
Nakae Mitsuki - Dreaming Sheep

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年6月19日 at 4:55:10

Artist: Nakae Mitsuki
Title: Dreaming Sheep
Source: Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai -Dreaming Sheep-
Tags: August opening rare 大図書館の羊飼い
BPM: 172
Filesize: 15826kb
Play Time: 01:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.45 stars, 128 notes)
  2. Insane (4.43 stars, 444 notes)
  3. Normal (1.85 stars, 150 notes)
  4. Rare's Hard (3.17 stars, 302 notes)
Download: Nakae Mitsuki - Dreaming Sheep
Download: Nakae Mitsuki - Dreaming Sheep (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Friendly Fire

hey :D

  1. HP Drain Rate -1.Normalと同じなので。EasyだからARも-1してもいいかも
  2. 00:05:983 (4) - ちょっと窮屈なので右上に移動してあげてください
  3. 00:06:681 (1) - スライダーの終点を次に繋げるように向きを変えてあげるとより良い流れになると思います。
  4. 00:10:867 - 前のパートでピアノの音をフォローしていたので、こちらにもnoteを追加してください。
  5. 00:17:146 (4,2) - 多少の時間差はありますが、Easyでのこういった重ね方はあまり好ましくないです。
  6. 00:19:239 (3) - 左右対称にしましょう!
  7. 00:22:727 (1) - 始点のclapが目立っているのではずしましょう。
  8. 00:34:588 (1) - ,00:44:181 (2) - ,00:45:751 (1) - 始点にfinish
  9. 00:39:820 (4) - 折り返しに^
  10. 00:45:053 - clapの音があるのでnoteがあってもいいかも
  11. 00:50:983 (1,2,3) - ここの3つですが、定期的に音を取るよりも強い音を取るべきだと思うのでこういった音取りを試してみてください。00:51:332 - や00:52:553 - にfinishも追加できると思うので。

    また、変更した場合はfinishの音に合わせて00:50:983 (1) - ここのnew comboを削除してください。
  12. 00:56:913 (1) - 終点がいまいちなので強い音のある00:58:658 - ここの方がイイと思います。
  13. 01:02:146 - Normal soundにするより、softのままwhistleを追加した方が煩くなく音にあっていると思います。
  14. 01:22:030 (1) - finish忘れ
  15. 01:30:053 (4) - スライダーの内側に合った方が後のspinnerもまわしやすくなると思うので、すこし右下に移動してみてください
  16. 01:32:844 (1) - spinnerの間に音がありますがやや難しいと思うのでここは削除しちゃってもいいと思います。その方がspinnerにも集中できるかと
  17. 01:40:867 (2) - 終点にfinish
  18. 01:42:960 - ,01:44:355 - ^
  19. 01:45:751 (5) - new combo
  20. 01:46:972 - 強い音がここにあるのでspinner1/4前にしてみてください。そうすることで1/2の間隔ができるのでよりわかりやすいです。
  1. 00:06:681 (1,2) - (1)の終点より(2)の終点で取っているピアノの方が音が強いのでwhistle置くなら(2)にした方がいいと思います。
  2. 00:22:379 (1) - ここのnoteは音取らなくてもいいとおもうので休憩入れる意味を含めて間をあけてあげるといいかも
  3. 00:39:123 (4) - こちらも最後のスライダーポイントをちょっと上に移動してあげると次への流れがよくなります。
  4. 00:40:169 (1) - ,00:45:751 (1) - 始点にfinish
  5. 01:23:774 (1) - 上記と同じで、2/1の間隔あけてもいいと思います。また、1つのスライダーでまとめてあげるとより良いです。
  6. 01:35:983 (1) - ちょっと長いかな~とおもうので、こんな感じにspinnerと折り返しsliderでまとめてみてください。なお、spinnerの終点はここです01:38:426 -
  7. 01:42:960 (3) - 始点にfinish
    全体的に少し難しいので間隔を-0.1 or 0.2 してあげるといいと思います。
E/NのRecheckをかねて、Insaneは時間空けてじっくり見ます :D
Topic Starter

alacat wrote:

hey :D

  1. HP Drain Rate -1.Normalと同じなので。EasyだからARも-1してもいいかも
  2. 00:05:983 (4) - ちょっと窮屈なので右上に移動してあげてください
  3. 00:06:681 (1) - スライダーの終点を次に繋げるように向きを変えてあげるとより良い流れになると思います。
  4. 00:10:867 - 前のパートでピアノの音をフォローしていたので、こちらにもnoteを追加してください。
  5. 00:17:146 (4,2) - 多少の時間差はありますが、Easyでのこういった重ね方はあまり好ましくないです。
  6. 00:19:239 (3) - 左右対称にしましょう!
  7. 00:22:727 (1) - 始点のclapが目立っているのではずしましょう。
  8. 00:34:588 (1) - ,00:44:181 (2) - ,00:45:751 (1) - 始点にfinish
  9. 00:39:820 (4) - 折り返しに^
  10. 00:45:053 - clapの音があるのでnoteがあってもいいかも
  11. 00:50:983 (1,2,3) - ここの3つですが、定期的に音を取るよりも強い音を取るべきだと思うのでこういった音取りを試してみてください。00:51:332 - や00:52:553 - にfinishも追加できると思うので。

    また、変更した場合はfinishの音に合わせて00:50:983 (1) - ここのnew comboを削除してください。
  12. 00:56:913 (1) - 終点がいまいちなので強い音のある00:58:658 - ここの方がイイと思います。
  13. 01:02:146 - Normal soundにするより、softのままwhistleを追加した方が煩くなく音にあっていると思います。
  14. 01:22:030 (1) - finish忘れ
  15. 01:30:053 (4) - スライダーの内側に合った方が後のspinnerもまわしやすくなると思うので、すこし右下に移動してみてください
  16. 01:32:844 (1) - spinnerの間に音がありますがやや難しいと思うのでここは削除しちゃってもいいと思います。その方がspinnerにも集中できるかと
  17. 01:40:867 (2) - 終点にfinish
  18. 01:42:960 - ,01:44:355 - ^
  19. 01:45:751 (5) - new combo
  20. 01:46:972 - 強い音がここにあるのでspinner1/4前にしてみてください。そうすることで1/2の間隔ができるのでよりわかりやすいです。
  1. 00:06:681 (1,2) - (1)の終点より(2)の終点で取っているピアノの方が音が強いのでwhistle置くなら(2)にした方がいいと思います。
  2. 00:22:379 (1) - ここのnoteは音取らなくてもいいとおもうので休憩入れる意味を含めて間をあけてあげるといいかも
  3. 00:39:123 (4) - こちらも最後のスライダーポイントをちょっと上に移動してあげると次への流れがよくなります。
  4. 00:40:169 (1) - ,00:45:751 (1) - 始点にfinish
  5. 01:23:774 (1) - 上記と同じで、2/1の間隔あけてもいいと思います。また、1つのスライダーでまとめてあげるとより良いです。
  6. 01:35:983 (1) - ちょっと長いかな~とおもうので、こんな感じにspinnerと折り返しsliderでまとめてみてください。なお、spinnerの終点はここです01:38:426 -
  7. 01:42:960 (3) - 始点にfinish
    全体的に少し難しいので間隔を-0.1 or 0.2 してあげるといいと思います。
E/NのRecheckをかねて、Insaneは時間空けてじっくり見ます :D

Normalのほうは感覚を-0.1して1.0で統一させた :)
As your request.

  1. 00:12:262 (4,1) - Ncの入れ替えかな?どっちでもいいけどdownbeatに沿って変えてるからここもあわせたほうがいいような。
  2. 00:22:727 (1) - どこの音をフォローしているのかは、わかるけど、Easyならこれはremoveしてもいいんじゃないかな?スピンの後だし十分な休憩をいれてもよさそう?
  3. 00:59:879 (2,3) - こんな感じで音とると、かなりフィットするかも。
  4. 01:24:123 (1) - 00:22:727 (1) - こことおなじ
  5. 01:33:192 (1) - スピン連続で配置するならこういうのはどう?
  1. 00:34:065 (6) - ちょっと押しづらいかも?手前の5をリバースしてフォローするとかどうかな?
[Rare's Hard]
  1. 00:03:193 (7) - スライダーの終点がちょっとみづらいからきっちりスタックさせるのはどうですか?
  2. 00:34:413 (4) - ちょっとこの間隔は危険かもしれないです。
  3. 00:45:576 (3) - ^ (こっちはもうちょっと危険度高いかも)
  4. 00:46:797 (4,5,6) - できれば、違う方向へ配置して欲しいです、見づらいと思います。
  5. 01:17:844 (1) - 00:03:193 (7) - ここと同様にどこかにスタックしたほうがいいかも・・・。
  6. 01:47:059 (1) - spinnerにnewcomboつけないとだめみたいです。
  1. 00:04:937 (5) - 終点にもwhistle?
  2. 00:22:902 (1) - x256 y48あたりはどうでしょうか?綺麗かも?
  3. 00:26:041 - add note
Good Luckです!!
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

As your request.

  1. 00:12:262 (4,1) - Ncの入れ替えかな?どっちでもいいけどdownbeatに沿って変えてるからここもあわせたほうがいいような。
  2. 00:22:727 (1) - どこの音をフォローしているのかは、わかるけど、Easyならこれはremoveしてもいいんじゃないかな?スピンの後だし十分な休憩をいれてもよさそう?
  3. 00:59:879 (2,3) - こんな感じで音とると、かなりフィットするかも。
  4. 01:24:123 (1) - 00:22:727 (1) - こことおなじ
  5. 01:33:192 (1) - スピン連続で配置するならこういうのはどう?
  1. 00:34:065 (6) - ちょっと押しづらいかも?手前の5をリバースしてフォローするとかどうかな?
  1. 00:04:937 (5) - 終点にもwhistle?
  2. 00:22:902 (1) - x256 y48あたりはどうでしょうか?綺麗かも?
  3. 00:26:041 - add note
Good Luckです!!

all fixed! 配置とか若干違うところもあるけど、音取りとかは提案どおりです!

Satellite wrote:

As your request.
[Rare's Hard]
  1. 00:03:193 (7) - スライダーの終点がちょっとみづらいからきっちりスタックさせるのはどうですか? 直しません
  2. 00:34:413 (4) - ちょっとこの間隔は危険かもしれないです。直しました
  3. 00:45:576 (3) - ^ (こっちはもうちょっと危険度高いかも) 保留します
  4. 00:46:797 (4,5,6) - できれば、違う方向へ配置して欲しいです、見づらいと思います。このままで大丈夫だと思う
  5. 01:17:844 (1) - 00:03:193 (7) - ここと同様にどこかにスタックしたほうがいいかも・・・。 直しません
  6. 01:47:059 (1) - spinnerにnewcomboつけないとだめみたいです。 つけました
thanks for modding~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
alacat の続きとRecheck ~

  1. mp3の一番最後の部分、私気になります!
  1. 00:42:960 (3) - 始点にfinish
  2. 01:25:169 (2,4) - 少し間はありますがEasyなのでこの重ね方は避けた方が好ましいです。
  3. 01:35:286 (1) - new combo不要です
  1. 00:24:820 (4) - 真ん中に赤いpoint置くと綺麗になりますよ!
  2. 00:26:216 (1) - ここは縦に流れるところだと思うので、このくらいまげて配置してみてください
  3. 00:42:960 (1) - 始点にfinish
  4. 00:43:832 (2) - 終点^
  5. 00:53:076 (1) - 定期的にnew comboを追加するのであればこのあたり統一されていないので確認してみてください。
    また、00:56:913 (3) - 追加, 00:58:483 (1) - 削除, 00:59:879 (2) - 追加ですっきりです。
  6. 01:38:774 (1) - 始点、折り返しにfinish
  7. 01:40:169 (1) - こちらもnew comboいらないです。
  1. 00:01:100 (1) - ,00:03:890 (1) - ,00:06:681 (1) - ,00:09:472 (1) - 始点に強い音があるのでwhistleがあってもいいかも?
  2. 00:07:379 (3) - 前後のパートに同じ音で大きいジャンプがあったのでここも作ってあげると統一感があると思います。
  3. 00:52:553 (5) - 始点にfinish
  4. 00:59:879 (1,1) - ここでnew comboわけてるので、01:00:925 (3) - こっちにもあるとまとまっててより良いと思います。
  5. 01:05:286 (1) - 始点にfinish
  6. 01:07:902 (8) - 特にvocalが伸びてたり後ろに音があるわけではないので無難に1/2 rhythmでいいと思います。01:08:076 - こちらに強い音もあるので
    流れの良いJumpがたくさんあってイイですね! :D
  1. I'll check soon ~

alacat wrote:

  1. 00:01:100 (1) - ,00:03:890 (1) - ,00:06:681 (1) - ,00:09:472 (1) - 始点に強い音があるのでwhistleがあってもいいかも? ここはベースの音をカバーしてるようなのでピアノとは差別化を図りたく思いこのような音取りにしたでござるw
  2. 00:07:379 (3) - 前後のパートに同じ音で大きいジャンプがあったのでここも作ってあげると統一感があると思います。前提案と同じでごじゃるw
  3. 00:52:553 (5) - 始点にfinish ごじゃるw
  4. 00:59:879 (1,1) - ここでnew comboわけてるので、01:00:925 (3) - こっちにもあるとまとまっててより良いと思います。ごじゃるw
  5. 01:05:286 (1) - 始点にfinish ここはなし
  6. 01:07:902 (8) - 特にvocalが伸びてたり後ろに音があるわけではないので無難に1/2 rhythmでいいと思います。01:08:076 - こちらに強い音もあるので
    流れの良いJumpがたくさんあってイイですね! :D この(8)はボーカルカバーで尚且つそれの影響で白線にクラッシュがあるけど1/1だしFinish入れられないけどこの配置が好きなのでこのままで
thanks for modding neko
Topic Starter

alacat wrote: の続きとRecheck ~

  1. mp3の一番最後の部分、私気になります! 何だこの音は・・・! :roll:
  1. 00:42:960 (3) - 始点にfinish
  2. 01:25:169 (2,4) - 少し間はありますがEasyなのでこの重ね方は避けた方が好ましいです。
  3. 01:35:286 (1) - new combo不要です
  1. 00:24:820 (4) - 真ん中に赤いpoint置くと綺麗になりますよ!
  2. 00:26:216 (1) - ここは縦に流れるところだと思うので、このくらいまげて配置してみてください
  3. 00:42:960 (1) - 始点にfinish
  4. 00:43:832 (2) - 終点^
  5. 00:53:076 (1) - 定期的にnew comboを追加するのであればこのあたり統一されていないので確認してみてください。
    また、00:56:913 (3) - 追加, 00:58:483 (1) - 削除, 00:59:879 (2) - 追加ですっきりです。
  6. 01:38:774 (1) - 始点、折り返しにfinish
  7. 01:40:169 (1) - こちらもnew comboいらないです。

all fixed! MP3も編集してみました。はじめて編集してみたからもしかしたらおかしいことろがあるかも・・・。
before alacat onee-chan recheck your map, maybe I can find something minor (nololjk)

  1. 00:27:262 (1)- : so nazi but 1 grid to left pls
  2. 00:42:960 (3)- : heard small cymbal finish here so add finish?
  3. 01:10:867 (1,2,3)- : current pattern is not fit with the music either the vocal, so perhaps change the pattern like this? ><
  4. 01:16:448 (1)- : please make the slider long until 01:16:972 and add finish, it's more fit! :3
  5. 01:35:286 (1)- : remove NC? It'll make a follow-path to support an easy player to catch the circle with flashlight on this part
  1. 00:09:472 (1,1)- : spinner is too hayai D: It'll make player fail to DT this part, so maybe remove 00:11:913 (2) and move slider 00:11:216 (1) to 00:11:565 here. also don't forget to remove NC at here 00:12:262 if you do so~
  2. 00:42:960 (1)- : same as easy, add finish
  3. 00:44:181 (2)- : add finish too
  4. 00:56:913 (3)- : ^
  5. 00:58:134 (5)- : ^
  6. 01:01:100 (1,1)- : spinner is too fast for player to catch.. maybe remove the spinner? ><
  7. 01:08:076 (1)- : move this to x204 y248 to make better flow for current pattern, also don't forget to fix distance of next notes ><
  8. 01:19:065 (1)- : NC here? it support vocal
  9. 01:20:634 (1)- : if you do as above and please remove this NC
  10. 01:35:983 (1,1)- : again, spinner is too fast D:
[Rare's Hard]
  1. 01:35:983 (1,2)- : fix the distance? (they are 1.17x)
  1. 00:40:169 (1)- : add finish?
  2. 00:42:960 (3)- : ^
  3. 00:49:413 (3)- : why don;t you put this to x376 y292 to make better jump :3
  4. 01:10:867 (1)- : add finish?
  5. 01:11:390 (3)- : ^
  6. 01:17:669 (7)- : ^
  7. 01:19:239 (5)- : ^
sorry for the poor mod and good luck ~
Topic Starter

10nya wrote:

before alacat onee-chan recheck your map, maybe I can find something minor (nololjk)

  1. 00:27:262 (1)- : so nazi but 1 grid to left pls
  2. 00:42:960 (3)- : heard small cymbal finish here so add finish?
  3. 01:10:867 (1,2,3)- : current pattern is not fit with the music either the vocal, so perhaps change the pattern like this? >< sorry. I couldn't check the img.
  4. 01:16:448 (1)- : please make the slider long until 01:16:972 and add finish, it's more fit! :3
  5. 01:35:286 (1)- : remove NC? It'll make a follow-path to support an easy player to catch the circle with flashlight on this part
  1. 00:09:472 (1,1)- : spinner is too hayai D: It'll make player fail to DT this part, so maybe remove 00:11:913 (2) and move slider 00:11:216 (1) to 00:11:565 here. also don't forget to remove NC at here 00:12:262 if you do so~
  2. 00:42:960 (1)- : same as easy, add finish
  3. 00:44:181 (2)- : add finish too sorry, no...><
  4. 00:56:913 (3)- : ^
  5. 00:58:134 (5)- : ^
  6. 01:01:100 (1,1)- : spinner is too fast for player to catch.. maybe remove the spinner? >< reservation
  7. 01:08:076 (1)- : move this to x204 y248 to make better flow for current pattern, also don't forget to fix distance of next notes ><
  8. 01:19:065 (1)- : NC here? it support vocal
  9. 01:20:634 (1)- : if you do as above and please remove this NC
  10. 01:35:983 (1,1)- : again, spinner is too fast D:
  1. 00:40:169 (1)- : add finish?
  2. 00:42:960 (3)- : ^
  3. 00:49:413 (3)- : why don;t you put this to x376 y292 to make better jump :3 sorry, I like current pattern.
  4. 01:10:867 (1)- : add finish?
  5. 01:11:390 (3)- : ^
  6. 01:17:669 (7)- : ^
  7. 01:19:239 (5)- : ^
sorry for the poor mod and good luck ~ No, that's not so~. Thanks for nice mod.(๑ơ ₃ ơ)
Hi, modding as requested.

  1. The difficulty spread is a bit worrisome as there's quite a big gap between Normal and Hard
  2. Disable widescreen support for all diffs since you don't have a storyboard
  1. 00:06:681 (1,2,3) - This flow is a bit awkward in my opinion. You could try to stack (2) with the end of 00:09:472 (1) for smoother flow. Then you would have to adjust the previous objects for spacing. One way I would suggest to do this to select 00:01:100 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) and do a horizontal reflect, stack 00:07:727 (2) with the end of 00:09:472 (1) and rotate 00:06:681 (1) to maintain spacing. This would give you something like but you don't have to do it this way.
  2. 00:51:332 (1,2) - I think it would be nice if you used this rhythm: to parallel the first phrase since it's the same sound in the music. It will make it more structured and intuitive to play for beginners.
  3. 00:59:530 (1) - I think this is very hard for beginners to hit because of the timing. I think it's better to remove it. If you do this, remember to add NC to 00:59:879
  4. 01:15:053 (3) - Move to x:248|y:92 to look nicer :P
  5. 00:02:146 (2) - I think you should remove whistle from end and add whistle to repeat so it matches with 00:05:286 (3) to emphasize the downbeat.
  6. 00:11:216 (3) - Remove whistle from head and add whistle to repeat?
  7. 01:46:972 (1) - I think you should fade out the volume since the volume of the music decreases to the end too. The slider bonus sound is too loud for the music.
  8. 01:02:495 (1) - Maybe this new combo is unnecessary because it is part of the same vocal phrase? Or maybe instead you can remove NC from 01:01:797 (1) and make it combo with the previous object. The current combo makes sense in terms of musical phrase, so it's up to you what you want to do here.
  9. 00:42:960 (3,1) - Maybe swap this NC (not sure if that conflicts with the vocal phrase or not, but I think it would be more ideal for more consistent number of objects in each combo)
  10. 00:39:820 (4,1) - Maybe swap this NC
  11. 00:27:262 (1) - Remove NC
  12. 00:25:169 (1,3) - Swap NC
  13. 00:23:425 (1) - NC
  1. 00:11:216 (1) - This is too close after the spinner for Normal diff. It's difficult to play and looks bad with low AR. I think you should remove (1,2) and extend the spinner to 00:11:565 nevermind -.- 10nya's mod caught this but you should add NC to 00:11:565 (1) since it's after spinner.
  2. 00:28:309 (4,1) - Make a better blanket like this: To do this, select (1) and move the middle white node to x:176|y:260 and move the middle red node to x:260|y:228
  3. 00:45:751 (1,2,3) - This can be quite challenging considering that this is normal diff. Maybe you should follow vocals instead, but it's your choice.
  4. 01:01:100 (1) - This spinner is very short and very close to 01:02:495 (1) making it difficult to play. I think you should remove the spinner and just leave space there. If you do, also move 01:02:495 (1) to x:92|y:92 so it is a bit farther from (3).
  5. 00:03:890 (1) - A bit strange to use this rhythm here when all the others are straight 1/2 tick patterns. Maybe do it like this instead:
  6. 00:01:100 (1) - Remove whistle from end and add whistle to repeat to match with Easy and Insane.
  7. 00:06:681 (1) - Add whistle to end and and remove whistle from head of (2)
  8. 00:58:134 (3) - Maybe add finish?
  9. 01:12:960 (5) - Clap on head and Normal sampleset on end?
  10. 01:46:972 (1) - Same as Easy
  11. 01:24:123 (1) - Add NC since it's after spinner
  12. 01:19:065 (5,1) - Swap NC
  13. 01:16:797 (5,1) - Swap NC maybe?
  14. 00:53:076 (1,3) - Swap NC and remove NC from 00:55:518 (1)
  15. 00:22:727 (1) - Add NC
[Rare's Hard]
  1. I think that this has high enough object density to use AR8.. AR7 seems hard to read imo.
  2. Many of your blankets are not clean, but it's not really a problem. It's up to you whether you want to make your map look nicer.
  3. 00:01:623 (2,3) - Wow, this is a huge jump for so early in the map, when normal spacing hasn't been established yet. This is difficult to read and players might miss it on their first play. It's fine to keep it though, since it flows and matches the music.
  4. 00:02:495 (5,6) - How about this? I think it allows (6,7) to flow better and plays more interestingly.
  5. 00:33:716 (3,4) - This can easily be confused for 1/2 beat spacing, so I highly suggest that you either unstack them or move the new combo from 00:34:588 (1) to 00:34:413 (4) You can ignore this if you changed AR to 8
  6. 00:45:053 (1,2,3) - The spacing between (2,3) can be confused for 1/2 beat because they are in the same combo, distance spacing is not much different and AR is low. I suggest that you either increase spacing between (2,3) OR stack (2,3) OR move NC from 00:45:751 (1) to 00:45:576 (3) You can ignore this if you changed AR to 8
  7. 01:15:053 (5,7) - Awkward overlap.. why don't you just stack (5) end with (7) head?
  8. 00:54:123 - The lack of snare drum sound in this part is strange imo.
  9. 00:59:879 (1,2,1,2) - No hitsounds? o.o I think you should at least add whistle to these if not finish. Also head of 01:00:925 (1)
  10. 01:47:059 (1) - I think you should fade out the volume since the volume of the music decreases to the end too. The slider bonus sound is too loud for the music.
  11. 00:45:751 (1) - You have two inheriting sections at this time! Remove one of them.
  12. Remove useless green lines at 00:01:100 and 00:12:262
  1. I think OD7 is more appropriate here since your circle to slider ratio is close to 3:1, which will be extremely hard to play since there are so many circles and low tolerance for timing accuracy.
  2. 01:03:716 (1,2,3) - This looks weird. I think you should either stack it normally or spread the circles to the left like this:
  3. 01:34:413 (3,4,5) - I think the triplet detracts from the strong feeling on (3) I think you should change the rhythm to something simpler like this:
  4. 01:47:059 (1) - Same as in Easy and Normal.
  5. 00:57:611 (2) - I think clap is not a strong enough sound for this. In my opinion, you should use normal hitnormal here.
  6. 01:02:495 (1) - Add NC
Good luck!
Topic Starter

CloudSplash16 wrote:

Hi, modding as requested.

  1. The difficulty spread is a bit worrisome as there's quite a big gap between Normal and Hard Honestly, I do not think not much so....
  2. Disable widescreen support for all diffs since you don't have a storyboard OK
  1. 00:06:681 (1,2,3) - This flow is a bit awkward in my opinion. You could try to stack (2) with the end of 00:09:472 (1) for smoother flow. Then you would have to adjust the previous objects for spacing. One way I would suggest to do this to select 00:01:100 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) and do a horizontal reflect, stack 00:07:727 (2) with the end of 00:09:472 (1) and rotate 00:06:681 (1) to maintain spacing. This would give you something like but you don't have to do it this way.
  2. 00:51:332 (1,2) - I think it would be nice if you used this rhythm: to parallel the first phrase since it's the same sound in the music. It will make it more structured and intuitive to play for beginners.
  3. 00:59:530 (1) - I think this is very hard for beginners to hit because of the timing. I think it's better to remove it. If you do this, remember to add NC to 00:59:879
  4. 01:15:053 (3) - Move to x:248|y:92 to look nicer :P
  5. 00:02:146 (2) - I think you should remove whistle from end and add whistle to repeat so it matches with 00:05:286 (3) to emphasize the downbeat.
  6. 00:11:216 (3) - Remove whistle from head and add whistle to repeat?
  7. 01:46:972 (1) - I think you should fade out the volume since the volume of the music decreases to the end too. The slider bonus sound is too loud for the music.
  8. 01:02:495 (1) - Maybe this new combo is unnecessary because it is part of the same vocal phrase? Or maybe instead you can remove NC from 01:01:797 (1) and make it combo with the previous object. The current combo makes sense in terms of musical phrase, so it's up to you what you want to do here.
  9. 00:42:960 (3,1) - Maybe swap this NC (not sure if that conflicts with the vocal phrase or not, but I think it would be more ideal for more consistent number of objects in each combo)
  10. 00:39:820 (4,1) - Maybe swap this NC
  11. 00:27:262 (1) - Remove NC
  12. 00:25:169 (1,3) - Swap NC
  13. 00:23:425 (1) - NC

    all fix
  1. 00:11:216 (1) - This is too close after the spinner for Normal diff. It's difficult to play and looks bad with low AR. I think you should remove (1,2) and extend the spinner to 00:11:565 nevermind -.- 10nya's mod caught this but you should add NC to 00:11:565 (1) since it's after spinner.
  2. 00:28:309 (4,1) - Make a better blanket like this: To do this, select (1) and move the middle white node to x:176|y:260 and move the middle red node to x:260|y:228
  3. 00:45:751 (1,2,3) - This can be quite challenging considering that this is normal diff. Maybe you should follow vocals instead, but it's your choice.
  4. 01:01:100 (1) - This spinner is very short and very close to 01:02:495 (1) making it difficult to play. I think you should remove the spinner and just leave space there. If you do, also move 01:02:495 (1) to x:92|y:92 so it is a bit farther from (3).
  5. 00:03:890 (1) - A bit strange to use this rhythm here when all the others are straight 1/2 tick patterns. Maybe do it like this instead:
  6. 00:01:100 (1) - Remove whistle from end and add whistle to repeat to match with Easy and Insane.
  7. 00:06:681 (1) - Add whistle to end and and remove whistle from head of (2)
  8. 00:58:134 (3) - Maybe add finish?
  9. 01:12:960 (5) - Clap on head and Normal sampleset on end?
  10. 01:46:972 (1) - Same as Easy
  11. 01:24:123 (1) - Add NC since it's after spinner
  12. 01:19:065 (5,1) - Swap NC
  13. 01:16:797 (5,1) - Swap NC maybe?
  14. 00:53:076 (1,3) - Swap NC and remove NC from 00:55:518 (1)
  15. 00:22:727 (1) - Add NC

    all fix
  1. I think OD7 is more appropriate here since your circle to slider ratio is close to 3:1, which will be extremely hard to play since there are so many circles and low tolerance for timing accuracy. hmm....that is right. But, I think that it doesn't become a problem, if it plays several times.
  2. 01:03:716 (1,2,3) - This looks weird. I think you should either stack it normally or spread the circles to the left like this: I want to keep the current pattern.
  3. 01:34:413 (3,4,5) - I think the triplet detracts from the strong feeling on (3) I think you should change the rhythm to something simpler like this:
  4. 01:47:059 (1) - Same as in Easy and Normal.
  5. 00:57:611 (2) - I think clap is not a strong enough sound for this. In my opinion, you should use normal hitnormal here.
  6. 01:02:495 (1) - Add NC
Good luck! Thanks!
Thanks for mod! (๑ơ ₃ ơ)

CloudSplash16 wrote:

[Rare's Hard]
  1. I think that this has high enough object density to use AR8.. AR7 seems hard to read imo. ill talk about it with Cakip.
  2. Many of your blankets are not clean, but it's not really a problem. It's up to you whether you want to make your map look nicer. i don't care
  3. 00:01:623 (2,3) - Wow, this is a huge jump for so early in the map, when normal spacing hasn't been established yet. This is difficult to read and players might miss it on their first play. It's fine to keep it though, since it flows and matches the music. no
  4. 00:02:495 (5,6) - How about this? I think it allows (6,7) to flow better and plays more interestingly. it doesn't matter for me.
  5. 00:33:716 (3,4) - This can easily be confused for 1/2 beat spacing, so I highly suggest that you either unstack them or move the new combo from 00:34:588 (1) to 00:34:413 (4) You can ignore this if you changed AR to 8 no
  6. 00:45:053 (1,2,3) - The spacing between (2,3) can be confused for 1/2 beat because they are in the same combo, distance spacing is not much different and AR is low. I suggest that you either increase spacing between (2,3) OR stack (2,3) OR move NC from 00:45:751 (1) to 00:45:576 (3) You can ignore this if you changed AR to 8 no
  7. 01:15:053 (5,7) - Awkward overlap.. why don't you just stack (5) end with (7) head? it doesn't matter
  8. 00:54:123 - The lack of snare drum sound in this part is strange imo. no
  9. 00:59:879 (1,2,1,2) - No hitsounds? o.o I think you should at least add whistle to these if not finish. Also head of 01:00:925 (1) no
  10. 01:47:059 (1) - I think you should fade out the volume since the volume of the music decreases to the end too. The slider bonus sound is too loud for the music. no
  11. 00:45:751 (1) - You have two inheriting sections at this time! Remove one of them. fixed
  12. Remove useless green lines at 00:01:100 and 00:12:262
thanks for modding
Hi (๑◔‿◔๑)

  • General
  1. wth almost 2 MB for BG, try use .jpg instead .png to reduce the size of BG, i made one for you feel free take this
  2. the combo colour yellow a little bit bother me, try to light it more as girl hair yellow on BG maybe like

  • Easy
  1. 00:02:320 - this sound is important for this song imo, try to map it? just make it like (start on 00:01:797 - btw)
  2. 00:05:286 (3) - is w/o hitsound on tail intentional here? i'm still here crystal sound as you did on 00:04:239 - so i would to add whistle too on tail here to keep consistency
  3. 00:08:076 (3) - imo you need to extend the slider to 00:08:774 - and add note on 00:09:123 - because sound of 00:08:774 - is really loud and strong. seems we can't skip this time
  4. 00:11:216 (3) - because kind of music is changing at 00:11:565 -, imo you can't use slider's repeat here because it can't emphasize/follow with well. try change it become instead
  5. 00:12:262 (1) - i heard a cymbal and hard music here. add finish too (you can keep the whistle to emphasize crystal sound)
  6. 00:16:100 (2) - inconsistency spacing. use 1,0x instead to keep the consistency
  7. 00:17:844 (1,3) - bad overlap here, try to arrange them become like for neat pattern C:
  8. 00:19:850 - how about add S:C2 volume 60% here to emphasize the cyrstal sound on 00:19:937 - 00:20:111 - ? it would be sounded nicely imo
  9. 00:20:634 (1) - imo spinner would be more sense if you use 40% volume on spinner end but it just a personal taste~ (apply to all diffs if you agree with this)
  10. 00:26:216 (1) - hmm just taste about flow i would to move the tail to 64,68 to keep previous flow here
  11. 00:29:006 (1) - taste about flow, how about move the tail of slider become like to have same flow (maybe) with 00:30:402 (3) - ?
  12. 00:34:588 (1) - maybe just for me but i think flow can improve here. try to curve this slider like ?
  13. 00:39:820 (1) - since cymbal is appear on slider's repeat imo a little bit weird while finish appear w/o click any note here. altho the cymbal on whitetick, try to make different rhythm maybe for emphasize the cymbal with well
  14. 00:42:960 (1) - aaa i heard a little bad here because 00:43:832 (2,3) - following the music (maybe guitar, my ear suck) imo you need extend this slider to 00:43:483 - for following that sound properly too
  15. 00:56:565 (4) - maybe just for me and i feel flow could be moer natural here. try to move 384,344. feel free ignore, it just a nazi thing
  16. 01:01:797 (1,2) - swap the NC. imo you need to add NC for 01:02:495 (2) - because kiai start and stanza and no need NC for 01:01:797 (1) - since still able to read with clearly altho have a little bit delay here
  17. 01:02:844 (3) - i have a suggestion to make it neat pattern, try to make blanket instead, design and flow seems better here imo
  18. 01:21:681 (4) - nazi is nazi, move to 256,192 to make it neater since the circled placed on centre? :P
  19. 01:30:053 (4) - how about place on 420,184 to make symmetric with 01:28:658 (2) - ? design neater imo
  20. 01:39:384 - how about 40% volume as i told on 00:20:634 (1) -
  21. 01:43:658 (2) - imo this slider isn't symmetric with previous, while you do symmetric here, design and flow improving a lot. (since i tweaked a little, take the code if you agree and want use it)
  22. 01:46:884 (1) - nazi, try start spinner on 01:46:972 - which time cymbal appear here. it would be better for newbie too than starting spin 1/4 space

  • Normal
  1. 00:03:193 (4) - how about try emphasize all crystal sound (i mean 00:03:367 - this too) as you did at 00:05:983 (5) - for consistency?
  2. 00:03:890 (1) - don't you try to make a better flow for next object here? imo it could be more natural maybe as
  3. 00:05:983 (5) - nazi but flow could be improve here too. just move this slider to 124,268
  4. 00:08:076 (3) - nazi but yeah flow can improve a little bit here. move the tail to 208,116
  5. 00:12:262 (2) - i guess you forgot to add finish on head of slider here. cymbal ofc
  6. 00:13:658 (4) - nazi, but you need to keep a flow from this slider to next slider. just curving little bit upward as you did at 00:14:355 (5) - (i mean same the curving a little bit here)
  7. 00:24:820 (5) - maybe just for me but i feel an uncomfortable flow because slider tail too upward here imo. try to move the tail to 108,84 for natural flow?
  8. 00:40:867 (2,3) - idk why but i feel an uncomfortable flow between them.. i can't find a nice solution but i will give at least for reference
  9. 00:42:960 (1,2) - blanket master you can make a better blanket than this www
  10. 00:46:797 (2) - imo the flow seems forced here because you did the opposite of natural flow here. flip it as would be better for 00:47:320 (3) -
  11. 00:53:251 - imo vocal of this time would be have sensation if you emphasize it with slider's head so i would to give for better rhythm and avoid the break (starting on 00:52:553 - )
  12. 00:59:879 (1) - ee why not add repeat on this slider to emphasize the sound of 01:00:227 - . altho the sound is low here but i guess it's a important sound on this part. and i feel odd when heard skipping of this music
  13. 01:10:169 (4) - move the tail to 368,316.. exactly symmetric from previous slider, better flow and neater pattern. (you need do respacing if you agree btw)
  14. 01:21:332 (4) - ctrl+G and move to 260,232. exactly for better flow and making a pattern
  15. 01:22:030 (1) - i heard cymbal sound here btw. finish?
  16. 01:32:844 (1) - same reason as 00:39:820 (1) - it should be 2 circles instead to able click the cymbal sound
  17. 01:38:774 (1,2) - blanket instead to make neater pattern also flow of 01:40:169 (2) - to next circle seems bad imo
  18. 01:47:059 (1) - start it earlier to 01:46:972 - because cymbal. as i told on Easy

  • Hard
  1. 00:01:623 (2,3) - i would to swap the rhythm become like to following music properly and emphasize 00:01:623 - with well
  2. 00:59:355 (7) - i prefer to ctrl+G here to keep a flow that you made from previous
  3. 01:38:076 (7) - ctrl+G too for making a little jump for play more channgeling and fun?
    this diff is fine but tbh i'm not really like the overlapping like 00:07:379 (3,1) - , 00:42:088 (6,1) - , 00:54:123 (1,3) - etc that similar like that because it seems so messy here. it would be neater if stacked imo

  • Insane
  1. because many of whistles that you using for start (relax part i mean) i would be use 50% volume on red line 00:01:100 - because i feel it too noisy (maybe my bad ears again orz)
  2. 00:02:233 - seems overmapped here. i guess it would be better to skip this map since i didn't hear anything dunno it because song or my bad ears
  3. 00:08:774 (5,6) - because sound of 00:08:774 - 00:09:123 - seems loud and strong here. i would to change this become 2 sliders of 1/2 and use jump for it.. rhythm seems better for me imo QAQ
  4. 00:12:262 (1) - i guess you forgot finish on head because cymbal sound appear.
  5. 00:15:053 (1) - aaa i know there is a sound on blue tick (repeat) but sound of 00:15:402 - louder than it. so instead
  6. 00:17:844 (1) - move the tail little bit upward around 452,108 to get a better flow (imo) :p
  7. 00:26:739 (3) - imo the jump is too far and hard to catch, eee i mean doesn't emphasize the music/vocal well. move the head of slider's node become instead
  8. 00:27:262 (5) - huge jump that doesn't emphasize music/vocal too. i would to move it 332,108 instead for better play
  9. 00:29:879 (4) - same too. yeah didn't find nice sugestion so move to 128,352. feel free reject or looking another placement for it
  10. 00:52:379 (4) - eee too far with (5).. really killing player (especially me lol). hmm try reduce the jump maybe around 168,200
  11. 00:59:530 (8) - since the sound heard as "pong pong", finish doesn't emphasize with well and too loud. use clap instead
  12. 01:11:739 (1) - taste of flow. i would to at least ctrl+G this slider to have better flow with next slider since i feel a little odd flow (too upward for 01:12:088 (2) - ). if you don't lazy to tweaking the pattern, use
  13. 01:31:100 (4) - at least use a little jump please because Normal spacing seems too close for me here. move to 460,192 instead
  14. 01:35:809 (7,8,9) - it seems awkward from the previous doesn't stacked and suddenly stacking for these circles. it would be better if you continue it with same spacing as you did on previous circles. maybe a little bit bad shape because lack of placement but should be fine

sorry poor mod, tbh i'm not mood for modding now but yeah at least i tried my best
Good Luck \(・◡‹ )/

Xinely wrote:

  • Hard
  1. 00:01:623 (2,3) - i would to swap the rhythm become like to following music properly and emphasize 00:01:623 - with well no
  2. 00:59:355 (7) - i prefer to ctrl+G here to keep a flow that you made from previous no
  3. 01:38:076 (7) - ctrl+G too for making a little jump for play more channgeling and fun? nice suggestion fixed
    this diff is fine but tbh i'm not really like the overlapping like 00:07:379 (3,1) - , 00:42:088 (6,1) - , 00:54:123 (1,3) - etc that similar like that because it seems so messy here. it would be neater if stacked imo i don't think so.
thanks for modding~
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

Hi (๑◔‿◔๑)

  • General
  1. wth almost 2 MB for BG, try use .jpg instead .png to reduce the size of BG, i made one for you feel free take this o! Thanks!
  2. the combo colour yellow a little bit bother me, try to light it more as girl hair yellow on BG maybe like hmm....I don't think so.

  • Easy
  1. 00:02:320 - this sound is important for this song imo, try to map it? just make it like (start on 00:01:797 - btw)
  2. 00:05:286 (3) - is w/o hitsound on tail intentional here? i'm still here crystal sound as you did on 00:04:239 - so i would to add whistle too on tail here to keep consistency
  3. 00:08:076 (3) - imo you need to extend the slider to 00:08:774 - and add note on 00:09:123 - because sound of 00:08:774 - is really loud and strong. seems we can't skip this time
  4. 00:11:216 (3) - because kind of music is changing at 00:11:565 -, imo you can't use slider's repeat here because it can't emphasize/follow with well. try change it become instead
  5. 00:12:262 (1) - i heard a cymbal and hard music here. add finish too (you can keep the whistle to emphasize crystal sound)
  6. 00:16:100 (2) - inconsistency spacing. use 1,0x instead to keep the consistency
  7. 00:17:844 (1,3) - bad overlap here, try to arrange them become like for neat pattern C:
  8. 00:19:850 - how about add S:C2 volume 60% here to emphasize the cyrstal sound on 00:19:937 - 00:20:111 - ? it would be sounded nicely imo
  9. 00:20:634 (1) - imo spinner would be more sense if you use 40% volume on spinner end but it just a personal taste~ (apply to all diffs if you agree with this)
  10. 00:26:216 (1) - hmm just taste about flow i would to move the tail to 64,68 to keep previous flow here
  11. 00:29:006 (1) - taste about flow, how about move the tail of slider become like to have same flow (maybe) with 00:30:402 (3) - ?
  12. 00:34:588 (1) - maybe just for me but i think flow can improve here. try to curve this slider like ?
  13. 00:39:820 (1) - since cymbal is appear on slider's repeat imo a little bit weird while finish appear w/o click any note here. altho the cymbal on whitetick, try to make different rhythm maybe for emphasize the cymbal with well
  14. 00:42:960 (1) - aaa i heard a little bad here because 00:43:832 (2,3) - following the music (maybe guitar, my ear suck) imo you need extend this slider to 00:43:483 - for following that sound properly too
  15. 00:56:565 (4) - maybe just for me and i feel flow could be moer natural here. try to move 384,344. feel free ignore, it just a nazi thing
  16. 01:01:797 (1,2) - swap the NC. imo you need to add NC for 01:02:495 (2) - because kiai start and stanza and no need NC for 01:01:797 (1) - since still able to read with clearly altho have a little bit delay here
  17. 01:02:844 (3) - i have a suggestion to make it neat pattern, try to make blanket instead, design and flow seems better here imo
  18. 01:21:681 (4) - nazi is nazi, move to 256,192 to make it neater since the circled placed on centre? :P
  19. 01:30:053 (4) - how about place on 420,184 to make symmetric with 01:28:658 (2) - ? design neater imo
  20. 01:39:384 - how about 40% volume as i told on 00:20:634 (1) - hmm....sorry. keep current
  21. 01:43:658 (2) - imo this slider isn't symmetric with previous, while you do symmetric here, design and flow improving a lot. (since i tweaked a little, take the code if you agree and want use it)
  22. 01:46:884 (1) - nazi, try start spinner on 01:46:972 - which time cymbal appear here. it would be better for newbie too than starting spin 1/4 space

  • Normal
  1. 00:03:193 (4) - how about try emphasize all crystal sound (i mean 00:03:367 - this too) as you did at 00:05:983 (5) - for consistency?
  2. 00:03:890 (1) - don't you try to make a better flow for next object here? imo it could be more natural maybe as
  3. 00:05:983 (5) - nazi but flow could be improve here too. just move this slider to 124,268
  4. 00:08:076 (3) - nazi but yeah flow can improve a little bit here. move the tail to 208,116
  5. 00:12:262 (2) - i guess you forgot to add finish on head of slider here. cymbal ofc
  6. 00:13:658 (4) - nazi, but you need to keep a flow from this slider to next slider. just curving little bit upward as you did at 00:14:355 (5) - (i mean same the curving a little bit here) sorry. keep current pattern.
  7. 00:24:820 (5) - maybe just for me but i feel an uncomfortable flow because slider tail too upward here imo. try to move the tail to 108,84 for natural flow?
  8. 00:40:867 (2,3) - idk why but i feel an uncomfortable flow between them.. i can't find a nice solution but i will give at least for reference
  9. 00:42:960 (1,2) - blanket master you can make a better blanket than this www
  10. 00:46:797 (2) - imo the flow seems forced here because you did the opposite of natural flow here. flip it as would be better for 00:47:320 (3) -
  11. 00:53:251 - imo vocal of this time would be have sensation if you emphasize it with slider's head so i would to give for better rhythm and avoid the break (starting on 00:52:553 - )
  12. 00:59:879 (1) - ee why not add repeat on this slider to emphasize the sound of 01:00:227 - . altho the sound is low here but i guess it's a important sound on this part. and i feel odd when heard skipping of this music
  13. 01:10:169 (4) - move the tail to 368,316.. exactly symmetric from previous slider, better flow and neater pattern. (you need do respacing if you agree btw) I don't think so.
  14. 01:21:332 (4) - ctrl+G and move to 260,232. exactly for better flow and making a pattern
  15. 01:22:030 (1) - i heard cymbal sound here btw. finish?
  16. 01:32:844 (1) - same reason as 00:39:820 (1) - it should be 2 circles instead to able click the cymbal sound
  17. 01:38:774 (1,2) - blanket instead to make neater pattern also flow of 01:40:169 (2) - to next circle seems bad imo
  18. 01:47:059 (1) - start it earlier to 01:46:972 - because cymbal. as i told on Easy

  • Hard
  1. 00:01:623 (2,3) - i would to swap the rhythm become like to following music properly and emphasize 00:01:623 - with well
  2. 00:59:355 (7) - i prefer to ctrl+G here to keep a flow that you made from previous
  3. 01:38:076 (7) - ctrl+G too for making a little jump for play more channgeling and fun?
    this diff is fine but tbh i'm not really like the overlapping like 00:07:379 (3,1) - , 00:42:088 (6,1) - , 00:54:123 (1,3) - etc that similar like that because it seems so messy here. it would be neater if stacked imo

  • Insane
  1. because many of whistles that you using for start (relax part i mean) i would be use 50% volume on red line 00:01:100 - because i feel it too noisy (maybe my bad ears again orz) OK!
  2. 00:02:233 - seems overmapped here. i guess it would be better to skip this map since i didn't hear anything dunno it because song or my bad ears sorry. I do not think so.
  3. 00:08:774 (5,6) - because sound of 00:08:774 - 00:09:123 - seems loud and strong here. i would to change this become 2 sliders of 1/2 and use jump for it.. rhythm seems better for me imo QAQ hmm....that is right. But, I want to keep the current pattern.
  4. 00:12:262 (1) - i guess you forgot finish on head because cymbal sound appear.
  5. 00:15:053 (1) - aaa i know there is a sound on blue tick (repeat) but sound of 00:15:402 - louder than it. so instead
  6. 00:17:844 (1) - move the tail little bit upward around 452,108 to get a better flow (imo) :p
  7. 00:26:739 (3) - imo the jump is too far and hard to catch, eee i mean doesn't emphasize the music/vocal well. move the head of slider's node become instead
  8. 00:27:262 (5) - huge jump that doesn't emphasize music/vocal too. i would to move it 332,108 instead for better play
  9. 00:29:879 (4) - same too. yeah didn't find nice sugestion so move to 128,352. feel free reject or looking another placement for it
  10. 00:52:379 (4) - eee too far with (5).. really killing player (especially me lol). hmm try reduce the jump maybe around 168,200
  11. 00:59:530 (8) - since the sound heard as "pong pong", finish doesn't emphasize with well and too loud. use clap instead
  12. 01:11:739 (1) - taste of flow. i would to at least ctrl+G this slider to have better flow with next slider since i feel a little odd flow (too upward for 01:12:088 (2) - ). if you don't lazy to tweaking the pattern, use
  13. 01:31:100 (4) - at least use a little jump please because Normal spacing seems too close for me here. move to 460,192 instead
  14. 01:35:809 (7,8,9) - it seems awkward from the previous doesn't stacked and suddenly stacking for these circles. it would be better if you continue it with same spacing as you did on previous circles. maybe a little bit bad shape because lack of placement but should be fine sorry, I like current pattern.

sorry poor mod, tbh i'm not mood for modding now but yeah at least i tried my best No~! awesome mod! especially flow
Good Luck \(・◡‹ )/
Thanks for Modding!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ゙

  1. Offset +15?
  1. 00:41:216 (2) - 00:41:739 - でリバースしてVo拾うより、00:41:913 - でリバースしたほうがしっくりきたのですがどうでしょうか。
  2. 01:11:913 (2) - ここに目立つ音がないので,remove noteして以下の音取りを提案します。
  3. 01:34:937 - add note して全体の形整えてみてはどうでしょうか。noteがあっても変な部分ではないとおもうので!
  1. 01:00:402 (2) - 時間差ではありますが00:58:483 (4) - の終端とかぶってしまっているので終端のpointを上に向けてみるといいかも!
[Rare's Hard]
  1. 00:02:495 (5) - Ctrl+G
    00:02:844 (6) - ^
    飛ばすなら00:02:844 (6) - だけの方がいいかなと思ったので00:02:844 (6) - にCtrl+Gはいらないかもです。
  2. 00:45:751 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - スローパートに入ってSliderの変速とnoteの重なりでplay中少し見づらかったです。
  1. 00:04:413 (4,5) - 00:04:937 (5) - の終点を00:04:413 (4) - のTick部分に持っていったほうが見た目はいいかなと思いました。
    00:04:937 (5,1,2) - のスペーシングも2.08xで揃うので試してみてください。
  2. 00:32:320 (3) - リバース部分にclap
  3. 00:33:367 (1,2,3) - 00:32:844 (4) - とstack
  4. 00:48:890 (2) - 始端のSampleset Normal をAutoに、リバース部分をSampleset Normal Hitsound無、終端にclap
    00:49:413 (3) - 始端にclap,終端のSampleset Normal をAutoに.
    00:49:762 (4) - 始端をSampleset Normal Hitsound無,終端のclapをremove
  5. 00:52:727 (7) - リバース部分をSampleset Normal
  6. 00:53:251 (1) - 始端だけにclapのほうが合いそうです!
  7. 01:01:100 (1) - 01:01:012 - ここからspinnerのほうがよさそう。
Good Luck desu. :)

litoluna wrote:

[Rare's Hard]
  1. 00:02:495 (5) - Ctrl+G
    00:02:844 (6) - ^
    飛ばすなら00:02:844 (6) - だけの方がいいかなと思ったので00:02:844 (6) - にCtrl+Gはいらないかもです。
  2. 00:45:751 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - スローパートに入ってSliderの変速とnoteの重なりでplay中少し見づらかったです。
Thanks for modding~
in-game request.

  1. offsetが凄い速く?感じました。+30位しないと自分はまともプレイできませんでした。()
  2. 無音のsoft-sliderslide3を追加。HardだけS:C3使ってるので気になりました。

  • SV速くないですか!? Normalとの差が0.1なのは大丈夫なんでしょうか。
  1. 01:47:146 (1) - 始まりが01:46:972 - の方がいいと思います。
[Rare's Hard]
  1. 00:38:774 (5) - add clap?
  2. 01:46:100 (4) - sliderwhistleは意図的?
  1. 00:02:669 (2) - 1grid上げてあげると00:02:495 (1,2,4) - の並びが綺麗になると思います。
  2. 00:28:483 (4,6) - スタックがちょっとズレてます。
  3. 01:12:088 (2) - add finish
  4. 01:14:879 (5) - NC
  5. 01:15:402 (1) - remove
  6. 01:18:890 (1) - ^
  7. 01:19:065 (2) - NC
  8. 01:27:611 (1) - スタックズレてます
  9. 01:28:134 (4,5) - 曲に合わせるならctrl+gして再配置?
  10. 01:31:797 (8) - 1grid上にするとスペーシング揃います。
  11. 01:35:809 (7,8,9) - 最後だけスタックが初見でやり難かったです。
  12. 01:39:995 (2,1) - この音取りのほうが曲にあってると思うのですがどうでしょう。
  13. 00:52:553 (5) - NC
  14. 00:53:251 (1) - remove
  15. 00:53:948 (4) - NC
  16. 00:54:472 (1) - remove
  17. 00:55:344 (5) - NC
  18. 00:55:867 (1) - remove
  19. 00:56:739 (5) - NC
予約してるので来るの楽しみです 8-)
Good luck!
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