
OT Royal Society of Quality

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OT Royal Society of Quality

................................................................T o maintain quality
................................................................R epresent the denizens
................................................................A ccuse the absolute shitposters
................................................................S upply assistance in content
................................................................H elp those in unjust exile

Those are the five commandments the OT Royal Society of Quality goes by

I, abraker, hereby create this society to forward the content in OT toward a better future

In Regards to Joining this Society

You must have been present in the land of OT for no less than sixty days and have participated in this land's activities enough to present a ten page history of your participation. To view your participation status, fill in your user ID the link provided below. You must have also done something that displays dedication for OT. Please note that if you are ever reported and convicted in violation of quality, then you may never be a member again and the society may and will look down upon you. This includes and is not limited by nitpicking, constant reporting, and use of your participation history against you.

Check your participation status:[USER ID]/posts?query=&forum_id=52

  1. abraker - Head of the OT Royal Society of Quality
  2. tad01123 - Secretary
  3. samX500 - OTGovernment Representative
  4. KatouMegumi - OTGovernment Representative
  5. eblf2013 - OTGovernment Representative
  1. DJ Enetro - Activist
  2. ColdTooth - Society Supporter
  3. Achromalia - OT President
  4. Penquin - OTGovernment Representative
  5. TeeArctic1 - OTGovernment Representative
  6. Zain Sugieres - OTGovernment Representative
  1. Blitzfrog - Member initiation failed
  2. Ashton - Resigned OTGovernment Representative
  3. Lights - Resigned OTGovernment Representative
  4. Keremaru - Resigned OTGovernment Representative
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Case processing is now no longer supported and instead we are keeping track of content lacking sufficient quality to be considered proper to OT

List tracking can be found here

Case processing dismissed

Case 1: KupcaH's posting of the "No duck" meme

Subject: KupcaH
Date: 2017-07-10
Reason: Spam posting the "No duck" meme in the following posts:
Status: OPEN; Case awaiting to be processed

As seen, the post's ids are near increments of one another, justifying this as spam. This meme has been blatantly posted by multiple offenders in the past and brings nothing more to the thread than trash. Proper action is to not post at all.

Case 2: Canadian Baka's void of quality thread

Subject: Canadian Baka
Date: 2017-07-10
Reason: Creating a thread with excessive spacing, which exhibits the lack of any real quality formatting in the thread: t/615949
Status: OPEN; Case awaiting to be processed

While the content in the opening post barely passes as quality, its formatting cannot. So little information is displayed causing denizens to scroll down through the garbage. This invites more garbage and denizens shall rather not be participating in such pointless activities.


abraker wrote:

Case 1: KupcaH's posting of the "No duck" meme

Subject: KupcaH
Date: 2017-07-10
Reason: Spam posting the "No duck" meme in the following posts:
Status: OPEN; Case awaiting to be processed

As seen, the post's ids are near increments of one another, justifying this as spam. This meme has been blatantly posted by multiple offenders in the past and brings nothing more to the thread than trash. Proper action is to not post at all.

bring him to his knees

Let me join
Topic Starter

Blitzfrog wrote:


Let me join
Supplemented the royal notice of acquiring membership in the opening post

abraker wrote:

Blitzfrog wrote:


Let me join
Please note that if you are ever reported and convicted in violation of quality, then may never be a member again and the society may and will look down upon you. This includes and is not limited by nitpicking, constant reporting, and use of your posting history against you. Do you still accept to be a member?
oh man can I be part of the society?
lmao rip
waiting on verdict

Forgive me!
OT is mine
r00d xd
dx d00r
I see you're trying to improve post quality in OT.
This is gonna go great. *sarcasm*

ptar124 wrote:

I see you're trying to improve post quality in OT.
This is gonna go great. *sarcasm*
yes, we all know this shit is pointless seeing as certain people can't help but be fucking autistic in every post they make
useless post
liek ur life
habibti bye ma'a salama
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  • [list:1337]
    We welcome our newest member to the society, Blitzfrog!

    The society's second case, a case against Canadian Baka's void of quality, has been opened.
Canadian Baka posts something better for once and you bring him to trial smh.

I'm tempted to accuse you for ye olde OT and trust me, you're not getting away from that alive.

Endaris wrote:

Canadian Baka posts something better for once and you bring him to trial smh.

I'm tempted to accuse you for ye olde OT and trust me, you're not getting away from that alive.

all their threads are just copy-pasted from elsewhere.

Tae wrote:

ptar124 wrote:

I see you're trying to improve post quality in OT.
This is gonna go great. *sarcasm*
yes, we all know this shit is pointless seeing as certain people can't help but be fucking autistic in every post they make
I like the snark in this post
At least it didn't make me flee from the thread on first glance ok. And it gave me something follow up with.
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Endaris wrote:

At least it didn't make me flee from the thread on first glance ok. And it gave me something follow up with.
See if Canadian Baka made a post like yours with the specific space characters that you need search for to have text floating midpost with colors and transparent text and what-not, then I may have let it go since those are not as common and take a bit more effort. But just the the way it's made gives it trash value. Also I haven't checked, but there are claims that trash has been posted once before. And just to be clear, I got nothing against reposts, but don't repost trash.

Also protip, you can also use the list tags to achieve a similar effect.
It's not effort when I have protected whitespace on the fifth layer of my keyboard.
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Endaris wrote:

It's not effort when I have protected whitespace on the fifth layer of my keyboard.
oh, and yet it's till better
The sad thing is it's copy paste but none jumped on it yet :(
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Endaris wrote:

The sad thing is it's copy paste but none jumped on it yet :(
I reposted at least 5 threads before and nobody even flinched their copy-pasta senses. OT has the attention span of a goldfish.
DJ Enetro
Necroposting because we need active, dynamic effort to improve the quality of OT.

Tae wrote:

ptar124 wrote:

I see you're trying to improve post quality in OT.
This is gonna go great. *sarcasm*
yes, we all know this shit is pointless seeing as certain people can't help but be fucking autistic in every post they make
And they will not stop until someone shows them the light.
Abraker I would like to join please.
No, go away.
DJ Enetro
Abraker what did Blitz do that screwed up his member initiation process?
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Re: DJ Enetro

Unfortunately, The OT Royal Society of Quality does not reveal its member initiation process to non candidates. However, we looked over your presence in the land of OT and have determined you to be a suitable candidate for the The OT Royal Society of Quality. You shall receive a letter of offering from our administration in no less than five minute time.



The administration is considering a change in decor, but requires approval from the authority of OT legibility. For this change in decor to be approved, we require our writing to be of viewing quality. In this respect we ask, who cannot understand the following writing?

"𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖋𝖔𝖝 𝖏𝖚𝖒𝖕𝖘 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖟𝖞 𝖉𝖔𝖌"

Thank you
DJ Enetro
the letters k, w, x, and z are kinda confusing tbh. I prefer the straight text.
DJ Enetro
Hello Everyone!

You may know me as the shit shitposter in OT named DJ Enetro. Well, despite all the negativity spewing out from me, in this thread I am willing to discuss touch matters such as potential quality and absolute shit versus jocularity.

Despite my laziness and inconsideration, and especially my low level of common sense, I'm all ears when it comes to this thread.

My first thread as a member of the OT!Royal Society will be to post an analysis of why OT!News and its makers are so successful, and the ideal OT!Denizen.
Sorry but I don't see a link to all of my posts anywhere on this thread
Wouldn't it be more appropriate to be given a title akin to "OT quality poster in-training" since most of the people here (including yourself?) have a low opinion of you and your ability to make quality posts. In fact, you might want to get mentored on making quality posts from someone who knows much better than you how to make them. I'm not suggesting anyone in particular (mostly because I don't know anyone here) but I'm sure it's not hard for you to point a finger at who is the most consistent in their higher-quality posts. That's the person you want to talk to.
DJ Enetro
This is abraker's thread, haha
What are you talking about? How is that related?
why don"t you making your own thread?
Wasn't Enetro used as one of the sacrifices for my resurrection? How come he is still posting?

DJ enetro spirit is haunting OT as he can die in peace before he can make a quality thread
im just sleepy can i sacrifice my sleep for serrai's spaghetti?

kai99 wrote:

im just sleepy can i sacrifice my sleep for serrai's spaghetti?
Wish granted.

My life is empty
Can i sacrifice my soul for spaghetti in return?
Can I sacrifice spaghetti to gain more skill in osu! ?
DJ Enetro

KupcaH wrote:

Can I sacrifice spaghetti to gain more skill in osu! ?

Quality must come from within...
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Official Notice From OT Royal Society of Quality

We have changed eras and now changed lords. You, the denizens, have always complained about quality to the point of causing the OT civil war because of it. The fascinating thing is that when I look back at the Fag Era portion of our history I don't see the lack of quality, but rather quality itself. The many wonderful works and support by MAniACK_Magee, Dawnsday, Endaris, Meah, Allmynamestaken, Canadian Baka, [ - Zekks - ], DJ Enetro, johnmedina999, Kai, and Blitzfrog all made the Fag Era one that is lively and not dull.
Come to the current era and I don't see so many great things anymore. Granted it's the start of an era too early to judge, however I believe it's time for OT Royal Society of Quality to resurface from below and start reaching out to denizens once again. This is why I am announcing that OT Royal Society of Quality is now recruiting denizens who want better things in OT. For those who are interested, send me a pm so we can consider you for membership. Like before, look at the terms and conditions on the front page to see what makes you qualified for membership.


abraker, Head of OT Royal Society of Quality
nice sig
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Fun fact: There is only one other thread which has my sig. Try to find it.
uh hi i'd like to apply

Serraionga wrote:

kai99 wrote:

im just sleepy can i sacrifice my sleep for serrai's spaghetti?
Wish granted.

I still have yet to see someone making gifs like I did in the past.
please tell me im looked down upon by the royal society of quality

Serraionga wrote:

I still have yet to see someone making gifs like I did in the past.
I shot johnny
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Endaris wrote:

Serraionga wrote:

I still have yet to see someone making gifs like I did in the past.
I shot johnny
bad cop
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Meah, you should stop
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ColdTooth wrote:

uh hi i'd like to apply
Are you sure? It can be a demanding mattet

abraker wrote:

ColdTooth wrote:

uh hi i'd like to apply
Are you sure? It can be a demanding mattet
Not as demanding as your need to spell.
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Official Notice From OT Royal Society of Quality

Please welcome our newest member-in-training, TeeArctic1! Additionally, due to member inactivity, DJ Enetro has been put on probation as an active member.


abraker, Head of OT Royal Society of Quality

johnmedina999 wrote:

Greetings from the internet, fellow denizens. I'm the newest member of the Royal Society of Quality, TeeArctic. Some of you msy know me as the creator of OT Cider™, purveyor of penguin avatars, pun overlord or that one guy who makes weird posts from time to time. Regardless of that, I hope you all will come to respect mah autoritahh, send me tribute and contribute to making OT an oligarchy.
My goals for now are simple, find a way to sustainably manage the flow of newfag and forum immigration to OT, and secure the level of quality on puns, paragraphs of text serving no purpose and shitposts in FG. Thank you
You do know that the Royal Society is the enemy, right?
Shush child, speak not of these lies
Feel the hate flow through you
But the Society is the one who introduced the 99 percent alcohol epidemic into the forum. I suspect they are also the ones who created the Trashipitus virus, and sold the alcohol as the only cure, which just repressed the effects. They're an evil society akin to the Illuminati or the CIA only interested in profits. Look at how the Society broke Enetro. He was a member but couldn't handle it and he broke.

I'm telling you this now, because you'll learn it soon enough. Don't say I didn't warn you.

johnmedina999 wrote:

But the Society is the one who introduced the 99 percent alcohol epidemic into the forum. I suspect they are also the ones who created the Trashipitus virus, and sold the alcohol as the only cure, which just repressed the effects. They're an evil society akin to the Illuminati or the CIA only interested in profits. Look at how the Society broke Enetro. He was a member but couldn't handle it and he broke.

I'm telling you this now, because you'll learn it soon enough. Don't say I didn't warn you.

An epidemic I gained quite a good profit from, I'll tell you. We're the guys driving OT forwards
hi id like to apply
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I urge all fellow Denizens to stop their bickering.

OT Royal Society did not exist back when the OT Royal Society of Quality was made. The effects of the Trashipitus virus was known long before the OT!Science Faculty was founded by Blitzfrog and me. 99% alcohol was an experimental concoction made by me to ease the effects of Trashipitus, released along with osu!Pill sometime after the discovery of Trashipitus was made known.

For those who wonder why the OT Royal Society is power as it is, look back no further than the beginning of the OTepression era. Once Lord Uni Night resigned, a new Lord had to be formally announced. That comes with the new Lord's statement of overtaking OT. However, no new Lord made a statement. Overlord Ephemeral Farquaad's failure to appoint a new Lord officially created a power gap, and the OT Royal Society took the precedent to establish itself by taking the Royal Lord title for itself and changed it to its own foundation.
How lucky of all you, though, if depression is certain to overtake you all, then by no means I will do my best to increase your depression with posts that take 28 minutes and 31.741 seconds to completely read through, and then diagnose 5 minutes and 4.113 seconds to understand what I just said. In any case, the bickering makes you all look trouble.
frutiger aero

ColdTooth wrote:

How lucky of all you, though, if depression is certain to overtake you all, then by no means I will do my best to increase your depression with posts that take 28 minutes and 31.741 seconds to completely read through, and then diagnose 5 minutes and 4.113 seconds to understand what I just said. In any case, the bickering makes you all look trouble.

ok you do you

ColdTooth wrote:

How lucky of all you, though, if depression is certain to overtake you all, then by no means I will do my best to increase your depression with posts that take 28 minutes and 31.741 seconds to completely read through, and then diagnose 5 minutes and 4.113 seconds to understand what I just said. In any case, the bickering makes you all look trouble.

I'll be timing your next post, tread carefully
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Official Notice From OT Royal Society of Quality

Please welcome our newest member-in-training, ColdTooth!


abraker, Head of OT Royal Society of Quality
Tad Fibonacci
Greetings, I am tad01123 or you can simply call me Tad. I've been invited and accepted as a member of the OT Royal Society of Quality.
I've been working as a prosecutor on OT Court II and I shall look forward to continue contributing to OT in the future.
And just recently, I have decided to invest 600 billion PP - the money that I got payed to be a prosecutor, into A-Breaking Laboratory to further the research and development of it's products and especially the technology to ensure the safety and freedom of OT's denizens.

My goal as a member of the OT Royal Society of Quality is to further the quality of OT's threads, participate in more fun and quality OT events and ensure the freedom and safety of OT's denizens in said events.
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Official Notice From OT Royal Society of Quality

Please welcome our newest member-in-training, tad01123!


abraker, Head of OT Royal Society of Quality
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Official Notice From OT Royal Society of Quality

It has been a while. Ever since Tad set events into motion that lead to the formation of the OT Parliament, the OT Royal Society of Quality was pushed into the shadows. These days not every denizen probably knows that this thread exists. It's time to bring the core foundation of what OT is today back into the light.

The main post has been updated with info from the past 2 years or so. This means OT Parliament members are finally listed as members of OT Royal Society of Quality. In addition to current and past members, the failures of parliament are also listed - those are the ones who have abandoned taking upon themselves to bring quality to OT.

Finally, it's been asked where the denizen requirements come from at least a few times. For those who don't know, the requirements of becoming denizen come from the OT Constitution, which says that the requirements are what the OT Royal Society of Quality defines them as.


abraker, Head of OT Royal Society of Quality
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