
Jeff Williams - I Burn (Extended Remix feat. Casey Lee Willi

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年2月23日 at 23:36:49

Artist: Jeff Williams
Title: I Burn (Extended Remix feat. Casey Lee Williams)
Source: RWBY
Tags: theme song monty oum rooster teeth red white black yellow yang xiao long Roosterteeth soundtrack blake belladonna ruby rose weiss schnee trailer flame blaze mirror shadows Faust
BPM: 140
Filesize: 25976kb
Play Time: 07:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Marathon (4.98 stars, 1405 notes)
Download: Jeff Williams - I Burn (Extended Remix feat. Casey Lee Williams)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Happy birthday to my friend, its a late gift tho

You're standing too close to a flame that's burning
Hotter than the sun in the middle of July.

BPM : R : 140 W : 146 B : 185 Y : 146

Pro Storyboard done by Faust \o\!! thanks a lot!!

Song included Red Likes Roses, Mirror Mirror, From Shadows and I Burn

For app /o/

From Youtube / BiliBili


SB materials are found from deviantART, rwby.wikia, pixiv, wallbase

I love you, modders
- Miomio Chii -, Faust and Charles445's timing, help a lot!
Hollow Wings
Mao's irc
-Asagi's irc
HelloSCV's mod and 1st Bubble!!
Irreversible's mod and 2nd bubbububbubuubububububububububububble \o\
LunarSakuya's mod and Approved!!!!!!!!!!! <333333
fartownik for pointing out issue xD
Andrea and BeatofIke for rebubblesss, I love you
dkun's fire! <33

Thanks for you guys, cant go without your helps

Thanks for support!!
Go happy <3
Support as usual ;)
oh and ...(ノ·ω·)ノ︵
Topic Starter

-Asagi wrote:

Go happy <3
Support as usual ;)
oh and ...(ノ·ω·)ノ︵

Hollow Wings
as ur req


  1. HP8 OD8... 这太凶残了吧。。。前面才146bpm哎,感觉至少HP-1较好orz,而且低BPM+高OD会让人很抓狂的OVQ
  2. 00:57:294 (2) - 放在227,355似乎比较顺手一点
  3. 01:02:651 (2,3,4) - 弄个正三角?好像没弄好
  4. 01:17:892 (1,2,3,4) - 其实可以考虑稍微小跳一下,虽然我懂你后面要大跳到右上角,但是这样直接就stack对玩家定位会造成困难(也就是会很难,小跳一下稍微简单一点
  5. 01:41:051 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 这几个如果是正三角建议做完美,如果不是打算做正三角的话那我建议变形的再厉害些,否则有点像正三角又有点随机跳的感觉有点不爽orz
  6. 02:22:193 (2) - 我推荐此slider ctrl+g,并且个人觉得加个nc比较好
  7. 02:24:336 (2,3) - 这里漏了个鼓点有点可惜,我看你后面这个梗放的很多,我个人建议可以把其中的一些这么改:把2改成1/2滑条+note,接到3的头上,这样切指也更丰富一些,打起来也很爽快0.0
  8. 02:32:479 (1,2) - 和 02:34:193 (1,2) - 是故意不平行的吗?如果是那我建议两个slider之间的夹角再大一点,如果不是那就平行弄弄好吧
  9. 03:36:022 (1,2) - 故意不blanket?那1的尾巴再往下甩一点
  10. 03:50:405 (4,5,6) - ctrl+g,前面的滑条都设置了反向跳,到了重音反而让跳的ds变小感觉有点怪,强烈建议反过来
  11. 04:49:435 (2,3,1) - 这个前后ds差的有点多。。。好像挺有趣的,不过好难啊,稍微再往左移一点吧0.0
  12. 07:02:312 (5) - 总觉得这个slider可以反向后放的远一点,这里小跳感觉不太合适,但我也不太清楚你喜欢放在哪,考虑一下吧0.0
  13. 07:20:329 (1) - 这个减速其实。。。虽然和之后的加速有个落差,但个人觉得这里更适合跳而不是变速滑条0.0
  14. 发现你很喜欢摆反flow的obj,我个人是蛮喜欢的啦OVO
  15. SB挺不错啊(好大的图orz)图也挺好,送你2个星0.0


good luck
01:54:336 (4) - 中間粒點多餘左?
05:17:651 - whistle
05:34:840 (3,1) - ctrl+g 或者順flow d
05:55:759 (1) - 咁大聲搞到同前面好違和

Topic Starter

Hollow Wings wrote:

as ur req


  1. HP8 OD8... 这太凶残了吧。。。前面才146bpm哎,感觉至少HP-1较好orz,而且低BPM+高OD会让人很抓狂的OVQ /_>\ HP7 now
  2. 00:57:294 (2) - 放在227,355似乎比较顺手一点 好的
  3. 01:02:651 (2,3,4) - 弄个正三角?好像没弄好 fixed ;w;
  4. 01:17:892 (1,2,3,4) - 其实可以考虑稍微小跳一下,虽然我懂你后面要大跳到右上角,但是这样直接就stack对玩家定位会造成困难(也就是会很难,小跳一下稍微简单一点 不錯w (我自己都被坑2333
  5. 01:41:051 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 这几个如果是正三角建议做完美,如果不是打算做正三角的话那我建议变形的再厉害些,否则有点像正三角又有点随机跳的感觉有点不爽orz fixed
  6. 02:22:193 (2) - 我推荐此slider ctrl+g,并且个人觉得加个nc比较好 不了, 個人覺得音樂有種往外飛的感覺, ctrl g 反而像音樂縮小的意思, 不過NC挺好的, 消了後面的NC
  7. 02:24:336 (2,3) - 这里漏了个鼓点有点可惜,我看你后面这个梗放的很多,我个人建议可以把其中的一些这么改:把2改成1/2滑条+note,接到3的头上,这样切指也更丰富一些,打起来也很爽快0.0 好的, 換掉好幾個
  8. 02:32:479 (1,2) - 和 02:34:193 (1,2) - 是故意不平行的吗?如果是那我建议两个slider之间的夹角再大一点,如果不是那就平行弄弄好吧 故意的, 直接扭曲他們233
  9. 03:36:022 (1,2) - 故意不blanket?那1的尾巴再往下甩一点 想blanket ;w;, 嘛, 稍為調了調
  10. 03:50:405 (4,5,6) - ctrl+g,前面的滑条都设置了反向跳,到了重音反而让跳的ds变小感觉有点怪,强烈建议反过来 okay
  11. 04:49:435 (2,3,1) - 这个前后ds差的有点多。。。好像挺有趣的,不过好难啊,稍微再往左移一点吧0.0 ;w;連打的ds應該一樣的, 不過移了
  12. 07:02:312 (5) - 总觉得这个slider可以反向后放的远一点,这里小跳感觉不太合适,但我也不太清楚你喜欢放在哪,考虑一下吧0.0 改了~
  13. 07:20:329 (1) - 这个减速其实。。。虽然和之后的加速有个落差,但个人觉得这里更适合跳而不是变速滑条0.0 恩. . .先換成0.75x再看看
  14. 发现你很喜欢摆反flow的obj,我个人是蛮喜欢的啦OVO 找天合作ww
  15. SB挺不错啊(好大的图orz)图也挺好,送你2个星0.0 大感謝!!
你们都做app。。。我找不到6分钟以上的曲子啊OVQQQ qwq 祝你快找到


good luck
感謝wwwwww 你的圖我會盡快摸

Kawaiwkyik wrote:

HP-1 55
01:54:336 (4) - 中間粒點多餘左? no 本身想扭dd, 改左now
05:17:651 - whistle xD thanks
05:34:840 (3,1) - ctrl+g 或者順flow d nice!
05:55:759 (1) - 咁大聲搞到同前面好違和 -10%

-.- DX
thank you <3
good luck :3
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

good luck :3
xD thanks <3
mod from request

  • [General]
  1. 咕噜
  2. 不知道现在的马拉松允不允许自创名了?好像只能用“Marathon” 具体还是找BAT问问
  3. 还有我觉得NC用的太频繁了吧0n0 差不多3个就换一次
  4. 02:20:479 (1,1) - 这里间距太大了吧 前面类似的地方都是3.xx 4.xx的
  5. 03:54:084 (1,1,1,1) - 这几个都可以放成3/4滑条 粘连感爽ww
  6. 04:18:744 (1,2) - 算是比较明显的没包好了;w;
  7. 剩下的也看了找不到什么问题 ;w; 求个mu啊
Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Awaken wrote:

mod from request

  • [General]
  1. 咕噜
  2. 不知道现在的马拉松允不允许自创名了?好像只能用“Marathon” 具体还是找BAT问问 改了Marathon
  3. 还有我觉得NC用的太频繁了吧0n0 差不多3个就换一次 嘛嘛ww 沒差的
  4. 02:20:479 (1,1) - 这里间距太大了吧 前面类似的地方都是3.xx 4.xx的 我覺得還好啦ww 找人testplay也沒掉, 先留著
  5. 03:54:084 (1,1,1,1) - 这几个都可以放成3/4滑条 粘连感爽ww ;w;不了
  6. 04:18:744 (1,2) - 算是比较明显的没包好了;w; okay!
  7. 剩下的也看了找不到什么问题 ;w; 求个mu啊
Good Luck~
[ Zzz ]
Hi~ happy623

In game m4m request!!

[ Marathon ]

01:47:051 (3,4) -
01:47:479 (5,6) - ^

01:50:479 (3,4) - ^

01:50:908 (5,6) - ^

02:11:908 (1) -
02:13:622 (1) - ^ x276 y212

05:06:462 (1,2,1,2) - Ctrl + G
05:40:191 (1) -
oh... good map!!

Star!! GL~ :)
Topic Starter

[ Zzz ] wrote:

Hi~ happy623

In game m4m request!!

[ Marathon ]

01:47:051 (3,4) -
01:47:479 (5,6) - ^

01:50:479 (3,4) - ^

01:50:908 (5,6) - ^ hmm, alright, fixed!

02:11:908 (1) - quite nice, btw I didnt move the exactly position for here o/
02:13:622 (1) - ^ x276 y212 okay

05:06:462 (1,2,1,2) - Ctrl + G yea done
05:40:191 (1) - hmm, sorry I might keep this, it is intentional to make it harder =w=
oh... good map!!

Star!! GL~ :)
thanks xD! I will mod ur map asap

Foreverends wrote:

mod me please jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Hi Happy ~.~

Don't kd this post.

Your map feels amazing to me, and I just found nothing scary imho.
Just a few overlaps like 02:13:193 (1,1) - and 02:56:479 (1,2,3) - all of them feel intentional and belonging to your map style.

I would say I do prefer something like Lesjuh's and Larto's, and some jonathanlfj's ─ but I can't complain, your map is really AMAZING :3

And the song choices are awesome (: the same I could say about the SB ^^

:arrow: 1 Star for Map Quality
:arrow: 1 Star for the Song amazingness

Let's The Dance of the Four Maidens conquer world's heart and Pro's bodies ~.~ ─ and I could suggest the red phrase as Diff name, since there's just 1 diff, if that rule didn't exist ><


(Let's approve quickly ;))
Topic Starter

Alarido wrote:

Hi Happy ~.~

Don't kd this post.

Your map feels amazing to me, and I just found nothing scary imho.
Just a few overlaps like 02:13:193 (1,1) - and 02:56:479 (1,2,3) - all of them feel intentional and belonging to your map style.

I would say I do prefer something like Lesjuh's and Larto's, and some jonathanlfj's ─ but I can't complain, your map is really AMAZING :3

And the song choices are awesome (: the same I could say about the SB ^^

:arrow: 1 Star for Map Quality
:arrow: 1 Star for the Song amazingness

Let's The Dance of the Four Maidens conquer world's heart and Pro's bodies ~.~ ─ and I could suggest the red phrase as Diff name, since there's just 1 diff, if that rule didn't exist ><


(Let's approve quickly ;))
thanks for spending times going through my map! xD

well yea sadly that cant change the diff name according to the rules :(

thanks for stars of coz! <3
Hello happy \o\
M4M IRC mod req LOL

623 pro map box
2013-12-29 00:37 -Asagi: ACTION is editing [ Jeff Williams - I Burn (feat. Casey Lee Williams) [Marathon]]
2013-12-29 00:37 -Asagi: lemme take a peek lol
2013-12-29 00:37 happy623: okaay
2013-12-29 00:38 happy623: my map is much easier
2013-12-29 00:38 happy623: ;w;
2013-12-29 00:38 -Asagi: i dont know about NCs but can you explain something like this ? 00:13:794 (1,2,1) -
2013-12-29 00:38 happy623: pattern (?
2013-12-29 00:38 -Asagi: i mostly do NC on long white tick
2013-12-29 00:39 happy623: yea sure because it is melody changing
2013-12-29 00:39 -Asagi: im not really pro at NC, but NC are mostly on rhythm
2013-12-29 00:39 -Asagi: not the pattern
2013-12-29 00:40 happy623: I personally dont like too much number
2013-12-29 00:40 happy623: xD
2013-12-29 00:40 happy623: 9 is the highest
2013-12-29 00:40 -Asagi: me too
2013-12-29 00:40 -Asagi: yeah me too haha
2013-12-29 00:40 -Asagi: 00:33:508 (1,2) - LOL hahaha intentional, but do it like the others?? XD
2013-12-29 00:41 happy623: nooo
2013-12-29 00:41 happy623: trap
2013-12-29 00:41 happy623: here
2013-12-29 00:41 -Asagi: yeah trap
2013-12-29 00:41 -Asagi: as i saw, you really like 0.5 SV
2013-12-29 00:42 happy623: qwq
2013-12-29 00:42 happy623: yes
2013-12-29 00:42 -Asagi: hmmm
2013-12-29 00:42 happy623: dont you think this 0.5 jumping are awesome
2013-12-29 00:43 happy623: I mean I like 0.5 jumping
2013-12-29 00:43 -Asagi: yeah but rather confusing but its fine
2013-12-29 00:43 happy623: but yea, it have to follow the music orz
2013-12-29 00:43 -Asagi: oh and the combo colour? how bout depending it on the BG
2013-12-29 00:43 -Asagi: SB
2013-12-29 00:44 -Asagi: 01:42:765 (1) - for exmaple here
2013-12-29 00:44 -Asagi: why dont you change the color into white and that white blue blah blah
2013-12-29 00:44 happy623: yes
2013-12-29 00:44 -Asagi: it fits the BG
2013-12-29 00:44 happy623: following the lyrics and the theme
2013-12-29 00:45 happy623: actually this song is combining with 4 characters
2013-12-29 00:45 -Asagi: yeah i saw
2013-12-29 00:45 happy623: R -> W -> B -> Y
2013-12-29 00:45 -Asagi: iknow that
2013-12-29 00:45 -Asagi: RWBY \o\
2013-12-29 00:45 happy623: RWBY \o\
2013-12-29 00:46 -Asagi: but depend it on the BG too
2013-12-29 00:46 -Asagi: like here
2013-12-29 00:46 -Asagi: 00:54:937 (1) -
2013-12-29 00:46 -Asagi: how bout red and white/black?
2013-12-29 00:46 -Asagi: the purple dont match
2013-12-29 00:46 happy623: hmm
2013-12-29 00:47 happy623: considering
2013-12-29 00:47 -Asagi: lol XD
2013-12-29 00:47 happy623: but I am afraid it will covered by the bg
2013-12-29 00:47 -Asagi: okay i have nothing to do, so im gonna full mod it now
2013-12-29 00:47 happy623: ;w; and hard to read
2013-12-29 00:47 -Asagi: this is so farking long map ._.
2013-12-29 00:47 happy623: okay gooo
2013-12-29 00:47 happy623: XD
2013-12-29 00:48 -Asagi: it will take long, but lets start the M4M
2013-12-29 00:48 happy623: but I think it is better than modding on diffs with 4-5mins
2013-12-29 00:48 -Asagi: "M4M"
2013-12-29 00:48 -Asagi: hahaha
2013-12-29 00:48 -Asagi: yeah i think too
2013-12-29 00:48 -Asagi: ill do a testplay 1st
2013-12-29 00:49 happy623: goo
2013-12-29 00:49 -Asagi: you didnt change anything right?
2013-12-29 00:49 happy623: sure
2013-12-29 00:51 -Asagi: OD wat?
2013-12-29 00:51 happy623: 8
2013-12-29 00:51 -Asagi: fark :v
2013-12-29 00:51 happy623: intentional
2013-12-29 00:51 happy623: ;w;
2013-12-29 00:53 -Asagi: dafaq
2013-12-29 00:53 happy623: XD
2013-12-29 00:53 -Asagi: i dont know what BPM is that part
2013-12-29 00:53 happy623: NF
2013-12-29 00:53 happy623: pleaseee
2013-12-29 00:53 happy623: 146
2013-12-29 00:53 -Asagi: that surprised me
2013-12-29 00:53 happy623: 140 , 146 , 185 and then 146 again
2013-12-29 00:54 -Asagi: dunno o.o
2013-12-29 01:00 happy623: that jump
2013-12-29 01:00 happy623: xD
2013-12-29 01:01 -Asagi: dat
2013-12-29 01:01 -Asagi: dat note on the middle of the 2 spinners
2013-12-29 01:02 happy623: yes
2013-12-29 01:02 -Asagi: i really love the 185 bpm part
2013-12-29 01:02 happy623: thanks ;w;
2013-12-29 01:02 -Asagi: its the most thrilling part
2013-12-29 01:03 -Asagi: 03:26:172 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - dunno about this. i really hate spacing like this
2013-12-29 01:03 -Asagi: btw dont put an anti jump here 03:29:447 (1) -
2013-12-29 01:03 -Asagi: put it somewhere
2013-12-29 01:04 -Asagi: because the 1/8 is rather confusing, the player will just spam it
2013-12-29 01:04 happy623:
2013-12-29 01:04 -Asagi: mostly, that part is automatically miss on some players
2013-12-29 01:04 -Asagi: oh pretty good
2013-12-29 01:05 happy623: ;w; actually I place here because I want to make it harder
2013-12-29 01:05 -Asagi: many player will rage LOL
2013-12-29 01:05 happy623: xD
2013-12-29 01:06 -Asagi: i dunno , some parts doesnt fit the NC colour
2013-12-29 01:06 -Asagi: like this 03:41:775 (1) -
2013-12-29 01:06 -Asagi: its like, on the middle of the white, a wild yellow appears
2013-12-29 01:06 -Asagi: how bout black?
2013-12-29 01:07 happy623: this is a contrast color of blue
2013-12-29 01:07 happy623: I want to make the 0.5 things more obvious
2013-12-29 01:07 happy623: so..
2013-12-29 01:07 -Asagi: you have a point , but idk,
2013-12-29 01:08 -Asagi: but your cursor will almost not move on that 0.5 slider
2013-12-29 01:09 happy623: I know ;-;
2013-12-29 01:09 happy623: curved slider works sometime
2013-12-29 01:09 happy623: but idk xD
2013-12-29 01:09 happy623: change or not
2013-12-29 01:09 -Asagi: loool
2013-12-29 01:11 -Asagi: opps i almost forgot this part
2013-12-29 01:11 -Asagi: 00:54:937 (1) -
2013-12-29 01:11 -Asagi: starts here
2013-12-29 01:11 -Asagi: i really feel on that part, NC overused
2013-12-29 01:12 -Asagi: i know it fits the vocals well
2013-12-29 01:12 -Asagi: but its really overused imo
2013-12-29 01:12 happy623: qwq
2013-12-29 01:12 -Asagi: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 lol
2013-12-29 01:13 happy623: may I keep this first
2013-12-29 01:13 happy623: ;-;
2013-12-29 01:14 -Asagi: btw i havent saw wan ;-;
2013-12-29 01:15 happy623: ;-;
2013-12-29 01:15 -Asagi: 02:11:693 (2) - hmm, can you put this a little further?
2013-12-29 01:15 -Asagi: for a little pressure
2013-12-29 01:15 -Asagi: and the other 1/4s
2013-12-29 01:16 -Asagi: i dont know how to explain it, but i think its good
2013-12-29 01:16 -Asagi: because of the music i think
2013-12-29 01:17 happy623: xD
2013-12-29 01:17 happy623: okay
2013-12-29 01:17 -Asagi: 02:32:908 (2) - the blanket (at last)
2013-12-29 01:17 -Asagi: 02:34:622 (2) -
2013-12-29 01:18 -Asagi: idk if this is intentional lol
2013-12-29 01:18 happy623: 02:34:622 (2) - this is already blanket ;-;
2013-12-29 01:18 happy623: 02:32:908 (2) - fixed
2013-12-29 01:18 happy623: xD
2013-12-29 01:18 -Asagi: on the slider ball blah blah
2013-12-29 01:19 -Asagi: dunno, i think it is a better blanket on the tail
2013-12-29 01:19 happy623: okay
2013-12-29 01:19 happy623: I make the purple lighter
2013-12-29 01:19 happy623: I think the now one is okay
2013-12-29 01:19 -Asagi: okay okay
2013-12-29 01:20 -Asagi: 02:52:943 (8) - put this one grid down
2013-12-29 01:20 -Asagi: for straight stream
2013-12-29 01:20 happy623: k
2013-12-29 01:20 -Asagi: 02:56:479 (1,2,3) - this overlap is too much XD
2013-12-29 01:20 -Asagi: i think
2013-12-29 01:21 -Asagi: 02:56:908 (2) - make this more visible
2013-12-29 01:21 happy623: ok
2013-12-29 01:22 -Asagi: how bout move this on the other side? 03:14:908 (2) -
2013-12-29 01:22 happy623: nooo
2013-12-29 01:22 -Asagi: lool
2013-12-29 01:22 happy623: jump than anti jump
2013-12-29 01:22 happy623: seems better
2013-12-29 01:22 happy623: xD not too boring
2013-12-29 01:22 -Asagi: dunno so just keep it hahaha
2013-12-29 01:23 -Asagi: not sure about the spacing here 03:26:172 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) -
2013-12-29 01:23 -Asagi: but after that stream
2013-12-29 01:23 -Asagi: it was blocking this 03:27:823 (1) - 1/8 slider
2013-12-29 01:24 -Asagi: blocking by the approach circles
2013-12-29 01:24 -Asagi: i think you should increase the spacing a bit, or make the 1st 1/8 slider more visible
2013-12-29 01:24 happy623: okay
2013-12-29 01:25 -Asagi: thats why i failed on the 1st try, i didnt saw that was 1/8
2013-12-29 01:26 -Asagi: dunno the reason of this NC here 04:35:327 (1,2) -
2013-12-29 01:27 -Asagi: the 1 2 and 1 2 and 1 2 black NC, i dunno the reason why you NC like that on that
2013-12-29 01:27 happy623: jump
2013-12-29 01:27 happy623: q-q
2013-12-29 01:28 happy623: with the hard beat
2013-12-29 01:29 -Asagi: dunno with the hard beat
2013-12-29 01:29 -Asagi: i dont know if that is a good reason to NC
2013-12-29 01:29 -Asagi: dunno im not pro at NC but its just my opinion
2013-12-29 01:29 happy623: DX
2013-12-29 01:29 happy623: keep then DX
2013-12-29 01:30 -Asagi: 04:43:110 (1) - stack?
2013-12-29 01:30 -Asagi: 04:42:786 (3) - the tail stack
2013-12-29 01:31 happy623: noo
2013-12-29 01:31 happy623: it wont affect
2013-12-29 01:31 happy623: testplay saw
2013-12-29 01:31 -Asagi: i know youre gonna say that lol
2013-12-29 01:31 happy623: xD 04:44:813 (2) - I have just improved the look
2013-12-29 01:31 happy623: the streams
2013-12-29 01:32 -Asagi: hmmm 04:44:570 (4,5) - how bout remove the NC here?
2013-12-29 01:33 happy623: 04:44:570 (4) - so put NC on this?
2013-12-29 01:33 -Asagi: 04:44:732 (1) - remove NC then NC here 04:44:570 (4) -
2013-12-29 01:33 -Asagi: how bout that?
2013-12-29 01:33 happy623: but melody change at (1) ;w;
2013-12-29 01:33 -Asagi: dunno just keep it then XD
2013-12-29 01:34 happy623: DX okay
2013-12-29 01:34 -Asagi: i think you should increase the spacing here? 04:55:272 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -
2013-12-29 01:34 -Asagi: for more challenge
2013-12-29 01:34 happy623: okay hear you
2013-12-29 01:35 -Asagi: dunno if the stream starts here 04:54:948 (1) - or here 04:55:110 (2) -
2013-12-29 01:35 -Asagi: i just hear something off, but idk
2013-12-29 01:36 -Asagi: 04:56:732 (3) - NC?? XD
2013-12-29 01:36 -Asagi: so its consistent here 05:01:921 (1) -
2013-12-29 01:37 -Asagi: i lol'ed at this 05:06:462 (1,2,1,2) - its a trap x.x
2013-12-29 01:37 happy623: okay
2013-12-29 01:37 -Asagi: 05:12:299 (1,2,1,2) - and this trap lol
2013-12-29 01:37 -Asagi: 05:13:597 (1) - remove hitsound on the tail
2013-12-29 01:38 -Asagi: 05:23:975 (1) - ^
2013-12-29 01:38 happy623: okay
2013-12-29 01:38 happy623: ys
2013-12-29 01:38 -Asagi: 05:23:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - more challenge?? XD
2013-12-29 01:38 happy623: nooo
2013-12-29 01:39 happy623: because it can help to see the slow down
2013-12-29 01:39 -Asagi: you have a point
2013-12-29 01:39 -Asagi: this trap 05:40:191 (1) -
2013-12-29 01:40 happy623: XD
2013-12-29 01:40 -Asagi: i know its intentional, but meeeh lol
2013-12-29 01:40 happy623: okay I can be kind
2013-12-29 01:40 -Asagi: GHAHAHAHA
2013-12-29 01:40 -Asagi: put it on the center please XD
2013-12-29 01:40 happy623: little bit
2013-12-29 01:40 happy623: NO
2013-12-29 01:40 happy623: NO
2013-12-29 01:40 happy623: NO
2013-12-29 01:40 -Asagi: hahaha!!
2013-12-29 01:40 happy623: QAQ
2013-12-29 01:41 -Asagi: 05:44:732 (1,2,3,4) - maybe you can make a pattern better than this?? XD
2013-12-29 01:41 -Asagi: how bout NC here? 05:45:705 (2) -
2013-12-29 01:42 -Asagi: 05:55:759 (1) - lol yellow
2013-12-29 01:42 happy623: noo
2013-12-29 01:42 happy623: no NC i mean
2013-12-29 01:42 -Asagi: why dont you put red? like on the other parts on this part
2013-12-29 01:42 happy623: show couple of Yang and Blake <3 (no
2013-12-29 01:42 happy623: okay changed
2013-12-29 01:43 happy623: I mean changed red to yellow
2013-12-29 01:43 -Asagi: okay okay haha
2013-12-29 01:43 -Asagi: 06:08:576 (3,4) - the pressure i told you earlier?
2013-12-29 01:43 -Asagi: 06:12:275 (1) - this yellow really distracted me while playing LOL
2013-12-29 01:44 happy623: 06:08:576 (3) - hmm I guess its okay?
2013-12-29 01:44 -Asagi: okay
2013-12-29 01:45 happy623: 06:12:275 (1) - keep ;w; its okay imo
2013-12-29 01:45 -Asagi: 06:20:083 (4) - blanket better?
2013-12-29 01:45 happy623: sureee
2013-12-29 01:45 -Asagi: 06:32:823 (4) - NC? its an anti jump anyway
2013-12-29 01:46 happy623: no
2013-12-29 01:46 happy623: to keep consistency
2013-12-29 01:46 happy623: ( I forget where
2013-12-29 01:46 happy623: xD
2013-12-29 01:46 -Asagi: 06:37:754 (3,1) - try to look carefully inbetween, dunno if this affects but idk XD
2013-12-29 01:46 -Asagi: lol
2013-12-29 01:46 happy623: okay
2013-12-29 01:46 -Asagi: 06:38:576 (1) - oh this of a little XD
2013-12-29 01:46 -Asagi: off*
2013-12-29 01:47 -Asagi: move the tail both
2013-12-29 01:47 happy623: done!
2013-12-29 01:47 happy623: nice
2013-12-29 01:47 -Asagi: 06:50:805 (6,1) - tail blanket?
2013-12-29 01:48 happy623: done~
2013-12-29 01:48 -Asagi: 07:04:367 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - i like this pattern for some reason
2013-12-29 01:48 happy623: <3
2013-12-29 01:48 happy623: 07:13:716 (1) - please, I want keeeep
2013-12-29 01:48 -Asagi: similar on the bibi
2013-12-29 01:49 happy623: xD
2013-12-29 01:49 -Asagi: oh i was gonna say that
2013-12-29 01:49 -Asagi: rage on the last part
2013-12-29 01:49 -Asagi: RIP players
2013-12-29 01:49 happy623: XD
2013-12-29 01:49 -Asagi: because mostly, on 1/8 slider are just spaming xzxzxzxzxz
2013-12-29 01:50 -Asagi: so anti jump is a little unexpected
2013-12-29 01:50 -Asagi: auto miss
2013-12-29 01:50 -Asagi: RAGE
2013-12-29 01:50 happy623: hmm
2013-12-29 01:50 happy623: if this really rage
2013-12-29 01:50 -Asagi: this is really rage, after 7mins then miss on that
2013-12-29 01:50 happy623: why make this earlier
2013-12-29 01:50 happy623: ;w;
2013-12-29 01:50 -Asagi: who will not rage XD
2013-12-29 01:51 happy623: okay
2013-12-29 01:51 happy623: okay
2013-12-29 01:51 happy623: I change
2013-12-29 01:51 happy623: Q_Q
2013-12-29 01:51 -Asagi: maybe this will work
2013-12-29 01:51 -Asagi:
2013-12-29 01:51 happy623: no
2013-12-29 01:51 happy623: harder
2013-12-29 01:52 -Asagi: wat
2013-12-29 01:52 happy623:
2013-12-29 01:52 -Asagi: 07:20:740 (1) - blanket this
2013-12-29 01:52 happy623: done!
2013-12-29 01:53 -Asagi: dat jump
2013-12-29 01:53 -Asagi: oh why then end of 07:13:716 (1) - is on the blue?
2013-12-29 01:53 -Asagi: i think its on the red
2013-12-29 01:53 -Asagi: as i saw in here lol
2013-12-29 01:53 happy623: its blue
2013-12-29 01:54 happy623: 07:20:329 (1) - like this
2013-12-29 01:54 -Asagi: wtf
2013-12-29 01:54 -Asagi: and its too far
2013-12-29 01:54 happy623: Q_Q okay
2013-12-29 01:54 -Asagi: if you stick with this pattern
2013-12-29 01:55 happy623: easier then
2013-12-29 01:55 -Asagi: why on mine is on the red?
2013-12-29 01:55 happy623:
2013-12-29 01:55 happy623: mine bad maybe
2013-12-29 01:55 happy623: it should be blue
2013-12-29 01:55 -Asagi: latest ver, its on the red
2013-12-29 01:55 happy623: anyway its blue now xD
2013-12-29 01:55 happy623: changed
2013-12-29 01:55 -Asagi: HAHAHA!
2013-12-29 01:56 -Asagi: i think this is less than 1/4
2013-12-29 01:56 -Asagi: 1/8 jump
2013-12-29 01:56 happy623: o_O
2013-12-29 01:56 happy623: where is it
2013-12-29 01:56 -Asagi: 07:13:716 (1) - you said its on blue right?
2013-12-29 01:57 happy623: yea
2013-12-29 01:57 -Asagi: with this pattern?
2013-12-29 01:57 happy623: yes
2013-12-29 01:57 -Asagi: LOL'ed 1/8 jump
2013-12-29 01:57 -Asagi: i think its unrankable
2013-12-29 01:57 happy623: this is 1/4
2013-12-29 01:57 happy623: xD
2013-12-29 01:58 -Asagi: wat
2013-12-29 01:58 -Asagi: damn bpm change
2013-12-29 01:59 -Asagi: really confusing with the bpm change here07:14:165 (1) -
2013-12-29 01:59 happy623: ‧_‧
2013-12-29 02:00 -Asagi: seriously, it was like this right?
2013-12-29 02:00 -Asagi: 07:13:716 (1) -
2013-12-29 02:00 happy623: MUUUUUUUUUUUUCH easier then Q_Q
2013-12-29 02:00 happy623:
2013-12-29 02:01 -Asagi: i dont really know about that, and dont cry XD
2013-12-29 02:01 happy623: Q_Q
2013-12-29 02:01 -Asagi: talk to the expert but, 1/8 jump is really WTF
2013-12-29 02:02 happy623: DX
2013-12-29 02:02 happy623: anymore?
2013-12-29 02:02 -Asagi: dunno
2013-12-29 02:02 -Asagi: i think finished XD
2013-12-29 02:02 -Asagi: at last XD
2013-12-29 02:02 happy623: okay
2013-12-29 02:02 happy623: update now
Topic Starter

-Asagi wrote:

Hello happy \o\
M4M IRC mod req LOL
thank you Baka!
Hi,happy623,In-game PM req.

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.




00:33:508 (1) - 這應該是放在左下那個1構成一個flow吧,還是故意放的?
00:49:365 (3) - (390|83)?
01:18:323 (3) - 感覺放在(144|276)比較帶感。
01:19:615 (3) - 滑條尾疊好?
01:32:908 (2) - 滑條頭疊好?
01:38:693 (4) - (288|161)試試,感覺應該放近點。
02:18:336 (1) - 前面的都有疊起來,所以我想應該也能跟前面一致,放在(307|261)看看。
02:20:051 (1) - 02:28:086 (3) - 稍微往上移一點。
03:26:997 (9) - 不NC嗎?
03:36:844 (3) - 沒疊好?
04:45:381 (9) - 不NC嗎?
06:25:836 (2,3) - 應該可以放的再遠一些,像同節奏06:27:480 (2,3) 這兩個。

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope to you ranked.
3.Hope my mod is useful to you.
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

Hi,happy623,In-game PM req.

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.




00:33:508 (1) - 這應該是放在左下那個1構成一個flow吧,還是故意放的? 恩, 是故意的
00:49:365 (3) - (390|83)? 不, 跟(1)隔太遠了
01:18:323 (3) - 感覺放在(144|276)比較帶感。 個人覺得交叉跳會比較帶感和配合音樂;w;
01:19:615 (3) - 滑條尾疊好? 好的
01:32:908 (2) - 滑條頭疊好? 不, 要平行啊 囧rz
01:38:693 (4) - (288|161)試試,感覺應該放近點。這裡的跳是故意的, 跟 01:35:265 (4) 一致0 0
02:18:336 (1) - 前面的都有疊起來,所以我想應該也能跟前面一致,放在(307|261)看看。 因為重複三次會悶啦w'', 你可以看到我之後的都沒疊
02:20:051 (1) - 同上02:28:086 (3) - 稍微往上移一點。 好的, 後面都跟著上移了
03:26:997 (9) - 不NC嗎? 音樂沒漸大;w;
03:36:844 (3) - 沒疊好? 好的
04:45:381 (9) - 不NC嗎? NO, 同上原因
06:25:836 (2,3) - 應該可以放的再遠一些,像同節奏06:27:480 (2,3) 這兩個。 好的

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope to you ranked.
3.Hope my mod is useful to you.
改的不多, 不過感謝ww
well just did quick mod

  1. tick rate 2 fits best this song
  2. check wide screen support
  3. well maybe it just for me but how about moving preview time to 07:13:716 - here? feels much powerful and awesome than current one
  4. 01:05:008 (5) - need finish here according to the music
  5. 01:57:336 - hmm is there anything special reason that you delayed break time? well not bad idea but i'd rather remove this
  6. 02:23:265 (1) - i think divide this note into 2 1/8 repeat sliders fits much better with music
  7. 02:41:908 (1) - delete NC for consistence
  8. 02:55:622 (3,4,5,6) - reversing this rhythm feels little bit better
  9. 03:15:418 (1) - delete whistle? there aren't any sounds for hitsound
  10. 03:54:084 (1) - this slider end should be snapped on 1/8 beat 03:54:298 -here, it isn't on 1/3 beat imo (and add whistle on the end, not on the slider body)
  11. 03:54:773 (1) - well this slider should be snapped on previous 1/8 beat 03:54:726 - here imo, you may argee about this if you here this part as 25% playback rate
  12. 05:13:597 (1) - finish doesn't seem suitable even weird on this slider, try deleting it? (and 05:23:975 (1) - this too)
  13. 05:30:299 (5) - try using crtl g on this (you'd be better to move 05:30:624 (6) - this slider to closer position with (5) slider as well)
too awesome to mod gg nice map and nice song! good luck for approval~
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