
Galileo Galilei - Aoi Shiori

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 18 March 2018 at 02:54:25

Artist: Galileo Galilei
Title: Aoi Shiori
Source: あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。
Tags: Anohana Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai Hokichi opening op blue bookmark ガリレオガリレイ
BPM: 132
Filesize: 3706kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.46 stars, 98 notes)
  2. Hard (2.69 stars, 203 notes)
  3. Insane (3.63 stars, 289 notes)
  4. Normal (1.73 stars, 126 notes)
Download: Galileo Galilei - Aoi Shiori
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Everyone has changed. Thats not it... the one who has changed the most is... me

Easy - Me
Normal - Me
Hard - Me
Insane - Me
Special Thanks
Metadata Check - MkGuh and Alveryn
Storyboard - Hokichi
anohana in 2016 2017 2018

00:03:294 (1) - b ruh don't start a nc right here, if anything 00:02:840 (4) - has the the same beat as that, start a new nc here and delete the other one

n i ce hitsounds

00:18:294 (1,2) - i was expecting these to match the flow 00:14:658 (1,2) - and how they blanket (they're not really blanketed tho lmao) 00:18:294 (1,2) - just do a blanket anyway


00:31:022 (3,4) - do a curvy blanket so that they contrast 00:32:840 (1) - and how straight it is

exmple ( you can do something better than what i have imo)

00:54:658 (2) - don't nc

01:24:771 - don't start the spinner so early fam, it doesn't give enough time for the player to react especially on a easy difficulty, start it around here 01:25:112 - or somewhere besides a blue tick


00:08:294 (2) - why not just make that straight man I have a dislike towards slanted sliders orz

00:51:022 (1) - blanket this better towards 00:50:567 (5) -


I got the colors for hard and normal mixed up, whoops

00:00:113 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:03:749 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - I am prolly deaf or something but this entire section doesn't really map to the music? Sliders like 00:00:794 (2) - and 00:04:431 (2) - are mapped waaaay too early. Youre mapping all the sliders on offbeats xd. Highly recommended you would do a rhythm similar to the one pictured below where the sliders start on same applies for 00:03:749 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -

01:02:612 (5) - i was hoping the rhythm would follow 00:55:567 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - and how there isnt a beat on the red tick 00:58:976 - why not just get rid of 01:02:612 - so that the rhythm is similar

01:12:385 (2,3,4,5,6) - the way this plays out with the music doesn't really make much sense, maybe use a rhythm like this, it matches the instruments better

rip my shit mod

i like the song
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MikasaSerket wrote:


00:03:294 (1) - b ruh don't start a nc right here, if anything 00:02:840 (4) - has the the same beat as that, start a new nc here and delete the other one ok, wanted to be cool because of the high note but since its an easy i guess readability right

n i ce hitsounds t a nk s

00:18:294 (1,2) - i was expecting these to match the flow 00:14:658 (1,2) - and how they blanket (they're not really blanketed tho lmao) 00:18:294 (1,2) - just do a blanket anyway i think its fine tbh and it adds a bit of variety, also if i followed that i would have to remap a fair chunk because of how it flows into (3)


00:31:022 (3,4) - do a curvy blanket so that they contrast 00:32:840 (1) - and how straight it is maybe

exmple ( you can do something better than what i have imo)

00:54:658 (2) - don't nc deleted the first nc but kept this one since i like how it acts as a visual indicator sort of indicating the next section?

01:24:771 - don't start the spinner so early fam, it doesn't give enough time for the player to react especially on a easy difficulty, start it around here 01:25:112 - or somewhere besides a blue tick i'm pretty sure this is fine in easy diffs? will check with more people/bn's


00:08:294 (2) - why not just make that straight man I have a dislike towards slanted sliders orz because 00:11:022 (1) - is straight and does it even matter kappa
00:51:022 (1) - blanket this better towards 00:50:567 (5) - ok


I got the colors for hard and normal mixed up, whoops

00:00:113 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:03:749 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - I am prolly deaf or something but this entire section doesn't really map to the music? Sliders like 00:00:794 (2) - and 00:04:431 (2) - are mapped waaaay too early. Youre mapping all the sliders on offbeats xd. Highly recommended you would do a rhythm similar to the one pictured below where the sliders start on same applies for 00:03:749 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -

I mapped it this way since there is a guitar playing on the slider notes, I wanted to have some variety in how each difficulty is mapped so for this difficulty to keep difficulty within reasonable spread and to also make it a bit more interesting when compared to say easy/normal I mapped a different part of the music here (I followed accompanying guitar, not the lead) and since the guitars notes here don't end on downbeats I understand what you mean with the rhythm comment, but I believe that this section is fine as it is at the moment.

01:02:612 (5) - i was hoping the rhythm would follow 00:55:567 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - and how there isnt a beat on the red tick 00:58:976 - why not just get rid of 01:02:612 - so that the rhythm is similar because there is a vocal there but i understand what you mean, i was 50/50 on this tbh when mapping it, will change depending on further feedback

01:12:385 (2,3,4,5,6) - the way this plays out with the music doesn't really make much sense, maybe use a rhythm like this, it matches the instruments better

you confused me here, theres 3 triples in the snare and your rhythm doesn't make sense to me either lmao, maybe its the way that this rhythm is actually clicked instead of the notes being wrong? idk lol

rip my shit mod - sorry for denying most of it, but i think my reasons are justified for the most part?

i like the song - mi2
Thanks for the mod! I'll mod your map probably tomorrow since it's 11pm here atm
Ayo~ From my queue


01:24:657 (1) - Move to (244,232) for a better flow


I see you ignore some big white tick at the beginning of the song. You did this on purpose?
00:23:749 (1) - Change this slider into something like this for a better flow
00:13:749 (3,4,1) - Okay, I don't get this pattern. Something like this may improve the flow?
Change the AR to 7 maybe better?


00:20:113 (1) - Move to (184,84) for a better flow

I really enjoy the song, really. But it's TV Size right? I still recommend you to put a video. Still, I'll make you an SB. I do the modding first then the SB later.
My modding is not so good. I'm noob :(
I'm still very new to this modding thing. Mostly flow, beat and timing check. But your beat is great. Nice map

That's it for me. Good luck!
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Itsuki Hako wrote:

Ayo~ From my queue


01:24:657 (1) - Move to (244,232) for a better flow Doing this overlaps (3) :(


I see you ignore some big white tick at the beginning of the song. You did this on purpose?
Yes, doesn't follow the lead guitar but follows accompanying guitar, plays fine imo
00:23:749 (1) - Change this slider into something like this for a better flow ok, i sharpened the curvature of the slider
00:13:749 (3,4,1) - Okay, I don't get this pattern. Something like this may improve the flow? Ctrl + G'd (3) instead
Change the AR to 7 maybe better? oops, accidently kept the difficulty settings from insane XD, changed


00:20:113 (1) - Move to (184,84) for a better flow I don't think it makes much of a difference tbh :p, also doing this ruins the blanket onto 00:18:749 (2) - (if it even counts as one xd)

I really enjoy the song, really. But it's TV Size right? I still recommend you to put a video. Still, I'll make you an SB. I do the modding first then the SB later.
My modding is not so good. I'm noob :(
I'm still very new to this modding thing. Mostly flow, beat and timing check. But your beat is great. Nice map

That's it for me. Good luck!
Thank you for mod and SB :D

I would add the video but tbh I think a custom storyboard is more interesting to watch than the intro considering people playing this might have already seen it :P


00:25:567 (1) - maybe finish on slider head, cause of guitar sound at the background and you did same thing with 00:21:931 (1) - , so
00:32:840 (1) - same thing
and maybe you should silence the end of last spinner to 5% cause there is no sound

cant find any troubles in this diff


00:50:567 (5,1) - blanket can be improved a bit
00:51:022 (1,2) - here too i think but it doesnt really metter
01:12:385 (2,3,4,5) - i think you are using too many whistles here, so consider setting it on 2 ( head and end), than 4 (head) and on 5 and remove whistle from 3 and end of 4
and silence spinner if you did it in easy, if not - ignore this

nice diff, again i cant find nothing wrong


00:02:840 (5,6,1) - from your reply to MikasaSerket's mod i understood that you're trying to map accompanying guitar at the beginning, but this three notes are totally not connected with it, so maybe just delete them without making a break between 00:01:703 (4,1) - , maybe its just me, but trying map one sound and then immediately the other one feels strange
00:06:476 (5,6,1) - same
00:41:703 (4,1) - any reasons for this jump? also how about just making 00:41:022 (3) - reversal?
00:54:658 (7) - nc cause of special hitsound?
01:09:885 - maybe note here? if you add you can set drum custom hitsound on all 3 notes 01:09:657 (4,1) -
01:12:385 (2) - maybe move it to the head of folowing slider?

most of this suggestions is imo, its fine if you disagree


00:02:840 (3,4,1) - maybe this all should be one new combo, cause it emphasizing a special sound in this song, dunno how to say, hope you understand
00:14:203 (5) - maybe end slider on blue tick?
00:21:022 (3) - maybe move it to the left and ctrl+g for flow?
00:22:840 (4) - ctrl+g?
00:53:976 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - this stream is pretty hard to aim, maybe lower the spacing or make it just bunch of kicksliders?

this diff is really good, well done

so this is it from me, sorry if it wasnt really helpful

thank you again for your mod

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freebird42 wrote:



00:25:567 (1) - maybe finish on slider head, cause of guitar sound at the background and you did same thing with 00:21:931 (1) - , so
00:32:840 (1) - same thing
I'm a bit confused as to what you mean here by finish on slider head? The sliders are the same length, just made to look differently? idk lol
and maybe you should silence the end of last spinner to 5% cause there is no sound the guitar sound is still fading at this point, although i do think it might be a bit quiet, maybe change depending on further feedback, ty for pointing it out though

cant find any troubles in this diff


00:50:567 (5,1) - blanket can be improved a bit agreed, nice find
00:51:022 (1,2) - here too i think but it doesnt really metter fixed due to fixing blanket before
01:12:385 (2,3,4,5) - i think you are using too many whistles here, so consider setting it on 2 ( head and end), than 4 (head) and on 5 and remove whistle from 3 and end of 4 the whistles follow the triples in the snare in the music, they sound fine to me personally
and silence spinner if you did it in easy, if not - ignore this

nice diff, again i cant find nothing wrong


00:02:840 (5,6,1) - from your reply to MikasaSerket's mod i understood that you're trying to map accompanying guitar at the beginning, but this three notes are totally not connected with it, so maybe just delete them without making a break between 00:01:703 (4,1) - , maybe its just me, but trying map one sound and then immediately the other one feels strange I understand where you're coming from, but the notes in the music are far too important to simply ignore or just use as a break, i'll change this section depending on more feedback again though since it seems people are unsure about it
00:06:476 (5,6,1) - same ^
00:41:703 (4,1) - any reasons for this jump? also how about just making 00:41:022 (3) - reversal? did something a bit different, but you're right there was no need for a jump
00:54:658 (7) - nc cause of special hitsound? yup, good catch
01:09:885 - maybe note here? if you add you can set drum custom hitsound on all 3 notes 01:09:657 (4,1) - following the main vocal line here and since the bass drum is pretty quiet and the vocal is pretty loud i decided to have a small break here
01:12:385 (2) - maybe move it to the head of folowing slider? no thanks, feels a bit weird to play imo

most of this suggestions is imo, its fine if you disagree


00:02:840 (3,4,1) - maybe this all should be one new combo, cause it emphasizing a special sound in this song, dunno how to say, hope you understand i agree with you, although i wanted to emphasise the high note a lot more than the others so i only nc'd the final note
00:14:203 (5) - maybe end slider on blue tick? slider ends on an open hihat in the music, keeping the same :p
00:21:022 (3) - maybe move it to the left and ctrl+g for flow? no thanks, i like the linear flow that this has and also moving it to the left would make the flow to 4 -> 5 a bit wonky
00:22:840 (4) - ctrl+g? would screw up distance spacing structure if i did this, also the current flow makes a triangle which i think flows fine
00:53:976 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - this stream is pretty hard to aim, maybe lower the spacing or make it just bunch of kicksliders? maybe, i might change depending on further feedback but since this is basically the only stream in the whole mapset i wanted it to be at least a bit difficult

this diff is really good, well done

so this is it from me, sorry if it wasnt really helpful

thank you again for your mod

Thanks for the mod ^^ your mod pointed out some things that i hadn't noticed and was pretty helpful, especially for normal/hard diff, so thanks :D

NOTE: Not updated the mapset yet due to the storyboard being 50% completed, will update as soon as it is fully done
hi m4m

00:21:931 (1) - I think a curvier shape would be better here, how about something like this?
00:32:840 (1) - same. I think just curving up the straight lines would make it more fitting to the song

00:23:749 (3) - Would flow better if you curved it the other way imo
00:28:294 (5,6) - curve these like your other 1/2 sliders?
00:43:067 (7) - Normally beats 1/4 apart arent allowed in normals, you might get away with it with this bpm though, not sure
00:59:203 (1,2,3) - rhythms like these are kinda weird imo. You start off mapping the vocals but map the drums at the end. stick to one?
01:01:021 (4,5,6) - ^
01:06:476 (1) - This would defenitely flow better if it was curved the opposite direction
01:22:839 (1,2) - I think this would look better as a reverse slider like the other 2 imo

00:21:703 (5) - drum hitsounds are a bit weird to use for me
00:28:976 (3) - ^ same. Maybe its k tho. Im not god
00:35:113 (2) - Open up the curve a tiny bit pls; it would make the pattern much prettier

00:53:976 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - i dont think the music calls for spacing this big imho
01:00:112 (3,4,5,6) - It would play better if you repeated the rhythm of 00:59:203 (1,2) . It wouldnt get boring and in fact would fflow pretty well
01:15:112 (6,7) - jump is a bit too big for my liking

i hope this mod was useful, GL!
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Kisses wrote:

hi m4m

00:21:931 (1) - I think a curvier shape would be better here, how about something like this? good idea, did something different though
00:32:840 (1) - same. I think just curving up the straight lines would make it more fitting to the song ^

00:23:749 (3) - Would flow better if you curved it the other way imo done
00:28:294 (5,6) - curve these like your other 1/2 sliders? ok
00:43:067 (7) - Normally beats 1/4 apart arent allowed in normals, you might get away with it with this bpm though, not sure I'm pretty sure that this will be ok, if not i'll change it though, will wait for more opinions
00:59:203 (1,2,3) - rhythms like these are kinda weird imo. You start off mapping the vocals but map the drums at the end. stick to one? I think that these are fine, since these patterns actually do follow the vocal throughout (only the 3 isn't, and the drum beat is too important to miss)
01:01:021 (4,5,6) - ^ ^
01:06:476 (1) - This would defenitely flow better if it was curved the opposite direction agreed
01:22:839 (1,2) - I think this would look better as a reverse slider like the other 2 imo i'm 50/50 about this, i mapped it the way i did because it kind of acts as a build up to the ending since the player does more clicking but i see what you mean by it looking better, i'll wait for more opinions first

00:21:703 (5) - drum hitsounds are a bit weird to use for me open hithat plays in the music so i used the drum hitsound to accent it
00:28:976 (3) - ^ same. Maybe its k tho. Im not god ^
00:35:113 (2) - Open up the curve a tiny bit pls; it would make the pattern much prettier changed

00:53:976 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - i dont think the music calls for spacing this big imho ok, changed since thats twice it's been suggested
01:00:112 (3,4,5,6) - It would play better if you repeated the rhythm of 00:59:203 (1,2) . It wouldnt get boring and in fact would fflow pretty well hmmm, im 50/50 on this change since i kind of like the variety it adds, maybe change on further feedback
01:15:112 (6,7) - jump is a bit too big for my liking nerfed a little bit, equaled distance spacing too

i hope this mod was useful, GL!
Thanks for the mod! a lot more useful than mine was xd

Hey! A little present for you!
From my queue
It's kinda simple but I've done my best so hope you enjoy this :) :D
Remember to turn on "Widescreen Support"
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Updated mapset, thanks for the SB :D

Log Off Now wrote:

Updated mapset, thanks for the SB :D
How is it?
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Itsuki Hako wrote:

Log Off Now wrote:

Updated mapset, thanks for the SB :D
How is it?
Sent a PM :D
Hi, from my modding queue


60% hitsound volume on the timing point is too loud for this song, IMO

Using grey combo colour while the SB is as the same colour is kinda toxic to the gameplay -- (and I think it's ruled as unrankable)

We Still Don't Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day - is this really a tag? Also add the name of the dude that made the SB for you

F4 > Design > Display Epilepsy Warning -- Check for all

01:24:657 - Kiai time should end here, in all diffs

HP down to 6

00:02:840 (3) - stack with 00:01:022 (3) - end

00:03:294 (1) - this slider shape is currently really weird and unbalanced, maybe a simple curved slider blanketing with 00:02:613 (2) - will look better


00:06:931 (1) - same as above ^ (if you do keep those, please take a moment to improve their shape. base example of S shaped sliders: - use this, make a whole beat slider, rotate it as you like. Then, reduce it to 3/4ths of a beat and place a circle on the previous end) (if my explanation wasn't good enough, hit me in-game and I'll devote more time to explain)

00:08:749 (6) - blanket head with 00:10:567 (5) -

00:12:158 (3) - somewhere like 138, 134 looks better (simply put for all this kind of end on blue tick: try to make it have DS = 1, like in 00:03:294 (1,1) - and
00:18:294 (1,2) - and so on)

00:32:385 (5,6,1) - dont change this one as ^suggested

00:33:294 (2) - blanket could be slightly better with 00:33:976 (4) -

00:43:749 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - select all and move to 278, 229 - 00:44:658 (3) - end will now be stacked with 00:41:931 (1) -

00:53:976 (6) - NC

00:59:203 (1,2) - I see what you tried to do here, but this kinda of shapping doesn't flow as good as 00:59:657 (2) - being shaped like this:

If you consider this ^, 01:00:112 (3) - will also have to be moved. I suggest you to select 01:00:112 (3,4,5) - , rotate by 90º anti-clock wise and place where you like

01:27:612 (1,1) - overmap


NCs feel kinda weird for me in this diff, not saying they're wrong, but sometimes I get confused if it should really be a NC or not

00:03:294 (1,1) - IMO they would play nicer if they were closer, but moving them will need some workaround

00:06:930 (1,1) - ^

00:04:431 (2) - blanket this

00:21:703 (5) - On hards, better be a triple than a kickslider, IMO

00:28:976 (3) - ^

00:53:976 (4) - same as above, NC (tho TBH this didn't play bad, still doesn't think its fitting for a hard)

01:06:021 (3,4) - select both and move slightly up, so they are evenly spaced with 01:05:339 (2) -

01:13:067 (4,5,6) - you know what I'm going to say at this point, dont you

01:20:794 (5) - ^

01:24:771 (1) - should end on 01:27:157 with a way lower hitsound volume (current has 40% at this point 01:27:157, maybe set it to 20 or 25, hell, even lower would be good too)


AR, OD and HP up by 0,5

00:41:931 (5) - NC

00:51:022 (1) - blanket could be very slightly improved

01:24:771 (1) - same as in hard


01:24:657 (1) - remove this note and start spin here. also, same speech about the spinner as in normal and hard

Hope it helps!

Beautiful song choice, too :D
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Mercusheigan wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue


60% hitsound volume on the timing point is too loud for this song, IMO agreed, dropped to 50

Using grey combo colour while the SB is as the same colour is kinda toxic to the gameplay -- (and I think it's ruled as unrankable) I didn't really think about this XD, I think I can get away with it since the grey and whites are still distinguishable to me, but i'll have to check with a BN about it, thanks for pointing it out to me :P

We Still Don't Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day - is this really a tag? yes, it's the english translation to the full title of the anime Also add the name of the dude that made the SB for you done

F4 > Design > Display Epilepsy Warning -- Check for all done

01:24:657 - Kiai time should end here, in all diffs agreed, changed

HP down to 6 Honestly I think 7 works fine, I might change it depending on further feedback but HP7 seems fine to me

00:02:840 (3) - stack with 00:01:022 (3) - end Personally I don't think it matters much that this is unstacked, it would also make a jump thats a bit too big for my liking considering the intensity of the music at this point

00:03:294 (1) - this slider shape is currently really weird and unbalanced, maybe a simple curved slider blanketing with 00:02:613 (2) - will look better wanted to keep the wave shape that I had before, although I agree it did look a bit weird so I've improved it


00:06:931 (1) - same as above ^ (if you do keep those, please take a moment to improve their shape. base example of S shaped sliders: - use this, make a whole beat slider, rotate it as you like. Then, reduce it to 3/4ths of a beat and place a circle on the previous end) (if my explanation wasn't good enough, hit me in-game and I'll devote more time to explain) ^

00:08:749 (6) - blanket head with 00:10:567 (5) - cool idea, changed

00:12:158 (3) - somewhere like 138, 134 looks better (simply put for all this kind of end on blue tick: try to make it have DS = 1, like in 00:03:294 (1,1) - and
00:18:294 (1,2) - and so on)
The distance spacing for these is actually almost the same as the ones in the first section, it's the slider velocity changes that make it look a bit weird, although I did notice that this one was slightly off so i've fixed that one

00:32:385 (5,6,1) - dont change this one as ^suggested

00:33:294 (2) - blanket could be slightly better with 00:33:976 (4) - fixed

00:43:749 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - select all and move to 278, 229 - 00:44:658 (3) - end will now be stacked with 00:41:931 (1) - this was suggested to me in an irc mod earlier yesterday, might change

00:53:976 (6) - NC

00:59:203 (1,2) - I see what you tried to do here, but this kinda of shapping doesn't flow as good as 00:59:657 (2) - being shaped like this:

If you consider this ^, 01:00:112 (3) - will also have to be moved. I suggest you to select 01:00:112 (3,4,5) - , rotate by 90º anti-clock wise and place where you like
Done, nice idea :)

01:27:612 (1,1) - overmap I disagree, I think this is a really cool ending to me with the fading guitar and slider velocity changes following that :(


NCs feel kinda weird for me in this diff, not saying they're wrong, but sometimes I get confused if it should really be a NC or not

00:03:294 (1,1) - IMO they would play nicer if they were closer, but moving them will need some workaround I honestly think they're fine

00:06:930 (1,1) - ^ ^

00:04:431 (2) - blanket this might do, it would overlap the slider end on (4) though so i'm 50/50, will wait for more feedback

00:21:703 (5) - On hards, better be a triple than a kickslider, IMO I checked with a couple of people and they said that they should be fine since its a low bpm song with low spacing to the next note

00:28:976 (3) - ^ ^

00:53:976 (4) - same as above, NC (tho TBH this didn't play bad, still doesn't think its fitting for a hard)

01:06:021 (3,4) - select both and move slightly up, so they are evenly spaced with 01:05:339 (2) - changed

01:13:067 (4,5,6) - you know what I'm going to say at this point, dont you ok i changed the last one lol

01:20:794 (5) - ^ same as other kickslider comments

01:24:771 (1) - should end on 01:27:157 with a way lower hitsound volume (current has 40% at this point 01:27:157, maybe set it to 20 or 25, hell, even lower would be good too)
the echo ends at where the spinner currently ends, although I agree the hitsound should be lowered (and it's been suggested before too) so i've changed it


AR, OD and HP up by 0,5

00:41:931 (5) - NC good catch

00:51:022 (1) - blanket could be very slightly improved fixed for the third time q.q

01:24:771 (1) - same as in hard same comment as hard


01:24:657 (1) - remove this note and start spin here. also, same speech about the spinner as in normal and hard I think this is fine in an easy and the note is too loud to not be hitsounded/properly clickable

Hope it helps!

Beautiful song choice, too :D
Thanks for the mod :D really helpful
Hi \o, mod is here ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

2016-04-07 21:35 WISPG_G: hi
2016-04-07 21:35 Log Off Now: sup
2016-04-07 21:35 Log Off Now: sorry im so late XD
2016-04-07 21:35 WISPG_G: ye, sup
2016-04-07 21:35 WISPG_G: ye, late
2016-04-07 21:35 WISPG_G: ye, go mod?
2016-04-07 21:35 Log Off Now: managed to finish one of the assignments though so its good :P
2016-04-07 21:35 Log Off Now: sure :)
2016-04-07 21:36 WISPG_G: well, lets start
2016-04-07 21:36 WISPG_G: ACTION is editing [ Galileo Galilei - Aoi Shiori (TV Size) [Easy]]
2016-04-07 21:36 WISPG_G: this?
2016-04-07 21:37 Log Off Now: have you redownloaded the map? just updated sb :P
2016-04-07 21:37 Log Off Now: and yes thats the map :D
2016-04-07 21:37 WISPG_G: you have sb?
2016-04-07 21:37 Log Off Now: yeah
2016-04-07 21:37 Log Off Now:
2016-04-07 21:37 WISPG_G: well, i ussually dont check sb
2016-04-07 21:37 WISPG_G: i dont that nessesary
2016-04-07 21:38 Log Off Now: ah kk, it still has the latest map changes though
2016-04-07 21:40 WISPG_G: wait 1 min
2016-04-07 21:40 Log Off Now: kk :p
2016-04-07 21:42 WISPG_G: ok i am ready
2016-04-07 21:42 WISPG_G: 00:02:840 (4,5,4) - why not same?
2016-04-07 21:43 Log Off Now: this is for the easy diff right?
2016-04-07 21:44 WISPG_G: thats fine, but why dont do that same?
2016-04-07 21:44 Log Off Now: theres hihats being played in the music second time around
2016-04-07 21:44 Log Off Now: and wanted to follow this in the map aswell
2016-04-07 21:45 WISPG_G: 00:21:931 (1) - fix a bit shape
2016-04-07 21:45 WISPG_G:
2016-04-07 21:45 WISPG_G: on the white tick i hear beat
2016-04-07 21:46 WISPG_G: place red point in center of circle
2016-04-07 21:46 Log Off Now: going to replace that slider at some point :P
2016-04-07 21:46 Log Off Now: want a curvier shape since i'm mainly following the guitar
2016-04-07 21:46 WISPG_G:
2016-04-07 21:47 WISPG_G: i mean just move red point in center of cricle
2016-04-07 21:47 Log Off Now: ok, changed it
2016-04-07 21:48 WISPG_G: and sometimes mappers use hitsounds for slider ticks in easy difs
2016-04-07 21:48 WISPG_G: may be you should too?
2016-04-07 21:48 WISPG_G: make there hit-clap for slider tick
2016-04-07 21:48 WISPG_G: i mean hit-whistle...
2016-04-07 21:48 Log Off Now: i might do, although i personally find them a bit weird if they're the same volume as main clicks
2016-04-07 21:49 Log Off Now: i might change it idk :p
2016-04-07 21:49 WISPG_G: just copy you currnet hit-whistle and change name for slider tick
2016-04-07 21:49 WISPG_G: hit-whistle like here 00:21:476 (4) -
2016-04-07 21:50 Log Off Now: yeah ik how to do it, i don't know if i want to at the moment though, will need to think on it a bit more
2016-04-07 21:50 WISPG_G: well
2016-04-07 21:50 WISPG_G: 00:25:567 (1) - here same may be should distinguish beat here
2016-04-07 21:51 Log Off Now: same as above :p might change it might not
2016-04-07 21:51 WISPG_G: ther may be few same sliders check them
2016-04-07 21:52 Log Off Now: yeah ik theres a few more like it
2016-04-07 21:53 WISPG_G: 01:01:021 (3) - may be make here same shape as here 01:02:839 (1) - ?
2016-04-07 21:54 Log Off Now: good idea, changed
2016-04-07 21:55 WISPG_G: 01:24:771 (1) - i am nut sure, but ussually objects in easy diffs dont placing on blue ticks
2016-04-07 21:55 WISPG_G: i am not sure about spinner
2016-04-07 21:55 Log Off Now: spinner should be fine
2016-04-07 21:55 Log Off Now: although i'll double check with a bn
2016-04-07 21:55 WISPG_G: ok
2016-04-07 21:56 WISPG_G: other things looks fine i guess
2016-04-07 21:56 Log Off Now: :D
2016-04-07 21:56 WISPG_G: go check next dif
2016-04-07 21:57 WISPG_G: 00:02:613 - imo very strong beat + signal for NC, may be place there note?
2016-04-07 21:59 Log Off Now: hmmm maybe
2016-04-07 21:59 Log Off Now: i wanted to keep the rhythm simple for the most part but it is a strong note
2016-04-07 22:00 Log Off Now: maybe change :p
2016-04-07 22:02 WISPG_G: 00:51:022 (1,2) - a bit not perfect blanket
2016-04-07 22:03 WISPG_G:
2016-04-07 22:04 Log Off Now: fixed
2016-04-07 22:05 WISPG_G: other things looks fine
2016-04-07 22:05 WISPG_G: go next
2016-04-07 22:06 Log Off Now: :D
2016-04-07 22:06 WISPG_G: i will make test play first for this and next difs
2016-04-07 22:06 WISPG_G: if you want
2016-04-07 22:07 Log Off Now: sure, up to you ^^
2016-04-07 22:08 WISPG_G:
2016-04-07 22:08 WISPG_G: hmm
2016-04-07 22:09 Log Off Now: i guess that miss was the final 'stream' part
2016-04-07 22:09 Log Off Now: with the three short sliders and circle
2016-04-07 22:09 WISPG_G: nope
2016-04-07 22:09 WISPG_G: just miss
2016-04-07 22:09 WISPG_G: i absolutly dont feel what that 1st part fits music
2016-04-07 22:10 Log Off Now: its following the accompanying guitar
2016-04-07 22:10 WISPG_G: 00:02:840 (5) - may be NC here?
2016-04-07 22:10 WISPG_G: ye this follow but i dont feel it)
2016-04-07 22:11 WISPG_G: and remove here 00:03:294 (1) -
2016-04-07 22:11 Log Off Now: ok yeah i ncd it
2016-04-07 22:11 Log Off Now: yup remove that one too
2016-04-07 22:11 Log Off Now: also changed the second pattern too
2016-04-07 22:11 WISPG_G: good
2016-04-07 22:11 Log Off Now: maybe thats why people don't really get that pattern because the NCs dont indicate it properly
2016-04-07 22:12 WISPG_G: 00:13:749 (3,1) - improve that blanket please
2016-04-07 22:13 Log Off Now: fixed
2016-04-07 22:13 WISPG_G: 00:25:340 (4) - here must be hit-whistle, isn't it?
2016-04-07 22:14 WISPG_G: 00:32:385 (3,4,1) - also here?
2016-04-07 22:15 Log Off Now: no since theres no open hihat in the music there
2016-04-07 22:15 Log Off Now: same for the second one too
2016-04-07 22:16 WISPG_G: 00:35:113 (2,3,4) - i feel like here must be 1/1 circles
2016-04-07 22:17 Log Off Now: hmm, yeah i agree, i've changed (3) into two 1/1 circles
2016-04-07 22:17 Log Off Now: good idea
2016-04-07 22:18 WISPG_G: 00:42:840 (3,5) - strange suggest for you, but)
2016-04-07 22:19 WISPG_G: 5 on x:346, but 3 on x:345))
2016-04-07 22:20 Log Off Now: thats what they already are XD#
2016-04-07 22:20 Log Off Now: unless you mean to swap them around? in which i don't think that makes much sense since theres only 3 bass kicks instead of 4
2016-04-07 22:20 WISPG_G: um, no... just move 5 on x:345 xD
2016-04-07 22:21 Log Off Now: i think that would be a bit hard to read because of the low ar
2016-04-07 22:21 WISPG_G: 00:47:385 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - not same patterns
2016-04-07 22:22 WISPG_G: if turn on of them
2016-04-07 22:22 WISPG_G:
2016-04-07 22:22 Log Off Now: nah, i want to keep the turn on the second one :p
2016-04-07 22:22 WISPG_G: they dont same
2016-04-07 22:22 Log Off Now: i want to keep the distance spacing the same on both of them
2016-04-07 22:23 Log Off Now: although i did originally want them to essentially be opposites
2016-04-07 22:23 Log Off Now: i'll work a way of fixing it XD
2016-04-07 22:24 WISPG_G: you can just copy this 00:50:340 (2,3) - turn 180 and place on same place instead of that 00:48:522 (2,3) - on same place
2016-04-07 22:25 WISPG_G: but sliders if you want you can keep
2016-04-07 22:25 WISPG_G: and may be stack this notes 00:48:749 (3,3) -
2016-04-07 22:25 Log Off Now: yeah i'm gonna stack the 3's
2016-04-07 22:26 Log Off Now: thats what i mean i'm gonna try rework that pattern so it's the same look but equal
2016-04-07 22:26 WISPG_G: 01:11:476 (4,1,2) - this looking a bit confusing for me
2016-04-07 22:27 WISPG_G: thats place where i broke my combo
2016-04-07 22:27 Log Off Now: it's just a stack :p
2016-04-07 22:28 WISPG_G: thats it here
2016-04-07 22:28 WISPG_G: go next
2016-04-07 22:28 Log Off Now: :D
2016-04-07 22:28 WISPG_G: :D
2016-04-07 22:28 WISPG_G: :D
2016-04-07 22:28 WISPG_G: \:D/
2016-04-07 22:28 WISPG_G: D:
2016-04-07 22:28 Log Off Now: XD
2016-04-07 22:28 Log Off Now: i use emotes too much q.q
2016-04-07 22:29 WISPG_G: emotes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2016-04-07 22:29 WISPG_G: MAGIC (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
2016-04-07 22:29 WISPG_G: EMOTES (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
2016-04-07 22:29 Log Off Now: XD
2016-04-07 22:29 WISPG_G: (ʘᗩʘ')
2016-04-07 22:29 WISPG_G: i go to test play
2016-04-07 22:30 Log Off Now: kk
2016-04-07 22:31 WISPG_G:
2016-04-07 22:32 Log Off Now: :o
2016-04-07 22:32 Log Off Now: what happened in the middle lol
2016-04-07 22:32 WISPG_G: just a bit sleepy, and "online" message
2016-04-07 22:33 Log Off Now: XD
2016-04-07 22:34 WISPG_G: 00:25:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this pattern looks random
2016-04-07 22:34 WISPG_G: hmm
2016-04-07 22:35 Log Off Now: it's basically a triangle that gets bigger then smaller
2016-04-07 22:35 Log Off Now: and it's also sort of a star shape :p although i didn't intend it to be one
2016-04-07 22:37 WISPG_G: 00:44:431 (2,3) - blanket
2016-04-07 22:38 WISPG_G: 01:10:567 (2,4) - stack?
2016-04-07 22:38 Log Off Now: oops, i didn't notice that one XD
2016-04-07 22:38 Log Off Now: fixed
2016-04-07 22:38 Log Off Now: nah, would make it too hard to read
2016-04-07 22:38 Log Off Now: although i've made it a bit more obvious that it's not meant to stack :p
2016-04-07 22:39 WISPG_G: 01:18:067 (3,6) - - 3 - x:440, 6 - x:448
2016-04-07 22:41 Log Off Now: what about them?
2016-04-07 22:41 Log Off Now: :o
2016-04-07 22:42 WISPG_G: just move 6 to x:440 y:328
2016-04-07 22:42 Log Off Now: hmm i don't really like that flow :/
2016-04-07 22:42 WISPG_G: and may be fix a bit spacing here
2016-04-07 22:43 Log Off Now: oh yeah, fixed spacing
2016-04-07 22:44 WISPG_G: 01:28:067 (1) - imo here better another 1/2 slider with silenced end
2016-04-07 22:44 Log Off Now: the echo becomes really inaudible then on that last one otherwise i would have done :p
2016-04-07 22:45 WISPG_G: well
2016-04-07 22:45 WISPG_G: as you wish
2016-04-07 22:45 WISPG_G: well, my jub here is finished
2016-04-07 22:45 WISPG_G: job*
2016-04-07 22:45 Log Off Now: thanks :D
Herro! This is the requested M4M Mod:


Wow, this Map is awesome, especially the SB! I wasn´t able to Mod that much, because there isn´t much to mod anymore imo. :D :P


Nothing to Mod here. Seems perfectly fine to me.


My only Issue here is the Circle Size. Maybe increase it by 0.5? It looks a bit too small for a Normal and would fit in more into an Advanced/Hard Diff in my Opinion.


00:53:976 (4,5,6,1) - I feel really uncomfortable with this Kind of Sliders. I would prefer a Circle Stream or such.
01:12:612 (3,4,5,6) - I don´t know what to think about this. It doesn´t seem wrong, but it´s just weird to play in my Opinion. (Or I am just a bad Player, which seems more reasonable.)
01:23:976 (5,6,7,1) - Same as above.


00:01:703 (4,2,3,4) - This Sudden jump screwed me up all the Time at the beginning. I don´t know if it is necessary to get changed, but yeah. 00:06:249 (2,3,4) - Same here. :o
00:11:703 (2,3) - Hmm, either, I have a bad Melody-Taste, or these two don´t fit into the Beat.
01:00:453 (4,5) - Does it have a Specific Reason, why you put two Sliders here, instead of a small Slider, like 01:01:476 (2) - here?

Sorry, I am really bad in Modding. :o :o Hope it was still.........uh.........something like Helpful.
Topic Starter
Log Off Now

-Crescendo- wrote:

Herro! This is the requested M4M Mod:


Wow, this Map is awesome, especially the SB! I wasn´t able to Mod that much, because there isn´t much to mod anymore imo. :D :P


Nothing to Mod here. Seems perfectly fine to me.


My only Issue here is the Circle Size. Maybe increase it by 0.5? It looks a bit too small for a Normal and would fit in more into an Advanced/Hard Diff in my Opinion. I think it's fine


00:53:976 (4,5,6,1) - I feel really uncomfortable with this Kind of Sliders. I would prefer a Circle Stream or such. I think a circle stream in the hard diff is a bit much since it's still really low SR
01:12:612 (3,4,5,6) - I don´t know what to think about this. It doesn´t seem wrong, but it´s just weird to play in my Opinion. (Or I am just a bad Player, which seems more reasonable.) Changed the final slider into two notes
01:23:976 (5,6,7,1) - Same as above. Same reason as above


00:01:703 (4,2,3,4) - This Sudden jump screwed me up all the Time at the beginning. I don´t know if it is necessary to get changed, but yeah. 00:06:249 (2,3,4) - Same here. :o No change here since I wanted to make them emphasize the percussion, I might NC them though to make them a bit more obvious if needed
00:11:703 (2,3) - Hmm, either, I have a bad Melody-Taste, or these two don´t fit into the Beat. These two follow the vocal, each of the notes before also follow the vocal someway or another
01:00:453 (4,5) - Does it have a Specific Reason, why you put two Sliders here, instead of a small Slider, like 01:01:476 (2) - here?[ For a bit of variety in the map, although again I might change this later on if more people pick up on it

Sorry, I am really bad in Modding. :o :o Hope it was still.........uh.........something like Helpful.
Thanks for the mod ^^ Sorry I didn't change much XD but I hope the feedback here was at least useful to you


00:02:840 (4,5) - no issues but you don't use a repeat here but you do here 00:06:476 (4) - i'm guessing this is intentional since the second one has drum sounds on it. I'm just pointing it out here because the bell sound or w/e it is is the thing that stands out the most here

00:18:294 (1,2) - maybe you could improve the circular shape by moving the second slider up a bit. Right now it seems kinda broken idk

00:38:294 (3,4,1) - you probably should make it so 2 points to 3 so that flow stays intuitive in the lower diffs


Diff settign feel kinda low for this diff, i'm sayign that because apart from AR it's usually what i put for my easy diffs xd
I'd suggest you raise OD to 5, AR to 4.5-5 and HP to 4 or something.

00:15:567 (2,3,4) - just for aesthetics it's usually better to keep the same angle on you straight lines that are close to the time line. I'd suggest you make 00:15:567 (2,3) - a bit more hirozontal so you can achieve some symmetry between the 2 lines.

00:43:067 (3) - i would avopid using any kind of 1/4 in normals

00:51:022 (1,2) - 1's slider end point towards 2's sliderend which might be a bit misleading to new players

00:56:476 (2,4) - not very pretty xd the spacing is very low between the 2 objects and since 4 appears so quick after 2 disapears it just seems like a failed blanked idk

01:13:067 (4) - this slider is offbeat, having a stronger beat on it's end than on it's head. I would avoid that whenever you can cuz that's how music is xd


i didn't point it out in normal but now that i see it, the rythm you used in your hard's intro fits so much better than the repeat sliders xd

00:01:703 (4) - it woudl probably be better if you did something like this instead since you map the inbetween notes in the beginning of the measure idk

00:13:749 (3,4,1) - nice triagle shape between the 3 nbotes plspslpslps.

00:18:294 (1) - extended sliders doesn't really fit to me here, you don't do it elsewhare until now and rythm doesn't really change sooooo

00:25:340 (4) - i get the one with the cymbal but that one feels overmapped. the guitar pick is too fast to be emulated by those 1/4 slider. i think doing a simple triple or like you did here 00:32:385 (3,4,1) - works better

00:28:522 (2) - you comitted the cardinal sin of going offbeat. I really suggest you don't do that here since your strong stuff lands on the tail of the slider and gets no emphasis. in this specific case if you want to emphasize vocals it's probably better to do it with 2 circles.

00:49:203 (1,2,1) - triangle for maximum beauty


00:14:203 (5) - juging by the sound on this slider's end i'd say it would be better if this was 2 circles with some jump or something. Even hard has something to make it stand out xd

00:15:567 (3,4,5) - when doing jump stuff like that you shoul:d consider what gets emphasis. Right now, 3-4 's spacing is lower than 4-5's spacing. It should be the other way around since the strogn beat and the strong sound is on 4 right now. 00:21:476 (4,5) - there are other occurences but i'll let yopu juge

00:43:749 (1,3) - these objects feel kinda close, i'd sugest you space them a liiiitle more

i think thgat's gonna be it for me. Not much to say, pretty solid mapset

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