
Melim - Meu Abrigo

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2024 at 14:44:59

Artist: Melim
Title: Meu Abrigo
Tags: howrengar portuguese brasil brazil portugues reggae fusion pop mpb português
BPM: 92
Filesize: 13481kb
Play Time: 03:44
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cara Metade (3,95 stars, 587 notes)
  2. Dificil do HowRengar (2,95 stars, 472 notes)
Download: Melim - Meu Abrigo
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
fixed hs, might need to redownload if u had map b4 ql

yes this is a remap


Malphs / -Mikan

Dificil feita por HowRengar

Cara Metade feita por freestyler

Hitsounds feitos por freestyler

Fonte da imagem de fundo

old description
song mapped in Malphs request <3

malphs / ?

top diff: me
hard: HowRengar
hs: me

bg source

isso n eh 3 estrelas nem fudendokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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