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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, 26 March 2018 at 3:30:11 AM

Artist: Aqours
Source: ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!
Tags: love live sunshine!! insert song inami anju 伊波杏樹 takami chika 高海千歌 aida rikako 逢田梨香子 sakurauchi riko 桜内梨子 suwa nanaka 諏訪ななか matsuura kanan 松浦果南 komiya arisa 小宮有紗 kurosawa dia 黒澤ダイヤ saito shuka 斉藤朱夏 watanabe you 渡辺曜 kobayashi aika 小林愛香 tsushima yoshiko 津島善子 yohane ヨハネ takatsuki kanako 高槻かなこ kunikida hanamaru 国木田花丸 suzuki aina 鈴木愛奈 ohara mari 小原鞠莉 furihata ai 降幡愛 kurosawa ruby 黒澤ルビィ walaowey nextplay Cloudchaser Mitsuna- Original Soundtrack Journey TV Size WATER BLUE NEW WORLD
BPM: 161
Filesize: 30688kb
Play Time: 03:11
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cloudchaser's Hard (3.29 stars, 506 notes)
  2. Memories (4.98 stars, 619 notes)
  3. Mitsuna's Insane (4.52 stars, 573 notes)
  4. Next's Easy (1.43 stars, 187 notes)
  5. Walao's Normal (2.06 stars, 388 notes)
Download: Aqours - WONDERFUL STORIES
Download: Aqours - WONDERFUL STORIES (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

banner by youi >///<
nextplay for easy
walaowey for normal
cloudchaser for hard
mitsuna for insane
me for top diff ... audio3.mp3 <-- USE THIS IF U DONT WANT CHIKA TALKING, though i'll slap u if u change to this >;o

i love chika and no one can staph me
1 chika fan
2 yohane fan
1 riko fan
1 kanan fan
in this set
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