underline indicates gameplay suggestions

Mods which are formatted more than once are indicative of issues which stem across categories.

Timing check:
BPM: 145 (OK)
Offset: -113 (original was +293 - this needs to be fixed)
[Do note that the offset fix applies only to align the stanzas properly. For all purposes intended, your current offset works fine, but is still technically wrong.]

The background is of a fairly low quality. You're probably better off finding a less specific but higher quality wallpaper - remember to keep it at 1024x768 if you do find one though.

No problems detected.

Tick rate should be 0.5

No problems detected.

[Blue Dragon's Insane]
Tick rate should be 0.5
00:09:060 (1,2) - Is ridiculous, but nothing technically wrong with it. Consider halving the jump at least.

No reason not to award a star. Maps this short are difficult to map - excellent job with what you have got to work with.



~Blue Dragon's Insane~
00:01:094 (2) - not symmetrical, move right 1 grid (Lv2)
00:09:018 (1,2) - (2) is offscreen, (1) will offscreen if play with Hard Rock
00:21:091 (1) - start on red tick
00:25:032 (4) - will offscreen if play with Hard Rock
00:26:077 (1) - maybe unrankable...
00:30:008 (1,1) - not symmetrical, move down 1 grid (Lv2)

Topic Starter
Without quoting everyone, I'm done. Thanks for the mods! (except for Blue Dragon's diff, of course)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Kirsten Price - We Will Be Heroes (Kytoxid) [Blue Dragon's Insane].osu
00:01:033 (2,3,4) - The same beats are whistle, whistle, normal in [Normal].
00:21:040 (4) - Whistle at end?
00:28:002 (4) - One less repeat?

00:00:070 (2) - It could look better. (move the top sliderpoint left and the left sliderpoint down?)

00:30:092 (1,3) - Remove whistle from one of them?
Topic Starter

Dusty wrote:

00:01:033 (2,3,4) - The same beats are whistle, whistle, normal in [Normal].
00:21:040 (4) - Whistle at end?
00:28:002 (4) - One less repeat?

00:00:070 (2) - It could look better. (move the top sliderpoint left and the left sliderpoint down?)

00:30:092 (1,3) - Remove whistle from one of them?
Changed, thanks! (1 was supposed to be a clap on Hard, oops, lol)
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