
Mineko Yamamoto - Falling, The Star Light

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 28 января 2022 г. at 21:42:04

Artist: Mineko Yamamoto
Title: Falling, The Star Light
Source: ロロナのアトリエ ~アーランドの錬金術士~
Tags: l1ght_u light_u hinae kudou chitose kudou_chitose mrrrk Rorona no Atelier: Arland no Renkinjutsushi 中河健 video game folk opening Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland japanese pop jpop j-pop
BPM: 178
Filesize: 3634kb
Play Time: 00:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Chitose's Hard (2,96 stars, 123 notes)
  2. Hinae's Normal (2,08 stars, 94 notes)
  3. Re:Light (4,23 stars, 154 notes)
Download: Mineko Yamamoto - Falling, The Star Light
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

№6 ⇨

1. Lasse | 2. Nekro

Normal by Hinae
Hard by Kudou Chitose

banner by Tachibana_
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