
t+pazolite with Kabocha - Elder Dragon Legend [...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, 2 September 2024 at 00:49:20

Artist: t+pazolite with Kabocha
Title: Elder Dragon Legend
Tags: tpz powermetal c.h.s chs electronic english hardcore instrumental fa featured artist coop co-op cooperative tag2
BPM: 210
Filesize: 6511kb
Play Time: 03:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (3,32 stars, 781 notes)
  2. Inner Oni (6,34 stars, 1761 notes)
  3. Kantan (1,92 stars, 417 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (4,4 stars, 1044 notes)
  5. Oni (5,38 stars, 1492 notes)
Download: t+pazolite with Kabocha - Elder Dragon Legend
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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