Artist:ATARASHII GAKKO! Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Kyouren Accuracy:
Length:3:00 (2:59 drain)
Source: Genre:Pop (Japanese) BPM:130
Tags:新しい学校のリーダー達 yonkey mizyu rin suzuka kanon leaders leader jpop j-pop pop japanese japan funk collab collaboration no the ag 一時帰国 User Rating:
7 55
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
10.9% (278 of 2557 plays)
Jan 19, 2024
Dec 13, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 201 times in total
Users that love this map: Destructia, KalterKrieg, Twintail, - Mirage -, Merloni, guitarhero, Tio Plato, Kensuke, hent2222, may00r, Ascended, mikatsu, Inokori Sandy, Teacchyyy, Mother Jammer, Frypo, isle, Adecool 1, Revoninio, Murlok322 and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

this kiddo make me buy osu suptag grrr (redownload for new mp3 & video before 30 november 2024)

anyway, happy birthday Ascended!

mp3 provided by gorou (he bought)
video provided by defreeyay
hitsound by Teacchyyy from his mapset! (with some modifications + his permission)
timing from taiko mapset (host by Default Guy + his permission)
bg source made by フタバ on pixiv

normal gorou
hard me x lian
insane me x regraz
another dahkjdas
expert ayesha altugle
extra miy
freestyle me (with special guest: chu, aiwin, flask, addy)

rate this map at omdb:


Lyric: 新しい学校のリーダー達
Music: yonkey

Director: Eri Yoshikawa
Director of Photography: Hajime Yamazaki
Lighting: Yuzuru Nikaido and friends.
Car Prop: H.Y promotion.
Producer: Hideki Kuroda(MiCRO FILM)

Special Thanks:
Team Nippon Unv. Faculity of Arts


ascended/arsalan -mikan seros arsalan
naomi sucks is in the lead! ()
Score20,353,266 (99.70%)
Max Combo1132
300 / 100 / 50657 / 3 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)273
Katu (Beat!)2

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
20,353,266 99.70% naomi sucks 1132 657  /  3  /  0 273 2 0 HD,HR,SD
20,231,506 99.07% Woey 1132 651  /  8  /  1 269 5 0 HD,HR
19,290,264 100.00% Harumiii 1132 660  /  0  /  0 275 0 0 HD
19,123,112 99.39% Razekon 1131 654  /  6  /  0 270 5 0 HD
18,693,311 97.68% Mori Calliope 1124 637  /  23  /  0 256 19 0 HD
18,115,358 99.70% Marquez 1130 657  /  3  /  0 272 3 0 None
17,120,348 99.24% WiMpN 1104 653  /  6  /  0 269 5 1 None
10,129,286 97.02% 551511 778 632  /  25  /  0 252 22 3 None
9,680,342 96.49% Masanlord 777 627  /  29  /  1 251 21 3 None
9,250,012 96.64% Boletta 777 630  /  23  /  1 254 17 6 None
9,210,660 98.94% MwaCestTom 645 650  /  9  /  0 265 9 1 None
8,559,670 98.91% guitarhero 652 650  /  8  /  1 267 6 1 HD
8,223,134 94.14% LimbowZz 701 603  /  55  /  0 229 44 2 None
7,977,285 93.43% OnTheSticks 617 596  /  62  /  0 221 52 2 HD,HR
7,899,986 98.79% cihp 631 648  /  12  /  0 263 12 0 DT
7,194,716 93.76% UltraCuteAsf 691 603  /  46  /  3 231 36 8 None
7,111,836 97.27% Rosiee 649 635  /  21  /  0 255 17 4 None
6,874,451 96.36% Pemlory 642 630  /  18  /  0 253 16 12 HD
6,677,726 98.59% Pkups 543 647  /  11  /  0 262 11 2 None
6,559,388 96.09% Shi 632 626  /  24  /  1 248 21 9 None
5,083,178 95.05% Dilucless 389 614  /  40  /  0 239 34 6 None
4,597,122 95.30% m4rionetka 392 619  /  28  /  4 251 16 9 None
4,483,817 95.18% kodama 349 616  /  35  /  3 237 29 6 HD,DT
4,468,280 92.80% KjSLLL 415 594  /  55  /  1 221 46 10 None
4,435,092 96.64% PerkyWerky69 418 630  /  23  /  1 250 19 6 None
4,410,912 96.26% NotPew 401 628  /  22  /  0 251 18 10 None
4,283,556 92.07% Scrooper 450 586  /  63  /  4 224 46 7 None
4,217,624 94.72% Ennuii 392 609  /  48  /  1 233 39 2 HR
4,176,106 83.81% ArthurLeyw1n 541 508  /  133  /  5 176 86 14 None
4,127,312 95.81% kekumA 390 622  /  30  /  2 241 27 6 HD
4,097,454 96.94% yGantu 365 632  /  22  /  3 253 19 3 None
4,063,305 90.00% osu420 475 565  /  86  /  2 197 71 7 SO
3,919,452 93.16% hiki-G 398 598  /  50  /  1 229 37 11 None
3,882,658 90.86% Pack___ 442 577  /  65  /  6 212 48 12 None
3,768,356 95.45% Timtomate 318 619  /  33  /  0 247 24 8 None
3,745,620 96.72% yolomonkey 310 631  /  21  /  2 251 19 6 None
3,636,236 94.14% dato360 329 608  /  37  /  6 236 28 9 None
3,200,952 89.62% io q c 416 565  /  77  /  5 202 58 13 None
3,080,726 92.22% pramudya 327 588  /  59  /  6 221 44 7 None
3,075,330 92.73% CahyaAziz 338 596  /  47  /  2 225 39 15 HD
3,048,700 86.57% blet228 424 536  /  105  /  2 186 76 17 None
2,978,962 90.30% Stillerhy 300 570  /  77  /  2 205 62 11 None
2,843,612 92.60% sakura cards 340 594  /  51  /  1 223 42 14 None
2,687,521 82.90% OtakuAnonimo 334 506  /  119  /  9 168 77 26 HD
2,670,466 87.73% efilemag 355 548  /  91  /  4 195 66 17 None
2,644,334 90.40% lilducky23 338 580  /  49  /  2 221 34 29 None
2,622,979 91.06% -k a r a n- 333 579  /  66  /  0 219 46 15 HD
2,621,996 89.22% Kei Yonagi 304 563  /  75  /  5 209 54 17 DT
2,611,904 83.51% bagtub 314 506  /  131  /  9 166 93 14 None
2,605,828 95.86% 0736TuT 271 624  /  25  /  2 245 21 9 None
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