
fumika - Umikaze no Brave (TV Anime Ending Size) [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年9月3日 at 17:25:42

Artist: fumika
Title: Umikaze no Brave (TV Anime Ending Size)
Tags: ロボティクス・ノーツ Nardoxyribonucleic KwaN 5pb nitro+ nitroplus Production I.G
BPM: 156
Filesize: 21419kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.48 stars, 87 notes)
  2. Hard (2.79 stars, 217 notes)
  3. Insane (3.97 stars, 325 notes)
  4. Nardo's Muzukashii (2.5 stars, 302 notes)
  5. Nardo's Oni (3.22 stars, 443 notes)
  6. Normal (1.79 stars, 123 notes)
Download: fumika - Umikaze no Brave (TV Anime Ending Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Thank you for Nardoxyribonucleic's Muzu and Oni.
another Robotics;Notes map
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Yeah 正在努力中 :P
Samuel is working on insane now :)
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dont want guest diff ;w;. . .
姨媽加油 :D
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happy623 wrote:

姨媽加油 :D
傻仔多謝 \:D/
Taiko Muzu:
Taiko Oni:

Both difficulties were done.
Good song, isn't it? :)
Just support my dear sister...
Topic Starter

Nardoxyribonucleic wrote:

Taiko Muzu:
Taiko Oni:

Both difficulties were done.
Good song, isn't it? :)
Thank you Nardo :D

dennisboy38 wrote:

Just support my dear sister...
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Foreverends wrote:

Support :) Such an enjoyable map ^^
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jamjamjam616 wrote:

Support :) Such an enjoyable map ^^
H i , Random Taiko modding .

These are all suggestion. If you don't like them , you could ignore .

| d = don | k = kat | D = BIG DON | K = BIG KAT | re = remove |

[ General ]
  1. "bg.png" is too large. changing to jpg is better.
[ Nardo's Taiko Muzukashii]
  1. Please remove the rekiai in all Taiko diffs. This is unrankabke.
  2. volume is very small.
    Keep volume at a constant level (e.g. 80%) with the beat still somewhat audible.
  3. HP Drain -1 ?
  4. 01:23:315 - It ends here?
    01:29:277 - I consider that it is better to make so far.
  5. 00:32:257 (2) - re
  6. 00:34:084 (4) - k
  7. 00:40:430 (3,1,2,1,2,1,1,2) - d d k k d k k d
  8. 01:05:238 (1,1) - K ...?
  9. 01:21:777 (1,2,3) - K
  10. 01:22:353 (1,1) - re
  11. 01:22:642 (4) ⇒ 01:22:546 - move , and use d
  12. 01:23:123 (1) - k
[ Nardo's Taiko Oni]
  1. Please remove the rekiai in all Taiko diffs. This is unrankabke.
  2. volume is very small.
    Keep volume at a constant level (e.g. 80%) with the beat still somewhat audible.
  3. 01:23:315 - It ends here?
    01:29:277 - I consider that it is better to make so far.
  4. 00:11:392 (1) - k
  5. 00:15:430 (1) - k
  6. 00:15:623 (1,2,3,1,2) - DDDK K here.
  7. 00:19:084 (5) - k ?
  8. 00:31:007 (4) - k
  9. 00:34:084 (4) - k
  10. 00:34:950 (1) - d
  11. 00:48:315 - like this?
  12. 01:07:738 (1,2,1) - kkd here.
  13. 01:09:277 (1) - combo color error,use k ?
  14. 01:14:084 (2,3,4) - k ...?
I'm sorry for my bad English skill makes you hard to understand ... Dx
good luck .
Topic Starter

[Taiko muzukashii:]
00:06:200 k?
00:15:623 (2) finish
00:15:815 (3) finish
00:16:007 (1) finish+whistle
00:16:208 (1) finish+whistle
00:17:161 (1) finish? 因為我聽到音樂→重拍
00:55:623 (1) finsih?
01:14:853 (1) k?

[Taiko Oni:]
我覺得比較緊要的係,你timing set 的Kiai mode 要跟返其他譜一樣01:23:123 取消Kiai mode

00:02:161(2) don?
00:16:969 (3) don?
00:17:065 (4) don?
00:17:161 (1) k?
00:26:200 加個don note?
00:53:507 (2) finish?
00:53:892 (1) finish+whistle?

good luck(`・ω・´)(`・ω・´)(`・ω・´)(`・ω・´)

另外Kial End at 01:20:238 Start at 01:21:777 會有feel d :33!

00:05:238 - 跟返vocal加個notes?
00:07:930 (4) - NC
00:09:084 (1) - delect NC
00:11:007 (4) - NC
00:11:777 - Map左e段好d~
00:20:238 (4) - 可以同(2,3)三角形左佢
00:23:700 - 加notes
00:25:238 - ^
00:26:007 - ^
00:39:084 - ^
01:01:007 - 或者加green section 轉sound做S , 加note
01:01:392 - 加note
01:18:123 - 移去01:17:738 或者 係01:17:738 加note

00:07:930 (6) - NC
00:09:084 (1) - delect NC
00:11:007 (5) - NC
00:11:007 (5,6) - 置中
00:11:777 - Map左e段好d~
00:13:507 - Map左00:11:777既話依度delect NC
00:13:507 -
00:15:623 (3) - NC
00:17:161 (5) - NC
00:29:463 - end at 00:29:853
00:30:700 - add note
00:35:046 - ^
00:43:123 - ^
01:01:007 (5) - 無視DS 尾stack (3) ?
01:16:007 (1) - delect NC
01:17:161 (6) - NC
01:19:661 (6) - x240 y24 對返(1)好似靚d lol

00:05:238 -
00:15:238 -
00:18:411 - remove note
00:28:507 (6) - x256 y268
00:30:046 (3,5,6) - x360 y168
00:45:623 (4) - 跟返vocal remove note
00:52:546 (2) - end at 00:52:930
00:55:623 (1) - end at 00:56:007
00:58:219 (4) - remove note
00:59:180 - add note
01:00:334 (12) - remove note
01:01:777 -
01:04:469 - map左佢!
01:09:950 - 對返上一段? add note
01:11:488 - ^
01:18:892 -

00:07:353 -
00:13:123 -
00:19:469 -
00:29:469 -
00:31:969 -
00:34:661 -
00:44:084 -
01:07:738 -
01:22:353 -
01:27:930 -
00:11:488 - remove note

加油! RANK!! :33
Topic Starter

On_WanWan wrote:


依首歌好好聽xP! 系xD
NC或者試下+番係第一拍OAO? 主要都系跟歌詞OAO
另外Kial End at 01:20:238 Start at 01:21:777 會有feel d :33! FIXED

00:05:238 - 跟返vocal加個notes? FIXED
00:07:930 (4) - NC 跟歌詞 無fixed
00:09:084 (1) - delect NC 跟歌詞 無fixed
00:11:007 (4) - NC 跟歌詞 無fixed
00:11:777 - Map左e段好d~ 我好怕過3星;w;
00:20:238 (4) - 可以同(2,3)三角形左佢 有無圖;w;
00:23:700 - 加notes FIXED
00:25:238 - ^ FIXED
00:26:007 - ^ FIXED
00:39:084 - ^ FIXED
01:01:007 - 或者加green section 轉sound做S , 加note FIXED
01:01:392 - 加note FIXED
01:18:123 - 移去01:17:738 或者 係01:17:738 加note FIXED

00:07:930 (6) - NC 跟歌詞 無fixed
00:09:084 (1) - delect NC 跟歌詞 無fixed
00:11:007 (5) - NC 跟歌詞 無fixed
00:11:007 (5,6) - 置中 FIXED
00:11:777 - Map左e段好d~ 同easy一樣好d
00:13:507 - Map左00:11:777既話依度delect NC ^
00:13:507 - FIXED
00:15:623 (3) - NC 跟歌詞 無fixed
00:17:161 (5) - NC 跟歌詞 無fixed
00:29:463 - end at 00:29:853 FIXED
00:30:700 - add note 系咪00:30:046 lol? FIXED
00:35:046 - ^ 感覺對normal來講太難:3
00:43:123 - ^ FIXED
01:01:007 (5) - 無視DS 尾stack (3) ? 甘先好玩嘛 同埋想對稱:3
01:16:007 (1) - delect NC FIXED
01:17:161 (6) - NC FIXED
01:19:661 (6) - x240 y24 對返(1)好似靚d lol FIXED

00:05:238 - NO FIXED現在感覺良好w
00:15:238 - FIXED
00:18:411 - remove note FIXED
00:28:507 (6) - x256 y268 FIXED
00:30:046 (3,5,6) - x360 y168 FIXED
00:45:623 (4) - 跟返vocal remove note 5系3個音咩0.0? kai e de
00:52:546 (2) - end at 00:52:930 FIXED
00:55:623 (1) - end at 00:56:007 FIXED
00:58:219 (4) - remove note 哈 有modder話add 我其實都覺得remove好d ww FIXED
00:59:180 - add note FIXED
01:00:334 (12) - remove note FIXED
01:01:777 - FIXED
01:04:469 - map左佢! D: 我想後面擺中間
01:09:950 - 對返上一段? add note FIXED
01:11:488 - ^ FIXED
01:18:892 - FIXED

00:07:353 - FIXED
00:13:123 - FIXED
00:19:469 - FIXED
00:29:469 - FIXED
00:31:969 - NO FIXED
00:34:661 - FIXED
00:44:084 - FIXED
01:07:738 - FIXED
01:22:353 - FIXED
01:27:930 - FIXED
00:11:488 - remove note FIXED

加油! RANK!! :33
thank you very much >v<
Unfortunately, I do not really have much time to look into detail other difficulties.


00:03:700 - + k
00:32:161 (1,2,1) - kkd
01:05:623 (2,1,1) - ^


00:29:469 (2) - finish at the end of the slider
00:35:623 (2) - finish
00:40:045 (6) - remove this circle, and move 00:40:238 (7) - to that position
00:44:854 (2) - finish on the end of slider
00:55:623 (1) - finish on start of slider
01:07:930 (1) - ^
01:20:238 (1) - add finish too
01:26:584 - add a note
01:28:700 (5,6) - add whistle
01:29:084 (7,8) - add finish
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