
BoA - Kiseki [CatchTheBeat|Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 12:51:12 PM

Artist: BoA
Title: Kiseki
Tags: Winter Ballad Collection 2013 BEST OF SOUL Valenti Kwon Bo Ah 권보아 Beat of Angel Xinely mingmichael ursa CLSW
BPM: 104.95
Filesize: 7436kb
Play Time: 04:13
Difficulties Available:
  1. Crystal's Rain (6.92 stars, 774 notes)
  2. Easy (1.46 stars, 215 notes)
  3. Hard (3.28 stars, 569 notes)
  4. Inner Oni (3.74 stars, 1306 notes)
  5. Insane (4.48 stars, 836 notes)
  6. Miracle (5.4 stars, 1045 notes)
  7. Muzukashii (2.5 stars, 717 notes)
  8. Normal (2.21 stars, 335 notes)
  9. Oni (3.01 stars, 960 notes)
  10. Platter (5.69 stars, 796 notes)
  11. Rain Collab (6.3 stars, 840 notes)
Download: BoA - Kiseki
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Do you believe in miracles?

Note: Miracle = Expert/Extra.

MadoHomu BG because MadoHomu is kawaii kthx they just look so sweet together~ (And because this fits the song's theme.)

The SB is made by Xinely (with me making the lyrics elements), the Rain Collab diff is made by Xinely, mingmichael, and ursa, and Crystal's Rain is made by CLSW. The rest (the standard and Taiko diffs, plus the Platter) is made by me.

Thanks to everyone who helped and contributed in this map!

Watch examination's Madoka Magica AMV using this song here! (And it appears my throwaway suggestion became a reality lol)
Testplay + little IRC mod

16:17 Hinsvar: Err hello :D
16:17 Hinsvar: Available for a testplay?
16:17 Kodora: :3
16:32 *Hinsvar is listening to [ BoA - Kiseki]
16:32 Hinsvar: Yep.
16:37 Kodora: .тз
16:40 Kodora: wow, didn't expected extra for calm song like this one
16:40 Kodora: Nicely mapped actually, there are just some problems with spacing
16:40 Hinsvar: Well, it has a lot of 1/4s it might as well be a 210 BPM song if not for the instruments' pattern.
16:41 Hinsvar: Yep, I expected that.
16:41 Kodora: 00:00:960 (3,4,5) - this antijump is very hard to get at first attempt
16:41 Kodora: at least NC on (3) should help a bit
16:41 Kodora: 00:02:103 (3,4,5) - samer
16:41 Kodora: *same
16:41 Hinsvar: Sure, added.
16:41 Kodora: well, same to all parts like that
16:42 Kodora: 00:06:531 (3,1) - random jump why?
16:42 Kodora: DS here should be same as above
16:42 Hinsvar: Eh, is that one random? o.o
16:42 Hinsvar: I think it follows the instruments here quite nicely, but okay.
16:43 Kodora: because it feels bad
16:43 Hinsvar: It plays better, anyway~
16:43 Kodora: i know, you want kind of "accent" on last note but it makes note right after it so hard to catch
16:43 Kodora: 00:08:389 (3) - NC please
16:44 Hinsvar: Okay.
16:44 Kodora: 00:14:246 (1,2) - will be much easier to catch if you will swap them on timeline
16:44 Kodora: also it will sounds better imo
16:46 Kodora: 00:29:674 (4,5,6) - too evil antijump, basically looks like 1/8 notes, add NC to (4) at least please
16:46 Hinsvar: Did everything.
16:46 Kodora: 00:35:912 (2,3) - oh lol i was wondering is this 1/4 or 1/8
16:46 Kodora: imo putting 1/6 is really too much
16:47 Kodora: change to slider please
16:47 Kodora: will be much intuitive
16:48 Kodora: 00:44:389 (4,1,2,3) - really weird antijump. after jumpy part i was expecting 1/8 notes again and suddenly this
16:48 Kodora: this "jump-stop-jump" technique can works, but in this case it is just too confusing & plays bad
16:49 Hinsvar: Changed those 1/6 notes to a slider.
16:49 Hinsvar: Hmm.
16:49 Kodora: if you play it at first try
16:49 Kodora: you don't know music
16:50 Kodora: so you will be just not able to predict stuff like this
16:50 Hinsvar: Yep, you're right.
16:50 Hinsvar: Maybe normally spacing it would work better.
16:50 Kodora: 01:11:960 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as above
16:51 Kodora: basically, get rid of antijumps like this
16:51 Hinsvar: Unstack 01:12:817 (6) - ?
16:51 Hinsvar: Okay.
16:51 Kodora: and you will solve all problems with spacing
16:51 Kodora: yea
16:51 Kodora: kiai part mapped wise :D
16:53 Kodora: that's all i guess
16:54 Hinsvar: Hmm, okay then~
16:54 Hinsvar: Thanks for the help :D
16:54 Kodora: np :3/
16:55 Hinsvar: :D~
16:56 Hinsvar: Maybe this map is still far from being a "Best of (insert year here)" candidate lol
16:56 Kodora: i'm not a fan of RLC
16:56 Kodora: lol
16:58 Hinsvar: lol
16:58 Hinsvar: Well I wish I could make something that's really enjoyable here~
16:59 Kodora: yeah, map is nice
16:59 Kodora: good luck with it :3
17:00 Hinsvar: :d
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Thanks for testplaying and helping with the map a bit, Kodora~

Also thanks to koreapenguin and KSHR for testing in-game, and especially to KSHR for those shiny stars :D

Receptions for the Extra diff have been very positive so far. I'd still try to look for more testers, though, especially since the diff is only halfway finished currently.
Hello~ Testplay here

Sorry for my bad playing skills D:
Good map! Good luck! :D
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Don't worry; I can't even pass my own diff.

Glad to hear the compliment! Thanks :D

Also thanks to Natsu too for testplaying :P

I should really get this done quickly, ain't I...

EDIT: Aaaaand it looks like I got an unexpected star.

Thanks UnitedWeSin! 8-)
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...Okay, I should stop lurking in the thread too much.

Or not.

EDIT: Oh, and credits to jonathanlfj and Frostmourne for testing, too; thanks! :D

2ND EDIT: Thanks to Kytoxid and Oracle for testing, also. And to THS on the CtB mode, before I forgot.

The positive feedback from everyone is really getting me pumped up.
a bit irc suggestion and a test play i guess
02:21 Oracle: that was intense
02:21 Oracle: idk maybe it's just me
02:21 Oracle: 00:03:960 (1,2,3,4) -
02:22 Oracle: but this kind of linear notes is even harder than those jumps lol
02:22 Oracle: very easy to miss
02:22 Hinsvar: I guess it's because the spacing at 00:03:817 (3,1,2) - changes, but you still have to keep on singletapping.
02:22 Hinsvar: I'll try to change (1,2) to a slider.
02:22 Hinsvar: Maybe it'll work? lol
02:23 Oracle: ahh that's very likely the reason
02:23 Oracle: but 2 is white tick
02:23 Hinsvar: Okay, I'll do exactly that for now.
02:23 Hinsvar: 2? o.o
02:24 Oracle: better have note/slider on white tick
02:24 Oracle: 00:03:960 (1) -
02:24 Oracle: sorry it's 1 = =
02:24 Hinsvar: I thought (1) was the one on the white tick? :P
02:24 Hinsvar: lol
02:25 Oracle: 1 more thing to bother
02:25 Oracle: 00:28:246 (3) -
02:25 Oracle: better have this part with notes
02:26 Oracle: 00:27:960 (1,2) - the music is exactly the same as these 2 notes
02:26 Oracle: i would really like to hit 2 more notes rather than a slider :3
02:27 Hinsvar: Done! :D
02:27 Oracle: this applys to other parts in the song with similar rhythm
02:27 Oracle: would be a grate improve imo
02:28 Oracle: 00:30:531 (3) - like this one, and many moree!
02:29 Oracle: 00:39:389 (3,4,5) - this is okay, no need to change since all of them are sliders
02:31 Hinsvar: Hmm, sure, I'll try to improve them.
02:31 Hinsvar: Thanks :D
02:31 Oracle: that's all i found for now, can't go through the whole diff because i got other reqs :<
02:31 Hinsvar: Okay, okay.
good luck with this!
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Extra's done! Thanks to koreapenguin for the star and for testing once again, and to captin for testing and checking Extra, too!

EDIT: And now thanks to Heanday for testing and pointing out the parts that play awkwardly. And Skyzo for testing too (and the compliment). And Damnae for testing (again!) and giving suggestions about custom hitsounds!

2ND EDIT: Oh, thanks to xChippy for testing too~
Yuji Tokaji
Oyeah, get this rank please!
Take my star.
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I sure as hell will.

Thanks for the star! :D

EDIT (this is starting to get repetitive): Thanks to alacat and Xinely for testing too! And to Melophobia for checking (before I forget to do it) :P

2ND EDIT: And again, thanks to BeatofIke and Trust for testing (and Trust again for the star). Also to alacat for testing before I forgot about it D:
support B)
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>No mod/star

Your support isn't legit 8( /slapped

yo small mod cause random and longtimenomodorz

Personally think all ending spinners should end 04:15:781 - because right now they don't really end with anything in the music.
You have best twice in tags, remove one.
Lyrics animation is quite excessive at times. Just something to keep in mind: if you can't read it, its because its moving too much.
00:09:664 - What is the white flash here? It doesn't fit well. Best to remove it.

00:11:665 (4) - Move this note to 00:11:808 - to match song.
01:31:417 (1,2) - Spacing is probably too much.
01:52:284 (3) - Delete note to match song.
01:30:274 (3) - Snap end to 01:30:702 -
02:40:593 (1,2) - What is with this snapping? Change to 1/4 please.
03:04:175 (2) - Better to delete. No point putting something here when there is nothing in the song to support it.
really love boa and think you mapped it well to the rhythm~
best of luck
edit: omg forum codes have changed, forgive me if something looks ugly..
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Kiiwa wrote:

yo small mod cause random and longtimenomodorz o/

Personally think all ending spinners should end 04:15:781 - because right now they don't really end with anything in the music. It follows the vocal quite well, though, and 10 seconds would be too long, so...
You have best twice in tags, remove one. Uh nope; you probably mistook "best" for "beat" or vice versa lol
Lyrics animation is quite excessive at times. Just something to keep in mind: if you can't read it, its because its moving too much. She told me that she'll wait for more mods regarding this.
00:09:664 - What is the white flash here? It doesn't fit well. Best to remove it. In the end, she only decided to reduce the intensity of the flash. She still think it quite fits, though.

00:11:665 (4) - Move this note to 00:11:808 - to match song. I'm following the more dominant instrument at 00:11:665.
01:31:417 (1,2) - Spacing is probably too much. Reduced.
01:52:284 (3) - Delete note to match song. Nope; there's a notable instrument sound here.
01:30:274 (3) - Snap end to 01:30:702 - Crap. Fixed.
02:40:593 (1,2) - What is with this snapping? Change to 1/4 please. What the heck? I thought I already fixed them.
03:04:175 (2) - Better to delete. No point putting something here when there is nothing in the song to support it. I think the instruments here does support it, else I wouldn't make the rhythm look like this. I'll consider changing this if there are more complaints from modders and players alike, though.
really love boa and think you mapped it well to the rhythm~
best of luck
edit: omg forum codes have changed, forgive me if something looks ugly..
Thanks for the mod! Glad to hear that, also.

And don't worry, it still looks tidy enough :P

Oh, and thanks to Vhy for the star, and for all the testers who played the map!
star lagi ah
itung2 biar impas aja :3
11:27 Xinely: tenshichan. are you have some time to testplay my Rain GD? ><
11:28 Tenshichan: Sure
11:28 Tenshichan: :3
11:28 *Xinely is listening to [ BoA - Kiseki]
11:28 Xinely: actually a collab Indo ctb mappers lol, thanks nyan >3<
11:29 Tenshichan: is this BPM x2?
11:32 Xinely: BPMx2?
11:32 Xinely: if SV changing, no in this mapset ><
11:32 Xinely: *diff. just one
11:33 Tenshichan: Its harder than Rain
11:33 Tenshichan: more overdose
11:34 Xinely: actually yes but for my part only lol
11:34 Tenshichan: There are a few hyper patterns which should be avoided imo
11:37 Xinely: mingmichael asked deif and deif told us to keep the name of Rain first ><
11:37 Xinely: hmm can you mention them? ><
11:40 Tenshichan: 01:17:124 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -
11:40 Tenshichan: this for example
11:40 Xinely: lol i got it.. hmm wait let me tweak first
11:40 Tenshichan: because there follows are really hard jump after a hyper to a normal fruit which is hard to catch
11:41 Xinely: it feels as overdose too xD
11:42 Xinely: okay fixed
11:42 Xinely: should be easy to catch now
11:44 Tenshichan: Maybe you guys can do a bit variety?
11:44 Tenshichan: Because on some parts it is just like... "slider with dash to a single note"
11:44 Tenshichan: and its a lot
11:45 Tenshichan: what I mean is like this pattern
11:45 Tenshichan: 03:32:332 (6,7,8,1,2,3) -
11:45 Xinely: oh yeah i feel it too.. but dunno how to solve it ><
11:45 Xinely: because this is not my part, i can't fix it ofc
11:46 Tenshichan: yea
11:46 Tenshichan: there are few ways to solve this rhythm different
11:47 Xinely: maybe need remap for rhythm? o.o
11:47 Tenshichan: I would change some of these parts and map it differently
11:48 Tenshichan: because it doesnt play so elegant when a certain pattern repeats a lot
11:48 Xinely: perharps mods able to solve it ><
11:48 Xinely: since collab means unique mapping style merged become one
11:49 Tenshichan: I also dont like the triplets with a hyperdash in the middle, but that might be just me xD
11:49 Tenshichan: 04:01:703 (2,3,4) - like this
11:50 Xinely: oh yeah i want to change them actually lol
11:52 Tenshichan: 02:08:720 (2,3,4) -
11:52 Tenshichan: this jump
11:52 Tenshichan: is somehow difficult to catch
11:52 Tenshichan: because 2 -> 3 hyper, 3 -> 4 non-hyper
11:53 Xinely: aa yap changed
11:53 Tenshichan: 02:13:151 (1,2,3,4,5) - this part by ursa, feels somehow empty
11:54 Tenshichan: 02:13:723 - should be note
11:54 Tenshichan: also at 02:14:866
11:54 Xinely: agreed but i think you need to tell ursa instead me. since i can't fix or change anything
11:54 Xinely: somehow i feel it's his mapping style
11:54 Xinely: he following vocal orz
11:55 Tenshichan: yeah but its the kiai and it feels sometimes off
11:55 Xinely: i'm totally agree btw but maybe you can mention it on thread while posting thir irc mod C:
11:56 Tenshichan: because sometimes it creates weird spacing because of the gaps like 02:26:729 (5) -
11:56 Xinely: seems as trap lol
11:56 Xinely: if standard xD
11:58 Xinely: please mention ursa/mingmichael parts on thread, so they can read and fix them. instead tell to me who can't fix their part, gomene tenshichan ><
12:00 Tenshichan: 03:55:200 (6,7) - wouldn't it be better to make a slider out of them?
12:00 Tenshichan: thats you part :p
12:01 Xinely: hmm, 03:55:200 (6) - is this feel too sudden for catch?
12:01 Xinely: if yes, i will reduce the spacing instead slider because.... aaa personal taste xD
12:02 Tenshichan: Im more concerned about 03:55:628 (7) - because the spacing of it is weird because of the large gap :p
12:02 Xinely: hmm okay i understand, slider then ~
12:02 Tenshichan: well the jump also is a bit surprising because it is a calm part
12:03 Xinely: nah i mean that xD
12:03 Tenshichan: 00:03:089 (2) - should be a bit more to the right imo
12:04 Tenshichan: 00:05:805 (6) - same ^^
12:04 Xinely: ups, i was thought it's as standard lol
12:05 Xinely: fixed xD
12:05 Tenshichan: 00:11:808 (1) - Im missing a beat on 00:11:951 here :P
12:06 Xinely: i following piano here QAQ
12:07 Tenshichan: 00:17:096 (3,4) - this part maybe
12:07 Tenshichan: 3 around x:400
12:07 Tenshichan: 4 around x:192
12:08 Xinely: nice idea, fixed but a little bit change coordinate with my taste :p
12:08 Tenshichan: 00:20:383 (5) - shouldnt it be at 00:20:240 ? :P
12:08 Tenshichan: oh nvm
12:08 Tenshichan: its ursas part already XD
12:09 Xinely: ursa xD
12:09 Tenshichan: 00:35:962
12:10 Tenshichan: gap here, have you tried a spinner already?
12:10 Tenshichan: following the vocal
12:10 Xinely: hmmm, wait >3<
12:10 Tenshichan: not sure if you like it because the spinner is also really short then
12:11 Xinely: aa i'm not really like to give spin here, sorry nyan :<
12:12 Tenshichan: 00:40:250 something missing? :D
12:13 Xinely: i'm following crystal sound soooooo. xD
12:13 Xinely: and only low drum sound (maybe) here so yeah let give a break lol
12:14 Tenshichan: 01:15:838 (9) - to x:176
12:15 Xinely: done ~
12:15 Tenshichan: 01:17:839 (10) - x:304 maybe?
12:16 Xinely: remapped because you told it as hell before :p
12:17 Tenshichan: oh, yeah :P
12:18 Xinely: hehe xD
12:18 Tenshichan: well to ming and ursa parts, they should review about the slider/note combos which are overuse
12:18 Tenshichan: also besides that mings parts seem fine
12:19 Xinely: aa yap, if this irc is done, save and post it to get kudo xD
12:19 Tenshichan: ursa, well, it troubles me a bit that he is only following the vocals at some parts it shouldnt be done imo
12:19 Tenshichan: Currently I dont see more issues in your part, sometimes it is hard, but that doesnt mean it is bad :P
12:20 Xinely: sorry about it because my style do to hard parts as i did on keisei lol
12:20 Tenshichan: its fine :P

Good luck (;
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@Vhy: Hehe, makasih deh :D/

@Tenshichan: Thanks for taking a look at the CtB diff :P
wow quite a hard map but was really fun to play. :D

Also, what a beautiful song *-*

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Holy shit, someone actually hit 50 millions? o.o

Well, glad to hear you're having fun!

I agree with the beautiful song part; this is the #1 BoA song for me, IMO.

Thanks for playing!
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