
Vitas - The Star

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年12月27日 at 22:16:22

Artist: Vitas
Title: The Star
Tags: Russian mama vitalii vladasovich grachev zvezda
BPM: 138
Filesize: 6657kb
Play Time: 03:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.35 stars, 355 notes)
  2. Normal (1.49 stars, 146 notes)
Download: Vitas - The Star
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

15th map
Vitas - The Star
Some skin elements are taken from alvisto : Twins - Tearless Moscow, made by Alex0686
BPM138 offset66(话说转码后offset会变。。)
01:00:955 - 歪了._. ....那个点还是在中间的白线上面比较好
01:06:169 - 还是歪了._. ...格子搞成3比较好调吧?
01:21:810 - 哦也...歪了;_;.....果然还是格子为3比较好吧,然后这个slider最后加个low finish怎样?可有可无的基本上╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
01:28:767 - 果然..spinner从这边开始比较好
01:40:932 - +clap?
01:42:670 - spinner从这里开始,这前面有个很轻的开头音没错但是轻到可以在normal里忽略掉0 0
02:07:884 - ._.还是有点歪哦....所以后面基本上以这个为模型的都歪了,就不挑了
02:10:491 - spinner从这边开始
02:17:443 - ^
02:34:846 - 这个在一堆圆滑的slider里显得是那么的突出///
02:38:757 - 这一条slider的节奏太怪了...建议以短一点的slider和circle代替掉
02:55:760 - spinner这边开始
03:08:577 - ..这边突然用铃声感觉太突兀了.....
03:23:566 - spinner 这边开始?..节奏关系我没听出来所以只是建议
01:41:389 - 稍微提一下就直线了 0 0.然后就不歪了
02:36:610 - 这前面间距都1.33X怎么到了这里就1.53X了0 0...差一点没事这算差很多了
03:02:277 - 歪掉了o(≧口≦)o
03:07:925 - 和前面比这段节奏太挤了..怎么说...听起来so busy?...

没了.是我的错觉么?..音效好像太小?...而且我认为前面那段再多加点finish比较好?...大概咯╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
Topic Starter

tutuhaha wrote:

01:00:955 - 歪了._. ....那个点还是在中间的白线上面比较好 :arrow: k
01:06:169 - 还是歪了._. ...格子搞成3比较好调吧? :arrow: 这个倒是故意的
01:21:810 - 哦也...歪了;_;.....果然还是格子为3比较好吧,然后这个slider最后加个low finish怎样?可有可无的基本上╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ :arrow: finish没加,形状稍微拉了下
01:28:767 - 果然..spinner从这边开始比较好 :arrow: k
01:40:932 - +clap? :arrow: 为什么这里加
01:42:670 - spinner从这里开始,这前面有个很轻的开头音没错但是轻到可以在normal里忽略掉0 0 :arrow: spinner应该是没有太大影响的
02:07:884 - ._.还是有点歪哦....所以后面基本上以这个为模型的都歪了,就不挑了 :arrow: well, fixed
02:10:491 - spinner从这边开始
02:17:443 - ^ :arrow: 都往后了半拍
02:34:846 - 这个在一堆圆滑的slider里显得是那么的突出/// :arrow: 我觉得还好
02:38:757 - 这一条slider的节奏太怪了...建议以短一点的slider和circle代替掉 :arrow: reverse点的音量减小了,现在应该好些
02:55:760 - spinner这边开始 :arrow: 我觉得这个对的
03:08:577 - ..这边突然用铃声感觉太突兀了..... :arrow: 不加音效更奇怪
03:23:566 - spinner 这边开始?..节奏关系我没听出来所以只是建议 :arrow: 这个没改
01:41:389 - 稍微提一下就直线了 0 0.然后就不歪了 :arrow: k
02:36:610 - 这前面间距都1.33X怎么到了这里就1.53X了0 0...差一点没事这算差很多了 :arrow: 1-8是每2个note间距逐渐增大的jump
03:02:277 - 歪掉了o(≧口≦)o :arrow: 本来就没打算摆正
03:07:925 - 和前面比这段节奏太挤了..怎么说...听起来so busy?... :arrow: 取消了1个1/4音

没了.是我的错觉么?..音效好像太小?...而且我认为前面那段再多加点finish比较好?...大概咯╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ :arrow: 音效我是按自己习惯来的,音量问题如果再有人提到的话我再考虑改
Shouldn't it be "Vitas - The Star"?
Topic Starter

wowshakhov wrote:

Shouldn't it be "Vitas - The Star"?
You're right, fixed. Thanks

  1. 現在對於custom skinning要求一些物件成對出現, 因此請補上以下:
  2. 不符合的紅線:
    [Normal] 01:25:292, 01:53:982, 02:20:944,
    [Hard] 01:25:314, 01:54:010, 02:20:970,
  3. 由於你的mapset全黑白色系, 我不太建議用有透明度的hitcircle, 會讓你的純黑色note circle/slider顏色差距很明顯.. (純黑的circle透明白底時會像灰色, 但slider是全黑)
  1. 02:48:749 (1) - 我發現降音到10%~15%感覺更好?
  2. 03:07:925 (4,5,6) - 這邊很奇怪, 在02:54:022 (3,4)甚至是第一個副歌都是打白線的, 這兒突然被vocal拉走了
  1. 00:11:835 (9) - 移到x:105 y:98整體曲線好看點
  2. 00:38:145 (2,3,4,5) - 這個雖然打過會懂為什麼..但是初見真的怪的些..後面的主歌一樣的不提
  3. 01:07:581 (6) - 會以為是紅線開始
  4. 01:42:041 (6,7,8,1) - 這邊也是很難讀, 而且為什麼?
  5. 03:26:064 (4) - 建議紅線開始
Topic Starter

loveFantasy wrote:


  1. 現在對於custom skinning要求一些物件成對出現, 因此請補上以下:
    hit0.png :arrow: 加了
  2. 不符合的紅線:
    [Normal] 01:25:292, 01:53:982, 02:20:944,
    [Hard] 01:25:314, 01:54:010, 02:20:970, :arrow: oops, 我记得我有全部弄过的lol
  3. 由於你的mapset全黑白色系, 我不太建議用有透明度的hitcircle, 會讓你的純黑色note circle/slider顏色差距很明顯.. (純黑的circle透明白底時會像灰色, 但slider是全黑) :arrow: 换用默认note skin了
  1. 02:48:749 (1) - 我發現降音到10%~15%感覺更好? :arrow: 15%不错
  2. 03:07:925 (4,5,6) - 這邊很奇怪, 在02:54:022 (3,4)甚至是第一個副歌都是打白線的, 這兒突然被vocal拉走了 :arrow: 改成了1拍的几个slider
  1. 00:11:835 (9) - 移到x:105 y:98整體曲線好看點 :arrow: k
  2. 00:38:145 (2,3,4,5) - 這個雖然打過會懂為什麼..但是初見真的怪的些..後面的主歌一樣的不提 :arrow: 我觉得还好
  3. 01:07:581 (6) - 會以為是紅線開始 :arrow: 这个我也觉得还好
  4. 01:42:041 (6,7,8,1) - 這邊也是很難讀, 而且為什麼? :arrow: vocal
  5. 03:26:064 (4) - 建議紅線開始
:arrow: k
-fix your kiai, don't put kiai on red sections :

-white combo color is really confused with white bg
- add "vitalii vladasovich grachev" to the tags. It's his real name, some russians know his songs with this "artist".
- add "zvezda" to the tags : it's russian equivalent of the song's name

00:34:887 (1) - add whistle to the end
00:35:321 (2) - ^
00:36:190 (4) - add whistles to the start,to the end
00:38:145 (2,3,4) - imo, doubles don't fit the music here
00:41:838 (1,2,4) - as in 00:34:887 (1,2,4)
00:48:790 (1,2,3,4) - add 4 whistles to the ends of sliders
00:55:959 (2,4,6,8) - add 4 whistles
01:28:572 (2) - sounds off

01:41:280 (4) - imo, 1/4 earlier
02:23:902 (2,3,4) - don't like this doubles too. to be honest, this song is 1/2 without exceptions...
02:54:674 (5,6) - *nazi* :
03:24:001 (1,2,3,4) - imo, offset here a bit off.

02:48:775 (1) - add finish
03:02:712 (5) - unsymmetrical.
this diff fits the song more than Hard =\

So, russian songs are very rare... Star for you :)
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

-fix your kiai, don't put kiai on red sections : :arrow: maybe you get something wrong, I use no KIAI in this map :/

-white combo color is really confused with white bg :arrow: If someone else mention this again, I'll consider changing
- add "vitalii vladasovich grachev" to the tags. It's his real name, some russians know his songs with this "artist".
- add "zvezda" to the tags : it's russian equivalent of the song's name :arrow: both added, thanks

00:34:887 (1) - add whistle to the end
00:35:321 (2) - ^
00:36:190 (4) - add whistles to the start,to the end:arrow: I wonder why?
00:38:145 (2,3,4) - imo, doubles don't fit the music here :arrow: changed to another
00:41:838 (1,2,4) - as in 00:34:887 (1,2,4)
00:48:790 (1,2,3,4) - add 4 whistles to the ends of sliders
00:55:959 (2,4,6,8) - add 4 whistles :arrow: I feel clap is fine enough
01:28:572 (2) - sounds off :arrow: off?

01:41:280 (4) - imo, 1/4 earlier :arrow: removed blue tick note
02:23:902 (2,3,4) - don't like this doubles too. to be honest, this song is 1/2 without exceptions... :arrow: well, changed
02:54:674 (5,6) - *nazi* :
:arrow: o_O
03:24:001 (1,2,3,4) - imo, offset here a bit off. :arrow: fixed

02:48:775 (1) - add finish :arrow: add finish sounds odd to me
03:02:712 (5) - unsymmetrical. :arrow: fixed
this diff fits the song more than Hard =\ :arrow: lol it's a slow song

So, russian songs are very rare... Star for you :)
Thanks for your mod and star
不清楚Lead-in是否每個diff都要相同. 如果需要那就改一下吧:D

有兩條一樣BPM的 timing? 留後面那個吧
00:31:411 (2,3,4) - 間距好像是有點問題的 用grid size3來編輯吧
03:16:615 (1,1) - 記得曾經被一個很2的MAT說過這樣離太近了 因為是最簡單的難度

02:35:090 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 咦 間距不同 是故意的嗎? 可是感覺(1,2)之間的距離太短了點
02:50:513 (1,2,3) - 間距有些微的差距~個人認為改一下會比較好看
03:05:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 哈哈這串的間距好特殊阿:3

lol 俄羅斯男高音那個超越正常人類範疇的那位嗎...
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

不清楚Lead-in是否每個diff都要相同. 如果需要那就改一下吧:D :arrow: 现在不需要相同的

有兩條一樣BPM的 timing? 留後面那個吧 :arrow: offset不一样啊
00:31:411 (2,3,4) - 間距好像是有點問題的 用grid size3來編輯吧 :arrow: fixed
03:16:615 (1,1) - 記得曾經被一個很2的MAT說過這樣離太近了 因為是最簡單的難度 :arrow: 既然很2的就不要太在意了lol

02:35:090 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 咦 間距不同 是故意的嗎? 可是感覺(1,2)之間的距離太短了點 :arrow: 的确是故意的,这里是每2个note加大0.2间距的jump
02:50:513 (1,2,3) - 間距有些微的差距~個人認為改一下會比較好看 :arrow: k
03:05:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 哈哈這串的間距好特殊阿:3 :arrow: fixed

lol 俄羅斯男高音那個超越正常人類範疇的那位嗎... :arrow: 是的
>w</ 微風給星星~

話說...我聽了一下感覺bpm138.000 offset95一條紅線聽起來timing就很夠準了呀...:O
Topic Starter

quintitem wrote:

>w</ 微風給星星~ :arrow: 谢谢星星:D

話說...我聽了一下感覺bpm138.000 offset95一條紅線聽起來timing就很夠準了呀...:O
用138.1那麼多條有什麼特殊想法嗎xD? :arrow: 五条学姐神timing! 我就是一直觉得timing不对,学姐万岁\:D/, 这个听起来很合适啊,改了timing了
Modding Queue Request 1: 35790. Vitas - The Star

- Great song! Just one question: what language is it in?
- Great skin override, really suits the mood of the song.
- Could add another map with difficulty just between Normal and Hard. (optional)
01:25:312 and similar - Suggests changing hit sound volume from 55% to 40-45% to avoid sudden boom of noise.

- Newcomer-friendly! First-time listeners can also easily score a perfect. (It's a god thing)
- More hit sounds can be added. Quite dull compared with Hard.
01:18:355 (5) - The wiggle at the beginning don't look pretty, not affecting gameplay though. Is it done on purpose?

- Good general spacing (esp at the beginning)
01:04:442 (5,1,2,3) - The jump is too wide here. Suggests moving (1,2,3) closer.
01:07:594 (6) - Bent slider. On purpose? (It fitted the eye nicely though)
01:29:660 (3) - Hidden under (2) and wide jump from (4). Suggests moving it in between the two.
01:38:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) and similar 1/4 circle series - Great drum roll effect, but may prove difficult for the less proficient.
02:17:703 (1) - Hidden under (8). Suggests moving the whole group of (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) down so that (1) be at (256,268). (The group itself is fine though)
02:35:094 (1) - Hidden under (8). Suggests moving to (252, 40).
02:47:921 (4,5,6) - Move (4) to (172, 360) and (5) to (340,360) to keep the triangle symmetric.

Please also mod my map while you're free: Taiko no Tatsujin - Future Lab
Topic Starter

tetsutaro wrote:

Modding Queue Request 1: 35790. Vitas - The Star

- Great song! Just one question: what language is it in? :arrow: It's a Russian song
- Great skin override, really suits the mood of the song.
- Could add another map with difficulty just between Normal and Hard. (optional) :arrow: I think diffculty spread is fine enough
01:25:312 and similar - Suggests changing hit sound volume from 55% to 40-45% to avoid sudden boom of noise. :arrow: Since it's the Songs climax, I think it's fine

- Newcomer-friendly! First-time listeners can also easily score a perfect. (It's a god thing)
- More hit sounds can be added. Quite dull compared with Hard. :arrow: Add more seem to be noisy
01:18:355 (5) - The wiggle at the beginning don't look pretty, not affecting gameplay though. Is it done on purpose? :arrow: Yes, I do it on purpose, to fit the vocal

- Good general spacing (esp at the beginning)
01:04:442 (5,1,2,3) - The jump is too wide here. Suggests moving (1,2,3) closer. :arrow: It's a hard diff. :/ it's not hard to catch
01:07:594 (6) - Bent slider. On purpose? (It fitted the eye nicely though) :arrow: yes, on purpose
01:29:660 (3) - Hidden under (2) and wide jump from (4). Suggests moving it in between the two. :arrow: I think it's fine
01:38:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) and similar 1/4 circle series - Great drum roll effect, but may prove difficult for the less proficient. :arrow: :/ diffcult? it's a hard diff. so it's fine
02:17:703 (1) - Hidden under (8). Suggests moving the whole group of (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) down so that (1) be at (256,268). (The group itself is fine though) :arrow: I feel it's fine
02:35:094 (1) - Hidden under (8). Suggests moving to (252, 40). :arrow: I put them like that on purpose, it's a gradly jump
02:47:921 (4,5,6) - Move (4) to (172, 360) and (5) to (340,360) to keep the triangle symmetric. :arrow: Distance spacing here, I think no need to use jump

Please also mod my map while you're free: Taiko no Tatsujin - Future Lab
Thanks to check it, but changed nothing, so no kudos, sorry

Breeze wrote:

Thanks to check it, but changed nothing, so no kudos, sorry
Oh well, I guess I am going to star it anyway, even now it costs 1 kudos.
It is a well-made map after all. Keep up the good work!
Gray isn't a very good combo color, it blends in with the background and may confuse people playing multiplayer.
Something to note, Hard has an extra space in between the tags, but I don't think that breaks anything.

Why is this mapped short? :(
02:07:921 (2) - Move this to the right once on Grid 3 so it's more symmetrical
02:49:008 - Add break? The warning arrows would really fit this part.
03:09:660 (6) - New combo

01:07:594 (6) - This sounds much better starting on the red tick.
01:10:094 (3) - Move this one space up... then 01:10:312 (4,5,6) - Move these two spaces up
01:21:399 (3) - Move this 3 spaces down
02:35:095 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - What's going on with the spacing here? Are you accelerating it? It looks awkward right now
03:24:116 (1,2,3,4) - Not sure if these have the right timing

Nice mapset, although it could use more difficulties.
Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

Gray isn't a very good combo color, it blends in with the background and may confuse people playing multiplayer.
Something to note, Hard has an extra space in between the tags, but I don't think that breaks anything. :arrow: oops, thanks. anyway I fixed

Why is this mapped short? :( :arrow: This diff. is just follow vocal
02:07:921 (2) - Move this to the right once on Grid 3 so it's more symmetrical :arrow: k
02:49:008 - Add break? The warning arrows would really fit this part. :arrow: Emm, at first I added. But someone says it's no need :/ Well, if someone else say it's better to have a break, I'll add it again
03:09:660 (6) - New combo :arrow: I think no need

01:07:594 (6) - This sounds much better starting on the red tick. :arrow: k, fixed
01:10:094 (3) - Move this one space up... then 01:10:312 (4,5,6) - Move these two spaces up :arrow: k
01:21:399 (3) - Move this 3 spaces down :arrow: k
02:35:095 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - What's going on with the spacing here? Are you accelerating it? It looks awkward right now :arrow: It's gradly jump, each 2 notes add 0.2 spacing
03:24:116 (1,2,3,4) - Not sure if these have the right timing :arrow: so keep it for now, wait for expert

Nice mapset, although it could use more difficulties.
thanks for your mod
微风 ~ 报恩来送星了 ~ =w=

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