
goreshit - satori de pon! [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2021년 10월 14일 목요일 at 오전 12:46:25

Artist: goreshit
Title: satori de pon!
Tags: FA Electronic Japanese Lolicore Speedcore a decade of shit - the very most bearable of goreshit splitshit Toromi とろ美 - 弐.さとりDeポン! RHR-0001 寺ズッキュン!愛の了法寺! 了法寺レコード Ryohoji Records Comic Market 78 C78 Comiket78 コミケ78 コミックマーケット78 10yo TenyO
BPM: 235
Filesize: 3835kb
Play Time: 02:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Tenyo's Fruitcore 2015 (CTB Survival) (9.42 stars, 1011 notes)
Download: goreshit - satori de pon!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
mapped by 10yo
metadata update on 10-13-2021
Nope i disagree this map. It's like converted 10stars
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