
IOSYS - Danzai Yamaxanadu

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, May 04, 2010 at 7:42:48 PM

Artist: IOSYS
Title: Danzai Yamaxanadu
Source: Touhou
Tags: sikieiki siki eiki shiki Kaeidzuka Phantasmagoria of Flower View
BPM: 175
Filesize: 11780kb
Play Time: 03:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Eternal Damnation (5 stars, 801 notes)
  2. Merciful Forgiveness (1.72 stars, 241 notes)
  3. Painful Repentance (3.79 stars, 399 notes)
  4. The Last Judgement (4.77 stars, 595 notes)
Download: IOSYS - Danzai Yamaxanadu
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
It's done.

It's the epitome of Sikieiki's Rage! FEAR IT.

Oddly enough it took a while before IOSYS made a mix of Fate of Sixty Years. And it turned out awesome, except for the part when you first realize that Siki is rapping XD


2010-03-06 16:56: New stuff. Finished Eternal Damnation. Redownload please!
2010-03-09 08:56: Changed MP3, thanks Doomsday
2010-03-18 21:25: Done, moving to pending. Download again pl0x.
2010-03-19 20:28: Mods applied, SB fixed
2010-03-22 07:17: Some Fixes
2010-03-24 21:35: More mods
2010-04-13 18:41: Made Merciful Forgiveness for an Easy.
2010-05-03 11:52 (GMT-8, DST): Fixed Eternal Damnation
2010-05-04 19:36 (GMT-8, DST): Offset resets taken care of
I'd totally map a difficulty if i wasn't already bogged down with WIP's

Seriously, this is my favourite "PV" IOSYS song by a clear mile, mainly because i don't really like the other tunes they make PV's for.

Actually, you could use a better MP3. Let me get one for you.

[EDIT] Enjoy
You'll need to adjust the offset if you add the MP3. The start time is different to yours.

Oh wait. You have storyboarding. Shit
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Doomsday93 wrote:

I'd totally map a difficulty if i wasn't already bogged down with WIP's

Seriously, this is my favourite "PV" IOSYS song by a clear mile, mainly because i don't really like the other tunes they make PV's for.

Actually, you could use a better MP3. Let me get one for you.

[EDIT] Enjoy
You'll need to adjust the offset if you add the MP3. The start time is different to yours.

Oh wait. You have storyboarding. Shit
You haven't been updated with the new editor options, haven't you? :) It's been here since the previous build:

Ah, didn't notice that. Handy
DnB in osu D:

Ah fuck it. May I make a difficulty? (If you don't want a guest diff, I don't mind)
Topic Starter

Doomsday93 wrote:

Ah fuck it. May I make a difficulty? (If you don't want a guest diff, I don't mind)
Sorry, nope, not this time.
lol @ tags

  • • Add some Source (like Touhou)
That's all, good job.
Topic Starter
...uh, what if the artist IS the source? o_O
jockeytiyan're addicted to Taiko hitsounds!


Painful Repentance:
03:40:310 - You can end it with a spinner, IMO.

Crap...I have nothing to say. There might have been parts that are copy-pasted but I really didn't notice it after 5 minutes of modding.

The Last Judgment:
00:52:309 (9) - Just wanna know why this ain't a new combo...

Actually, I think I need to recommend making the Taiko skin a "preferred skin" for the map. I can't distinguish the stacks in the streams (i.e. 01:39:452 (2,3,4) - ), IMO.

Eternal Damnation:
Ack...Insane. Nothing to put in here.

01:18:195 (1) - Oh god...I thought that part was an error. It's in the song...wth...

Anyway...that wasn't much of a mod was it? Sorry if I fail to see some errors. It might be because I just woke up. But partly because I'm a bit lazy.
  1. No source, Touhou isn't the source? I just wonder
  1. LuigiHann wrote:

    When you use the SB editor to create fade outs, you should check the code to make sure that all of your 0's are actually 0. SB editor tends to create numbers like 0.006720047 which has the very unfortunate side effect of having a nearly-invisible sprite remain onscreen when it's intended to be gone completely. That can cause serious frame rate drops
    So I fixed this for you
    Download: IOSYS - Danzai Yamaxanadu (Zekira).osb
[Painful Repentance]
  1. 00:22:481 (x) - Spinner ends here better IMO, or add a note here
  2. 00:41:681 (1,2,3,4) - white - red - white - red notes here are werid
[The Last Judgement]
  1. 00:41:681 (1,2,3,4,5) - Still feel odd, maybe just for me
  2. 02:50:252 (1) - 1/6 snap to 02:50:310
  3. 02:50:681 (2) - 1/6 snap to 02:50:710, lol these two notes are unusual lol
[Eternal Damnation]
  1. 00:32:081 (9) - New combo maybe, this combo seems long
  2. 00:41:681 (1,2,3,4) -
  3. 02:50:252 (1) - 1/6 snap to 02:50:310
  4. 02:50:681 (2) - 1/6 snap to 02:50:710, lol these two notes are unusual lol
    BTW, how could you do the BPM change like 1.5xBPM? By script?
Nice map overall
Can I make a difficulty for you?
Topic Starter

Zekira wrote:

Doomsday93 wrote:

Ah fuck it. May I make a difficulty? (If you don't want a guest diff, I don't mind)
Sorry, nope, not this time.
Painful Repentance
01:03:967 (2,3,4) - how about making this pattern a straight line?

The Last Judgment
Nothing I can find but a very small issue. That's why i didn't point it out.

Eternal Damnation

I don't know if this is intentional..
00:38:424 (9) - move one grid downward?
00:38:595 (10) - move two grids downward?
03:33:967 (9,10) - ^

So yeah, those are only suggestions. You may completely ignore them. And.. why is there no source? Here you go.

1) This beatmap need an easier diff

[Painful Repentance]
00:40:652 (5) - Don't stack with 4?
00:41:338 (7) - Don't stack with 6?
01:03:281 (x) - Add note?
01:06:024 (1,2,3) - Allign with 6?
01:06:024 (1,2,3) - Move 1 grid up?

[The Last Judgement]
00:40:309 (7) - New combo?

[Eternal Damnation]
This is f*cking shit of approval
01:58:481 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - The combo are too long, crop it?!
03:16:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - ^

Good song

xxheroxx wrote:


  • • Add some Source (like Touhou)
That's all, good job.
i strongly suggest you follow this guys mod, and adding Touhou as source, and nothing else.
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Really, I don't get why everything needs a source now. >_> Fine then, I'll put source until I can find a reason as to why it shouldn't be like that
i don't think you will find a reason.

Source: This field should generally only be included for Anime or Video Game songs, and occasionally for Novelty (Movies, TV, or Internet) songs. If the song is from an anime or video game, or is most famous for its use as a TV or movie theme, the title of that source goes here. Rock and Pop songs should generally leave the field blank: This is not to be used for things like album titles, and video games like Rock Band or Guitar Hero, which use already-popular songs, should not be named here.
it's as simple as that ^

or are you telling me that this theme doesn't come from touhou? in that case feel free to remove the source.
Topic Starter
Well it certainly did and was remixed, but with the number of remixes majorly outnumbering the original Touhou tracks, somehow it's feeling like the remixes are actually a superset of the originals and not the other way around...

'cuz really I thought source was where the music originally came from.

Oh wait... originally came from. asdfasdf looks like my words ate my own doubt again. Point taken.
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