
Yousei Teikoku - Shinteki Souzou

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2024 at 18:21:54

Artist: Yousei Teikoku
Title: Shinteki Souzou
Source: fortissimo FA//Akkord:nächsten Phase
Tags: gothic metal japanese Saten saten-san Ataraxia フォルテシモフルアクセス アコルト:ネクステンファーゼ La'cryma Visual Novel Eroge opening op ver version short FA//Akkord:nachsten La'cryma Hades:The other world rock
BPM: 138
Filesize: 15370kb
Play Time: 01:37
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2,92 stars, 208 notes)
  2. Collab Hard (3,67 stars, 291 notes)
  3. Easy (1,76 stars, 110 notes)
  4. Insane (4,37 stars, 367 notes)
  5. Normal (2,25 stars, 172 notes)
  6. Saten's Divine Creation (6,34 stars, 418 notes)
  7. Saten's Extra (5,6 stars, 394 notes)
  8. Saten's Insane (4,56 stars, 385 notes)
Download: Yousei Teikoku - Shinteki Souzou
Download: Yousei Teikoku - Shinteki Souzou (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Easy - Me
Normal - Me
Advanced - Me
Hard - Ataraxia and Me
Insane - Me
Insane - Saten
Extra - Saten
Extra - Saten
hitsounds - Saten
video - Me
BNs: -Hitormi/ - Ex -
Grave revival
2023 update: 00:43:584 (3) - on advanced changed from 3/1 to 2/1 slider
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