
Hashimoto Miyuki - crazy blood to you

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Natsume Shizuku
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 5:40:13 PM

Artist: Hashimoto Miyuki
Title: crazy blood to you
Source: アキウソ -The only neat thing to do-
Tags: Garden Surac eringiRa jpop pop japanese j-pop Ayumi. Ayumi female vocal eroge vn visual novel op opening campus light autumn akiuso galgame maple cute girl 青希凛太 Aoki Rinta STRIKERS uso
BPM: 182
Filesize: 5472kb
Play Time: 01:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Aki x Koi (5.67 stars, 362 notes)
  2. eringiRa's Hard (3.41 stars, 274 notes)
  3. Garden's Normal (2.31 stars, 191 notes)
  4. Surac's Insane (4.76 stars, 319 notes)
Download: Hashimoto Miyuki - crazy blood to you
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

kiai karxy inspo

my first supposingly ranked map


tysm for noms and gds
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