
Zhang Zhongjin - Lan Pi Shu Yu Da Lian Mao

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年4月21日 at 21:33:10

Artist: Zhang Zhongjin
Title: Lan Pi Shu Yu Da Lian Mao
BPM: 159.77
Filesize: 2748kb
Play Time: 01:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.55 stars, 78 notes)
  2. Hard (4.75 stars, 194 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 317 notes)
  4. Normal (3.43 stars, 103 notes)
Download: Zhang Zhongjin - Lan Pi Shu Yu Da Lian Mao
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
章中锦 - 蓝皮鼠与大脸猫
very very old chinese cartoon :)
12-11-09 MP3 changes(+volume
12-11-18 BG changes(800x600
12-11-28 timing check and fix(thx Niva you helps a lot
13-1-31 resurrect
13-2-2 unicode title changes
13-4-14 resurrect again
Royal Flare
00:37:059 1的finish音移到前一组的8上
00:38:843 10的whistle音去掉(其实我感觉这个音一直很刺耳...
01:06:440-01:06:627 换成N的音效去掉clap
01:29:155 4与01:29:906 6同00:38:843
Normal mod via IRC
21:36  *sherrie__fay is listening to [ Zhang Zhongjin - Lan Pi Shu Yu Da Lian Mao]
21:38 sherrie__fay: 来
21:40 spboxer3: [EASY] 00:08:617 (2,1) - 基本上我不會建議讓reverse和前頭的slider 覆蓋
21:45 spboxer3: 00:10:119 (1,2) - 同樣的 部分覆蓋住了~所以建議改掉
21:45 sherrie__fay: 后边全是..ojz
21:45 sherrie__fay: 好相同的部分都改掉了
21:46 spboxer3: 00:36:402 (1) - [nazi] 雙邊未對稱
21:47 sherrie__fay: 我看下
21:47 spboxer3: 00:43:160 (1,2) - 其實我想問的是...這類的pattern 有點怪 為什麼要stack呢?
21:47 sherrie__fay: 对称了 那个
21:47 sherrie__fay: 不信你拖x轴看下?
21:47 spboxer3: 現在對稱了?
21:48 sherrie__fay: 不啊你放x轴上看下
21:48 sherrie__fay: 两边是平的0 0
21:48 sherrie__fay: 因为DS没地方摆所以stack【理由充分(死
21:49 spboxer3: 這是我複製後兩個疊在一起的情況
21:49 spboxer3: ...
21:49 spboxer3: 看看確實是有沒重合的點
21:49 sherrie__fay: 诶……/ \我试试看
21:49 spboxer3: 水平翻轉看看
21:51 spboxer3: 00:49:168 (1,2,3) - 這個嘛... 說實話這樣排真的挺死板的... 如果要排就排點變化吧
21:51 sherrie__fay: 嗯啊
21:52 spboxer3: 01:22:209 (1,2) - 這種slider說實話並不好看 頭尾彎度並不一致 而且也不是特殊形狀
21:52 sherrie__fay: 【中间由点两下改成点三下
21:53 sherrie__fay: easy说实话没梗
21:53 spboxer3: ... 還是可以做的出什麼的啦
21:53 spboxer3: [Normal]
21:53 sherrie__fay: 明明那么欢快的曲子干嘛要做一个蛋疼的三星下diff
21:53 spboxer3: 00:06:740 (4,2) - 部分重疊
21:54 sherrie__fay: 嗯
21:54 spboxer3: 00:30:394 - Easy難度 map到這邊 那為什麼Normal只停在 00:29:644 - ?
21:55 spboxer3: 00:36:402 (1) - 同Easy 用水平看一下 這個slider是偏的
21:55 sherrie__fay: 只有easymap到那里
21:55 sherrie__fay: 其余3个diff都是那里结束的
21:57 spboxer3: 01:08:692 (3,1,2) - 這個overlaps真是吃電視
21:58 spboxer3: 01:19:581 (2,3,4) - 不知道是不是故意的 但是2,3並沒有成直線
21:58 sherrie__fay: fixed
21:59 spboxer3: 01:30:845 (1) - 這個finish有點吵了一樣用60%應該就可以了
21:59 sherrie__fay: 删绿线就可以吧大概
22:00 spboxer3: 對
22:00 sherrie__fay: done
22:01 spboxer3: 00:12:372 (11,2) - 咳... 恩...overlaps>_>
22:02 sherrie__fay: =A=这个可以不改嘛
22:02 sherrie__fay: =A=没法动啊..
22:03 spboxer3: 有什麼不可以動的= = 只有你想不想動...這都Hard了 spacing什麼的只要不是太離譜都嘛OK
22:03 sherrie__fay: ok 改完
22:04 spboxer3: 00:20:257 (3,4,5) - 打起來不順
22:04 spboxer3: 你看一下這個打擊點都是在哪開始的 沒在重音上阿
22:04 spboxer3: 00:23:261 (4,5,6) - ^
22:05 spboxer3: 後面不多說 同樣也有這種問題
22:05 spboxer3: 00:37:059 - 多餘的綠線
22:05 spboxer3: 00:36:684 - ^
22:05 spboxer3: 00:37:153 - 這個finish太過大聲了
22:06 spboxer3: 00:46:915 (3,4,5) - 這個彎起來的overlaps不好 (5)的結尾已經和(3)的結尾極度貼近了
22:06 spboxer3: 這樣看起來就會很醜
22:07 spboxer3: 00:52:172 (1,2) - ^
22:08 spboxer3: 正確說法應該是角度沒有用好...複製後的那個差別小於直角又這樣貼齊會看起來怪怪的
22:09 spboxer3: 01:07:190 - finish大聲了點... 調小點吧
22:10 spboxer3: 01:10:945 (3,4) - 這個該怎麼解釋...對音樂的詮釋性不足/...\ 你可以聽到這個音樂的音高是來回的
22:10 spboxer3: 所以前面做的挺好 但是唯讀這個地方因為上方間距問題而沒辦法擺在一起 有點可惜
22:11 spboxer3: 01:30:845 (1) - 同樣略吵了些
22:11 spboxer3: [Insnae]
22:12 spboxer3: 00:04:487 (7,8,9) - 前頭都是flow的連打 這邊怎麼頓了? 感覺不適合阿
22:13 spboxer3: 00:17:629 (5,6,7,8,9) - 這個pattern想辦法讓它對稱?
22:14 sherrie__fay: 已经很尽力了ojz
22:15 spboxer3: 00:20:632 (5,6,7,8,9) - 這串有點沒注意... 感覺沒有挺好的
22:15 spboxer3: 沒事 我說說 你看看 能改就改 不能改先擱會吧
22:15 sherrie__fay: 不过听的时候感觉就很五连0A0
22:15 sherrie__fay: 0A0嗯啊
22:16 spboxer3: 不是 我是說stream的形狀
22:16 sherrie__fay: 哦哦哦!!
22:16 spboxer3: 00:22:885 (2,3) - 跳躍點怪怪的 感覺不該是這樣跳的...
22:16 spboxer3: 00:24:950 - 這個點聽起來應該有object
22:17 sherrie__fay: ok
22:18 spboxer3: 00:29:268 (4,5,1) - 感覺間距只該變大不該變小
22:19 sherrie__fay: 35换位置你觉得怎样
22:19 spboxer3: 不好
22:20 spboxer3:
22:20 spboxer3: 類似這樣的?
22:20 spboxer3: 打起來會很順手 又不會讓形狀變很難看
22:20 sherrie__fay: 偏了啊/...\
22:21 sherrie__fay: 唔不过还好0A0
22:21 sherrie__fay: 那就这么改了/www\
22:21 spboxer3: 00:48:417 (1) - 這個slider和 00:49:168 (1) - ...
22:21 spboxer3: 00:50:107 (3) - 未對稱
22:22 sherrie__fay: 啊那个本来不是刻意去做对称的
22:22 spboxer3: >_>
22:23 sherrie__fay: 不过这么说也可以改下0A0
22:23 spboxer3: 可是01:06:627 (3,4,1) - 這間距... 不感覺(1)太短了些嗎??
22:26 spboxer3: 01:25:213 (1,2,3) - 隨意舉一下例子... 這種pattern 感覺沒意義阿 感覺有點:"就是為排出節奏"
22:26 spboxer3: 而排的感覺可以從這邊看...感覺並沒有承接著的感覺
22:26 spboxer3: 大概就是這樣了~

射一下 占位待编
M4M Request from My Modding Queue~

This song.. is sooooo Cute *w* But it's really low, maby u can get a louder version? And you should think about making the hitsounds lower.
Kiai Time has to be fixed, none of your diffs has Kiai in it.


00:13:123 (1,4) - Finish maby on 45%? sounds better imo
00:37:153 from here to end are the clap sounds too loud >:
00:44:662 (1) - remove clap
00:45:413 (6) - add clap on slider end
00:43:911 (4) - remove clap
00:47:666 (1) - slider speed up dose not seem to be necessary
01:06:440 (1,2,3) - remove clap and try Whistle-nothing-whistle or Nothing-whistle-nothing instead.
01:29:155 (4,6) - remove whistle and make finish about 40%


00:38:843 (10,11) - remove finish
00:43:160 (1,3) - whistle instead of finish?
00:58:742 (2) - ^
01:08:880 (6,7) - remove finish
01:16:953 (3) - ^
01:19:769 (3) - ^
01:30:845 (1) - whistle instead of finish


00:36:402 (1) - remove whistle
01:07:190 (1) - finish on 50%
01:10:194 (1,2,3,4) - Unnecessary finish spam
01:30:845 (1) - whistle instead of clap


U did not use normal finish on the end, use them to make the hitsounding more similar to the mapset.

00:13:123 (1,2,3) - this overlap is barely visible because of the standart hitpoints, I recommend a triangle shape.
00:44:662 (2,3,4) - ^
00:46:164 (1,2) - What? this dose not fit with the rest of the sliders in this mapset. Use similar sliders.
01:22:209 (1,2) - ^
01:07:190 (1) - 50% volume q.q
01:25:213 (1,2,1,2) - This could be too hard for an easy.
01:30:845 (1) - whistle instead of finish.

Good Luck~ :3
wow 期待~ :)
Topic Starter

SC-DrawerX3 wrote:

M4M Request from My Modding Queue~

This song.. is sooooo Cute *w* But it's really low, maby u can get a louder version? And you should think about making the hitsounds lower.
Kiai Time has to be fixed, none of your diffs has Kiai in it.


00:13:123 (1,4) - Finish maby on 45%? sounds better imo
00:37:153 from here to end are the clap sounds too loud >:
00:44:662 (1) - remove clap :arrow: k
00:45:413 (6) - add clap on slider end :arrow: k
00:43:911 (4) - remove clap :arrow: k
00:47:666 (1) - slider speed up dose not seem to be necessary :arrow: fix later
01:06:440 (1,2,3) - remove clap and try Whistle-nothing-whistle or Nothing-whistle-nothing instead. :arrow: :?: i think it unnessery
01:29:155 (4,6) - remove whistle and make finish about 40%


00:38:843 (10,11) - remove finish
00:43:160 (1,3) - whistle instead of finish?
00:58:742 (2) - ^
01:08:880 (6,7) - remove finish
01:16:953 (3) - ^
01:19:769 (3) - ^
01:30:845 (1) - whistle instead of finish

:arrow: loud music so need not to fix these? :?:


00:36:402 (1) - remove whistle :arrow: k
01:07:190 (1) - finish on 50%
01:10:194 (1,2,3,4) - Unnecessary finish spam :arrow: k
01:30:845 (1) - whistle instead of clap


U did not use normal finish on the end, use them to make the hitsounding more similar to the mapset.

00:13:123 (1,2,3) - this overlap is barely visible because of the standart hitpoints, I recommend a triangle shape. :arrow: k
00:44:662 (2,3,4) - ^ :arrow: k
00:46:164 (1,2) - What? this dose not fit with the rest of the sliders in this mapset. Use similar sliders. :arrow: k
01:22:209 (1,2) - ^ :arrow: k
01:07:190 (1) - 50% volume q.q :arrow: k
01:25:213 (1,2,1,2) - This could be too hard for an easy. :arrow: k
01:30:845 (1) - whistle instead of finish.

Good Luck~ :3
MP3 changed 0w0~
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

two me one face

all fine

00:36:402 (1) - slighter curve please :?

00:58:179 (1,2) - weird overlap
few other overlaps too, but they look better

00:54:800 (2,1) - might be a bit confusing and hard to detect

great and original song choice, and creative streams on Insane, I hope to see this ranked!

Topic Starter

Static Noise Bird wrote:


all fine

00:36:402 (1) - slighter curve please :?

00:58:179 (1,2) - weird overlap
few other overlaps too, but they look better

00:54:800 (2,1) - might be a bit confusing and hard to detect

great and original song choice, and creative streams on Insane, I hope to see this ranked!


all fixed
早灣 >w<
抱歉!!fay姐 >~< 咱遲到好久, 最近比較忙 ;w;
M4M from L18's & Crystal's Modding Queue.

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是要討論的問題
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. 不知不覺 還是想吐槽一下bg的解析度大小
  2. 要不要改一下combo3 跟 combo4的顏色;w; 雖說是osu預設的, 可是太像了 >~<


  1. 沒問題~


  1. 01:28:217 (5) - NC~


  1. 00:14:625 (5) - NC? 咱感覺比較容易讀取這裡的方向


  1. 00:46:164 (7) - NC, 感覺這距離會因為前面的跳而按快了;w; 就會變成100
good song & good luck !!
fay姐 加油>w<!!
Haii ~
You requested in my queue ~

- Your background should be 800x600 or 1024x768
Here you go ~
- You should have at least one spinner in each diff to some have some differences in scores.

- Slider tick rate 1 ? owo
00:43:160 (1) - Stack properly ~
00:59:681 (2) - Place where 00:57:428 (4) was placed.

- Slider tick rate 1 ? ~

00:11:621 (9) - New combo.
00:38:655 (9) - ^

00:04:863 (9) - New combo.
00:09:368 (6) - ^
00:20:632 (5) - ^
00:40:157 (9) - ^
00:46:164 (7) - ^
01:09:443 (3) - ^
01:12:447 (8) - ^

Well mapped!
Good luck ~ >w<
Topic Starter

l1106188 wrote:

早灣 >w<
抱歉!!fay姐 >~< 咱遲到好久, 最近比較忙 ;w;
M4M from L18's & Crystal's Modding Queue.

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是要討論的問題
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. 不知不覺 還是想吐槽一下bg的解析度大小
  2. 要不要改一下combo3 跟 combo4的顏色;w; 雖說是osu預設的, 可是太像了 >~<


  1. 沒問題~


  1. 01:28:217 (5) - NC~


  1. 00:14:625 (5) - NC? 咱感覺比較容易讀取這裡的方向


  1. 00:46:164 (7) - NC, 感覺這距離會因為前面的跳而按快了;w; 就會變成100
good song & good luck !!
fay姐 加油>w<!!

all fixed!
thx mod!!
Topic Starter

xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx wrote:

Haii ~
You requested in my queue ~

- Your background should be 800x600 or 1024x768
Here you go ~
- You should have at least one spinner in each diff to some have some differences in scores.

- Slider tick rate 1 ? owo
00:43:160 (1) - Stack properly ~
00:59:681 (2) - Place where 00:57:428 (4) was placed.

- Slider tick rate 1 ? ~

00:11:621 (9) - New combo.
00:38:655 (9) - ^

00:04:863 (9) - New combo.
00:09:368 (6) - ^
00:20:632 (5) - ^
00:40:157 (9) - ^
00:46:164 (7) - ^
01:09:443 (3) - ^
01:12:447 (8) - ^

Well mapped!
Good luck ~ >w<

all fixed~
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