
Amamiya Sora - Love-Evidence (TV Size) [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, May 10, 2024 at 9:07:41 AM

Artist: Amamiya Sora
Title: Love-Evidence (TV Size)
Source: 理系が恋に落ちたので証明してみた。r=1-sinθ
Tags: Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shōmei Shoumei shite mita. Heart ハート Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It r=1-sinθ リケ恋 rikekoi season 2 s2 saku LISA KOUSAKA 上坂梨紗 Konnyaku Nishino 西野蒟蒻 anime japanese pop jpop j-pop op opening dudehacker ML-ysg Virtue-
BPM: 129
Filesize: 16283kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. 1+1=3 [Easy] - 4Key (1.28 stars, 265 notes)
  2. r=1-sin0 [Normal] - 4Key (1.76 stars, 418 notes)
  3. x^2-|x|*y+y^2=1 [Insane] - 4Key (3.04 stars, 757 notes)
  4. Ysg's x^2-x-1=0 [Hard] - 4Key (2.32 stars, 579 notes)
Download: Amamiya Sora - Love-Evidence (TV Size)
Download: Amamiya Sora - Love-Evidence (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Audio cut by Akasha-
Hard and HS: ML-ysg
SV: Virtue-

BN: chocomilku / winter7z

Season 1 OP: beatmapsets/1100732#mania/2299715

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