
Suzuki Masayuki - Love Dramatic feat. Ihara Rikka (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, September 29, 2019 at 12:57:37 PM

Artist: Suzuki Masayuki
Title: Love Dramatic feat. Ihara Rikka (TV Size)
Source: かぐや様は告らせたい ~天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~
Tags: Kaguya-sama: Love Is War kaguya-sama wa kokurasetai tensai-tachi no renai zunosen kaguya wants to be confessed to: the geniuses' war of love and brains japanese groovy alternator anime opening op mbomb -_magic_bomb_- chickenbible greaper hypercyte hypercute
BPM: 129
Filesize: 4613kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. chickenbible's Platter (2.79 stars, 168 notes)
  2. Greaper's Cup (1.23 stars, 118 notes)
  3. How cute~ (3.65 stars, 211 notes)
  4. MBomb's Salad (2 stars, 156 notes)
Download: Suzuki Masayuki - Love Dramatic feat. Ihara Rikka (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

97th ranked!
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