
Abuse - Flowers, Mountains and Funerals

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 5 июля 2022 г. at 17:42:25

Artist: Abuse
Title: Flowers, Mountains and Funerals
Tags: japanese electronic hatsune miku vocaloid 初音ミク kudou chitose mrrrk -syncro guchiry klaksoncakfish soncak ryxliee vitas2222 vitas calvaria 虻瀬犬 abuseken abu-se-ken Saiainaru Saiai naru Anata wa Kasou pop folk karma adharma jpop j-pop
BPM: 155
Filesize: 7717kb
Play Time: 03:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab Insane (4,33 stars, 463 notes)
  2. Death (5,22 stars, 529 notes)
  3. Ryxliee's Normal (2,03 stars, 271 notes)
  4. soncak's Hard (3,35 stars, 384 notes)
  5. Vitas' Another (4,87 stars, 470 notes)
Download: Abuse - Flowers, Mountains and Funerals
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

normal - ryxliee d
hard - klaksoncakfish d
insane - guchiry & me & kudou chitose d
extra - vitas2222 d
death - me d

hitsounds - calvaria d

bg from youtube

aika/kyle y
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