Beatmap Listing » Little Non - Hanamaru*Sensation

Artist:Little Non Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Hanamaru*Sensation HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:App Accuracy:
Length:3:24 (3:24 drain)
Source:こどものじかん Genre:Rock (Japanese) BPM:190
Tags:リトル・ノン non. the best リトルノン こじか kojika kodomo no jikan ed ending anime 永野希 nagano nozomi のんちゃん non-chan 谷島シュン tanishima User Rating:
7 28
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
7.2% (232 of 3214 plays)
Apr 6, 2024
Dec 12, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 48 times in total
Users that love this map: l1mi, -Archangel-, tatsugiri, cclemon3232, paranoic, twee, TinyPark, may00r, BoshyMan741, Sayama Kaede, Magic Chances, Dafonz, Nene Sakura, chiliawa52, -mira, majoreh, big snag, discode, BeautifulKisa, 1k1 and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

AA's*Getchu~ by App、audinor HELLISH DIFFICULTY!!
AMA's*Extra by App、Mirash、allein EXTREME DIFFICULTY!
Cha's*Expert by Chanyah PRO。。
I'm*Insane by Mizunashi Akari、App、dog food OK。。
I'm*Hard by App、Ieir、urdu in no particular order Average player。。
I'm*Normal by App、Vitas2222 For noob。。

S Rank: osu!GOD?This is virtually impossible。
A Rank: Legend above Legends。
B Rank: True Champion。
C Rank: Proud Stream Master。
D Rank: Strong Survivor。

Anyone who manages to Full Combo this is a champion above championsAnyone who can clear it is a contending championto say the least
MithiChang is in the lead! ()
Score51,622,030 (98.83%)
Max Combo1487
300 / 100 / 501153 / 19 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)278
Katu (Beat!)13

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
51,622,030 98.83% MithiChang 1487 1153  /  19  /  0 278 13 1 None
41,849,920 98.68% sharytory 1340 1151  /  19  /  1 277 12 2 None
39,024,940 98.27% SHADOW FREAK 1288 1144  /  26  /  0 270 20 3 None
38,812,820 97.76% WiMpN 1286 1137  /  29  /  0 272 16 7 None
37,879,110 97.34% Uzumaki 1274 1127  /  44  /  1 258 32 1 None
34,340,790 97.09% MrPotato 1194 1126  /  38  /  1 260 26 8 None
31,290,980 97.58% Hellotomlol225 1087 1132  /  37  /  2 264 27 2 None
29,935,610 98.64% -Archangel- 1086 1153  /  10  /  4 279 9 6 None
29,878,383 96.65% toybot 1083 1118  /  47  /  0 256 32 8 HD
28,726,613 97.19% A21 1060 1128  /  36  /  0 266 18 9 HD
25,037,190 96.50% semaphore 1009 1117  /  42  /  6 257 28 8 None
24,988,139 96.68% milr_ 988 1121  /  38  /  2 260 24 12 HD
21,812,370 97.22% TinyPark 927 1128  /  36  /  2 259 25 7 None
20,910,550 95.87% Erik Satie 848 1103  /  63  /  3 249 38 4 None
20,523,681 96.12% Samsmas 885 1114  /  39  /  3 262 20 17 HD
20,434,400 98.58% PaintedKoala 847 1149  /  22  /  0 273 17 2 None
19,511,556 94.59% [Mashiro] 870 1082  /  82  /  1 246 38 8 HD
19,369,290 95.28% Darkxide 869 1095  /  66  /  4 249 34 8 None
19,064,310 96.12% WhiteRice 877 1110  /  52  /  1 252 31 10 None
18,478,530 95.14% ylitkas 848 1098  /  51  /  6 253 26 18 None
17,862,270 97.91% Netizz 728 1139  /  28  /  1 269 18 5 None
16,727,650 97.27% namirin1 751 1128  /  39  /  0 259 28 6 None
16,687,130 94.98% uvrv 701 1089  /  74  /  3 240 48 7 None
16,231,662 94.87% Sekiz 754 1091  /  64  /  3 240 42 15 HD
14,747,180 96.15% Zarkamis 667 1111  /  48  /  5 246 38 9 None
13,973,685 92.54% toroosics290304 554 1053  /  96  /  3 225 56 21 HD
13,601,980 96.97% -UniRain- 605 1125  /  37  /  1 258 27 10 None
13,063,320 97.87% RevengeWolf 487 1138  /  29  /  2 264 23 4 None
12,772,000 94.88% sreal 536 1088  /  73  /  4 241 44 8 None
12,577,312 94.76% 846553767646068 569 1090  /  62  /  5 248 32 16 HD
12,170,500 91.30% edikkiler212 656 1026  /  132  /  6 208 73 9 None
12,074,670 95.10% sho_o 634 1094  /  61  /  7 243 37 11 None
11,813,840 93.75% Chichobi 468 1070  /  87  /  4 236 46 12 None
11,783,462 95.24% Shirayokii 538 1093  /  72  /  1 245 42 7 HD
11,044,520 97.02% GeneralSharkk 537 1127  /  33  /  0 260 25 13 None
10,774,260 94.64% SkyHighPgs 530 1090  /  59  /  3 233 44 21 None
10,734,630 98.38% Chiharu 454 1148  /  18  /  0 276 12 7 None
10,582,980 95.61% hizio 542 1107  /  42  /  3 250 27 21 None
10,501,600 94.73% Take_Yutaka 470 1088  /  67  /  5 244 40 13 None
10,369,784 95.17% Chheng 489 1095  /  63  /  2 245 35 13 HD
10,308,710 92.98% LGG-Nanta93 504 1057  /  98  /  6 225 56 12 None
10,244,540 87.60% Andrey94 599 967  /  172  /  19 189 83 15 None
9,924,060 93.92% Satomi Ishihara 497 1073  /  86  /  0 238 46 14 None
9,575,570 91.50% Cao Tien Minh 590 1041  /  93  /  8 226 42 31 None
9,139,250 89.12% Sunowi 570 998  /  138  /  8 210 62 29 None
9,117,090 93.93% ashley 463 1076  /  73  /  9 236 40 15 None
8,989,390 91.11% Qiz 493 1029  /  116  /  6 216 56 22 None
8,860,666 94.60% Yukipo15 451 1090  /  57  /  4 248 33 22 HD
8,778,811 95.60% Merloni 391 1107  /  38  /  10 251 28 18 HD
8,702,240 93.07% WASHEDPLAYER 398 1064  /  81  /  4 233 46 24 None
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