This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, December 30, 2024 at 4:58:00 PM
Artist: cute girls doing cute things
Title: Let's Go!
Tags: lets go featured artist fa mappers' guild mpg kensuke -_ascended_- -ascended- ascended daycore kittyadventure gokugohan12468 P1Twist Paul Blart electronic instrumental cutesy electro pop japan SCENE scenery
BPM: 87
Filesize: 12408kb
Play Time: 02:48
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
mapper guild mapset
bg and sb bg taken by me from somewhere in Taiwan
From the Grave Priority Quest Storyboard showcase quest (priority quest)
normal by - frontier -
hard by - ascended -
insane by daycore
top diff by me
storyboard inspired by riffy's you are the only one on shmiklak's map
hs by paul blart aka. p1twist
timing from taiko's ranked mapset by squirrelpascals (fixed by fllecc, thank you!)
this song is cute
and you see this is cute
Artist: cute girls doing cute things
Title: Let's Go!
Tags: lets go featured artist fa mappers' guild mpg kensuke -_ascended_- -ascended- ascended daycore kittyadventure gokugohan12468 P1Twist Paul Blart electronic instrumental cutesy electro pop japan SCENE scenery
BPM: 87
Filesize: 12408kb
Play Time: 02:48
Difficulties Available:
- Ascended's Hard (2.92 stars, 328 notes)
- Daycore's Insane (3.98 stars, 356 notes)
- Kensuke's Normal (2.35 stars, 229 notes)
- Nelumbo nucifera (4.75 stars, 508 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
mapper guild mapset
bg and sb bg taken by me from somewhere in Taiwan
normal by - frontier -
hard by - ascended -
insane by daycore
top diff by me
storyboard inspired by riffy's you are the only one on shmiklak's map
hs by paul blart aka. p1twist
timing from taiko's ranked mapset by squirrelpascals (fixed by fllecc, thank you!)
this song is cute
and you see this is cute