
Tomofumi Tanizawa - Kimi ni Todoke (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010 at 05:41:59

Artist: Tomofumi Tanizawa
Title: Kimi ni Todoke (TV Size)
Source: Kimi ni Todoke
Tags: Kuronuma Sawako Kazehaya Shota Opening
BPM: 126
Filesize: 8163kb
Play Time: 00:54
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,45 stars, 53 notes)
  2. Hard (4,72 stars, 125 notes)
  3. Normal (3,49 stars, 69 notes)
Download: Tomofumi Tanizawa - Kimi ni Todoke (TV Size)
Download: Tomofumi Tanizawa - Kimi ni Todoke (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
8th beatmap.

A short map this time. <3"
Gotta love Sawako-chan. She's just cute.
00:25:609(1): For all diff's, start this at 00:25:847 imo it fits better.

THat's all, I don't like you mapping, it's too perfect.
As per your birthday:

00:16:799 (4) - Bad slider, bad! At least move the end point right one, but it's still a little lop-sided after that.
00:57:752 - Lower the volume on this last timing section. It's an abrupt increase that's weird.

00:42:276 (5) - Move the end point of this slider right one grid.
00:57:752 - Lower the volume on this last timing section. It's an abrupt increase that's weird.

00:08:228 (5) - New combo?
00:10:133 (9) - New combo? (if so, remove new combo at 00:11:085 (1) and add at 00:12:038 (4))
00:57:752 - Lower the volume on this last timing section. It's an abrupt increase that's weird.

Edit: Forgot to ask why you have stack leniency so low. So I asked in IRC. And edited this.

Heh, I still have that star2 I made in there. Doesn't look that bad if you ignore the fountains. >_>
Set a preview point.
Remove the .osb file and do a full resubmit

Timing section mod:
00:29:062 - change to custom hitsound 2 to be similar to the next hitsound section

Timing section mod:
00:29:062 - change to custom hitsound 2 to be similar to the next hitsound section
00:44:418 - make the non-kiai section have the same volume as the kiai section

Combo mod:
00:07:990 (4) - new combo to be consistent with 00:16:561 (1)

Timing section mod:
00:29:062 - change to custom hitsound 2 to be similar to the next hitsound section
00:44:418 - make the non-kiai section have the same volume as the kiai section

Nice map overall. I couldn't really find any large problems. Fix the preview point and .osb, and you should be good to go. Star.
00:15:609 (5) - Third square one grid right
00:16:561 (1) - (grid snap on and) 3rd square one grid left
00:36:799 (1) - 2nd square one grid right and down
New combo either to 00:42:038 (6) or 00:43:466 (10) ?
00:52:038 (2) - 2nd square one grid up
00:52:752 (3) - 3rd square one grid right

00:38:704 (3) - Delete this and then copy-pasta 1 and reverse selection-flip horizontal? ...And then maybe move the last two squares both one grid up.

Uguu, that's all I could find. Sorry bout my slider nazi modding. ;_; Starred~
Happy birthday to you!
Colin Hou
happy birthday! (i'm late though)
I'm modding it because I love you.

Nothing to poke at.



I kept getting a lot of 100s at around 00:19:702. I thought it was the offset(s), but it just might be because I just suck. :o

Looks alright to me! Star'd.
really really cute and nice


nothing found

I found the Spinner really confusing (hard to see when u have the video off)
maybe a diff bg on it?

Topic Starter
~ ;_;
Terrible mod gogo
I couldn't find anything wrong with hitsounds/rhythm/technical aspects.
Seriously. It sounds and plays great.
In order to try and help, I tried combo modding.
Chances are these are bad and you don't have to follow them :P

00:21:561 New combo? then...
00:23:466 Remove new combo?
00:39:657 New combo?

00:08:228 New combo? then...
00:09:180 Remove new combo?
00:21:561 New combo? then...
00:23:466 Remove new combo?
00:39:657 Remove new combo? then...
00:40:609 New combo?

00:21:323 New combo? then...
00:21:799 Remove new combo?
Great map, time for star.
Topic Starter
I've actually used 2 new combos, so yeah.
One final check before bubble...

Nothing to poke at.





Agnes wrote:

One final check before bubble...

Nothing to poke at.




Ranking a whore bubble :V
Omg sugoi music >w< *-* ;w;♥
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