
Fox Stevenson - Take You Down

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 01 July 2020 at 17:13:35

Artist: Fox Stevenson
Title: Take You Down
Tags: stan sb stanley stevenson byrne english electronic dnb dance frakturehawkens lmt icekalt sirmirai kirylln undeadphoneguy ksardas drum and bass n &
BPM: 174
Filesize: 5495kb
Play Time: 01:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. Descend (5.35 stars, 335 notes)
  2. Frakturehawkens' Extra (4.95 stars, 316 notes)
  3. Icekalt's Insane (4.84 stars, 349 notes)
  4. kiry's Insane (4.75 stars, 335 notes)
  5. Ksardas' Extra (5.33 stars, 373 notes)
  6. LMT's Expert (5.1 stars, 420 notes)
  7. Mirai x Altai's Hard (3.46 stars, 250 notes)
  8. Normal (2.3 stars, 191 notes)
Download: Fox Stevenson - Take You Down
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
🎵🎵 << RANKED #6 >> 🎵🎵

End of exams present ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Normal by Me
Hard by SirMirai & Me
Insane by Kirylln
Insane by Icekalt
Extra by Frakturehawkens
Extra by LMT
Extra by Ksardas
Descend by Me

Hitsounds-by Me
BG: Relaxing on a Cloud
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