
ELISA - Euphoric Field (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domenica 21 novembre 2010 at 15:40:18

Artist: ELISA
Title: Euphoric Field (TV Size)
Source: ef - a tale of memories
Tags: Anime Vicho-kun xxheroxx Jeffro [Shalon]
BPM: 150
Filesize: 11011kb
Play Time: 01:18
Difficulties Available:
  1. [Shalon]'s Taiko (4,81 stars, 293 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 250 notes)
  3. Jeffro's Hard (4,96 stars, 195 notes)
  4. Normal (3,27 stars, 95 notes)
  5. Vicho's Normal+ (4,42 stars, 110 notes)
  6. xxheroxx's Easy (1,37 stars, 54 notes)
Download: ELISA - Euphoric Field (TV Size)
Download: ELISA - Euphoric Field (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 95th Beatmap.

I wanna dedicate this beatmap to 2 special friends for me, Bittersweet & ShaggoN <3

Special thanks to Jeffro for the custom skin :3


[Shalon]'s Taiko - Done.
Insane - Done.
Jeffro's Hard - Done.
Vicho's Normal+ - Done.
Normal - Done.
xxheroxx's Easy - Done.
I'll star this because it's just awesome and needs no modding even if it's wip :<
good job Andrea

also + faved
Gogo :D
lolwut i forgot your star. gomen ú.ù

[pt]E, mais uma coisa. Obrigada, Andrea <333 [/pt] :)
Here is my Hard, probably needs alot of tweaking but a good start nonetheless.

Also starred the map. Love it :)

Download: ELISA - Euphoric Field (TV Size) (osuplayer111) [Jeffro's Hard].osu
Cyril Scarlet
GOD ANIME !!!!! (゚Д゚)
Colin Hou
love = star
Hey~ mod timeeeee

Please remove soft-slidertick.wav 0 byte from the folder, according to new ranking rule it's not allowed to silence hitsounds.. and slidertick counts as a hitsound. (However, you can still use reduced volume timing sections for them)
EDIT: You can silence either sliderslide or slidertick, so I think what you did here still works.
Use slidertickrate 0,5 or 2 for all difficulties, it fits more.

blank.png.. what is this for? I can see you used it as a storyboard element but I fail to see why

[xxheroxx's Easy]
Slidertickrate advise ^

Great easy difficulty, couldn't find anything wrong. Good job!

00:24:538 - maybe a spinner for the long vocal here?

Another great difficulty, Good Job!

[Vicho's Normal+]
00:50:338 - add beat?
00:51:938 - ^
01:04:738 (4) - remove reverse?

Nice difficulty :3

[Jeffro's Hard]
This is an Insane imo
Approach Rate -1?

Nice diff nonetheless

Slidertickrate advise in general
00:49:138 - add beat?


Very nice diff spread and <3 mapset
Topic Starter
Fixed some, thank you :D
>_<// star~
You tended to make spinner's background clear but... I hate this Black Background issue ;_; It might be fixed on next release of osu! ;_;

[xxheroxx's Easy]
Good :3

Good :3

[Vicho's Normal+]
Good :3

[Jeffro's Hard]
00:36:338 (1,2) - Swap new combo?
00:45:538 (1) - [Nazi] If possible, move this note 1 grid up to fix spacing ;_;

Good :3

Actually... What should I have some suggestion on this?
It's very nice ;_;

Anyway, good luck :3

ps. BTW, I dunno if this prefers to Taiko diff orz
Topic Starter
Thanks quintitem for star and arien for modding!


well, I was mapped this song in past, so I finished this very short time.

thank you so much to give me this opportunity :D

I hope you like it ;)

Download: ELISA - Euphoric Field (TV Size) (osuplayer111) [[Shalon]'s Taiko].osu
Topic Starter
Everything is now finished~

Mod please!
[[Shalon]'s Taiko]
00:14:138 - [Suggestion] How about add HS 0.75 on here :3? [Since very calm song ;_;]
After this, you can imagine good HS thing about next parts but...
00:46:138 ~ - From here, HS should be 1 :3
00:30:138 (3) - Need of 'Finish'?
00:54:838 (1) - [Suggestion] Kat?
01:08:438 , 01:08:538 - DO NOT CUT KIAI TIME

And good taiko too ;_;
Good luck on this :3

ps. Don't give kudosu for this reply
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