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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014년 6월 16일 월요일 at 오전 9:35:26

Artist: SPYAIR
Source: Samurai Flamenco
Tags: opening op Square Enix tv size
BPM: 146
Filesize: 20413kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.32 stars, 81 notes)
  2. Hard (2.84 stars, 209 notes)
  3. Insane (3.32 stars, 265 notes)
  4. Normal (1.8 stars, 117 notes)
Download: SPYAIR - JUST ONE LIFE (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 12th Ranked Beatmap
so 2nd SPYAIR Map!
osu need more SPYAIR!!

Map Set
Easy - By. HabiHolic (Done)
Normal - By. HabiHolic (Done)
Hard - By. HabiHolic (Done)
Insane - By. HabiHolic (Done)
Artist should be SPYAIR, not SPTAIR.

Good map~
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

Artist should be SPYAIR, not SPTAIR.

Good map~
lol my mistake Fixed~~
Last Bubble

Rain난이도 완성!

0 Circles, 0 Spinner (?)

색 구별도 잘되어있고 박자까지 다 좋네요 ~
00:19:298 (6,7) - 요거 두개 DS 맞춰주세요 0.09나 차이나있네요..
00:24:024 (3) - x : 408 y : 284 로 해주시고
00:24:435 (4) - x : 324 y : 316 으로 해주세요~
00:27:723 (1) - x : 472 y : 36 살짝 위로 올리는게 더 보기 좋을거같아요 + 00:29:367 (2) - x : 336 y : 320 << 둘이 셋트
00:32:243 (5) - DS 맞춰주세요~
00:59:778 (3) - 이거 슬라이드를 살짝 휘게 하면 더 자연스러울거 같아요
01:02:243 (5) - 이것도 ^
01:06:353 (3) - x : 196 y : 188 이면 DS 맞을거 같네요~

박자 좋네요!
00:07:175 (5) - DS 잡아주세요~
00:23:613 (6,1) - 뉴콤 빼보시는게?
00:26:901 (4) - x: 420 y : 320 - DS 가 1.10이 맞질 않아서 최대한 가까운 좌표로..
00:33:065 (4) - DS .. <<일부러 띄우신건가요..?
00:33:476 (5) - 뉴콤 해주시구 00:34:298 (1) - 같은색이 되도록 해주세요
00:36:764 (5) - 이것도 뉴콤 해주시고 00:37:380 (2) - 이거랑 같은색이 되도록 해주세요~
00:45:805 (3) - x : 320 y : 44 해주세요~
01:21:968 (2) - x : 224 y : 112 로 옴기시면 더 좋을거 같아요 + 01:22:790 (3) - x : 456 y : 192

Slider Tick Rate 1로 줄여보시는게 어때요? 콤보가 397에서 338 으로 줄어들긴한데.. 하드에서 굳이 숫자를 올리실필요는 없다고 봅니다.
딱히 더이상..


:arrow: 매번모딩을해봐도 하드랑 인센은 딱히 보이지가 않네요..ㅠㅠㅠ
Aoooo ~
Here's mod from my queue

your combo colour? seems you forget it

00:07:997 (1) - finish here? i hear the cymbal sound even not much loud but it deserves a finish here
00:17:449 (4) - move this to x:392 y:212 to blanket'ed with 00:16:216 (3)
00:17:860 (5) - blanket this too. move the tail to x:228 y:124
00:20:326 (7) - fix this DS. keep on the consistency since it is easy
00:25:874 (5) - i guess it's better to place it at white tick to keeping the rhythm. also the fix the DS even not much
00:27:723 (3) - add finish here
00:31:011 (3) - seems hard to hit 300 on this note because im a beginner. considering you can remove this note and add slider at 00:30:600 like this
00:37:586 (1,2) - i know you can blanket this better
01:14:572 (4) - move this slider to right by 1 grid to perfect the blanket also the DS it self
01:18:681 - i hear the vocal is trully strong here so better to add note here
01:19:092 - same as above. try it
01:27:722 - lower this volume to 50%

for a better spread diff, increase AR and OD by 1?
00:07:997 (1) - same as easy
00:54:845 (1) - fix the DS
01:12:105 (3,4,5) - make it like the others rhythm
01:18:681 - same as easy
01:19:092 - ^
01:27:722 - same as easy

00:07:997 (1) - same as easy
00:44:572 (2) - ctrl+g this?
00:27:723 (3) - add finish here
01:18:681 - same as easy
01:19:092 - ^
01:27:106 (7) - a way too much reverse for 1/4 slider on hard diff. make like this instead?
01:27:722 - same as easy

[Last Bubble's Rain]
check letterbox during break since u have a break in this diff
oh god this rain ;w;
why you fill with all slider here? i suggest you to change it to a circles (as many as possible) because in Ctb diff you can find this enjoyable by putting a circle to make a nice variety pattern, stream, HDash and else more. also since this is rain, you can make this more challenging
try to look other CtB diff and you might learn something :3
and 3.60x SV is a way too much hueheuheuehueh

00:04:709 (5) - NC here to following your stanza
00:11:285 (6) - here's too
00:13:339 (5) - ctrl+g this seems better for me
01:18:681 - same as easy
01:19:092 - ^
01:27:722 - same as easy

i think that's all..
good luck :)

00:27:723 (2) - 248 256

00:37:380 (1) - 2번째점 380 244 , 3번째점 380 376

00:40:668 (1) - 00:40:257 (8) 감싸는게 어떤가요

00:43:339 (9) - 3번째점 340 188

00:54:846 (6) - 2번째점 384 64, 3번째점 304 48

01:01:421 (1) - 2번째점 204 236, 3번째점 92 200

키아이 타임 뉴콤보가 조금 이상한것 같습니다..

01:07:586 (11) - ctrl g

01:19:504 (4) - 디스턴스를 00:47:449 (4,5) 랑 똑같이 하시는게 좋을듯 합니다.

01:27:106 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 전체 드레그 하고 484 248로 이동


nc아래것부터 해주세요

00:32:449 (8) - NC

00:12:928 (7) - ^

00:35:942 (7) - ^

00:39:024 (5) - ^

00:42:312 (5) - ^

00:45:600 (5) - ^

00:59:572 (4) - ^

01:03:065 (6) - ^

01:06:353 (6) - ^

01:09:435 (5) - ^

01:12:928 (5) - ^

01:16:216 (4) - ^

01:17:860 (9) - ^(키아이 전이랑 맞춰주세요)

01:22:791 (7) - ^

01:25:874 (4) - ^


00:13:750 (9,1) - 둘의 간격이 너무 멉니다..인세인이라면 괜찮겟지만

00:17:860 (1,2) - 점프로 착각하고 빨리 칠수도 있는 상황이 올수도 있겠네요. 좀만 넓히시는게..

00:24:230 (2) - 3번째점 372 340

01:03:887 (8) - 좀더 굽혀서 (7)을 커버하는것도 좋을듯 싶네요

01:07:997 (1) - ^

01:24:435 (1) - 3번째점 172 276

노말 이지는 안할게욤 :3... 너무 완벽해서
[Last Bubble's Rain]
00:14:161 (1) - 슬라이더 각도를 좀 기울여보시면 더 좋겠네요.
00:36:764 (3,4) - 처음 봤을때 저도 놓쳤습니다.. 이건 좀 간격을 줄이셔야 할 듯
01:00:600 (1) - 이쪽이 더 나아보이는..
01:21:969 (4) - 01:21:353 (3) - 얘랑 모양새 같게 해주세요
01:25:462 (2) - 이런식으로?
01:27:106 (1,2,3) - Ctrl + G -> Ctrl + H

요즘 맵 정말 잘만드시는듯.. 수고하세요!
Topic Starter
late sorry~

Thanks mod! update!
Last Bubble
Topic Starter

Last Bubble wrote:

수정 완료!
sorry your diff delete T,T
14:04 koreapenguin: AR9 추천
14:05 HabiHolic: 인센이요?
14:05 koreapenguin: 네
14:06 koreapenguin: 잡을게없는데?
14:06 HabiHolic: ??
14:06 HabiHolic: 놀림?
14:06 HabiHolic: ㄷㄷ
14:07 koreapenguin: 없음
14:08 koreapenguin: 00:19:298 (1) -
14:08 koreapenguin: 슬라이더 꼬리에 클랩추가하고
14:08 koreapenguin: 스네어 다음 스네어 강조니까
14:08 koreapenguin: 00:19:915 (2) - 이거점프두는게어떰
14:08 koreapenguin: 00:19:298 (1,3) - 이거둘사이 1.5 로두면될듯
14:09 koreapenguin: 하비님힛사찍은거보면
14:09 koreapenguin: 쿵짝쿵짝말곤 예외없는듯
14:09 HabiHolic: 비슷하게 수정
14:10 HabiHolic: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ?
14:12 koreapenguin: 00:57:928 (6,7,8) -
14:12 koreapenguin: 이거노래상 디스탄스좀 벌려둬야되는거아님?
14:12 koreapenguin: 디스탄스좀두면 8에 뉴콤한번넣어주고
14:12 koreapenguin: 크게때리는거고 마디시작이잖아요
14:13 HabiHolic: 스정
14:13 koreapenguin: 개인적인건데
14:13 koreapenguin: 01:19:504 (4) - 이거 플레이어 배려를위해서
14:14 koreapenguin: 뉴콤치면좋을듯
14:14 koreapenguin: 뉴콤바뀔때마다 드레인차는거아시죠?
14:14 HabiHolic: 수정했어요
14:14 HabiHolic: 네
14:14 koreapenguin: 요즘맵들보면 플레이개념이없는매퍼들이 맵막만드니까
14:14 koreapenguin: 애들이 하비님처럼만만들면
14:15 koreapenguin: 진짜좋을텐데말이죠.
14:15 HabiHolic: 으익..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:16 koreapenguin: 태그에 op 도하나추가
14:16 koreapenguin: 메타데이타찾아드릴테니까 태그에 다추가하는것도좋을듯
14:17 HabiHolic: ㄳㄳ!!
14:17 koreapenguin: Square Enix 추가
Topic Starter

koreapenguin wrote:

14:04 koreapenguin: AR9 추천
14:05 HabiHolic: 인센이요?
14:05 koreapenguin: 네
14:06 koreapenguin: 잡을게없는데?
14:06 HabiHolic: ??
14:06 HabiHolic: 놀림?
14:06 HabiHolic: ㄷㄷ
14:07 koreapenguin: 없음
14:08 koreapenguin: 00:19:298 (1) -
14:08 koreapenguin: 슬라이더 꼬리에 클랩추가하고
14:08 koreapenguin: 스네어 다음 스네어 강조니까
14:08 koreapenguin: 00:19:915 (2) - 이거점프두는게어떰
14:08 koreapenguin: 00:19:298 (1,3) - 이거둘사이 1.5 로두면될듯
14:09 koreapenguin: 하비님힛사찍은거보면
14:09 koreapenguin: 쿵짝쿵짝말곤 예외없는듯
14:09 HabiHolic: 비슷하게 수정
14:10 HabiHolic: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ?
14:12 koreapenguin: 00:57:928 (6,7,8) -
14:12 koreapenguin: 이거노래상 디스탄스좀 벌려둬야되는거아님?
14:12 koreapenguin: 디스탄스좀두면 8에 뉴콤한번넣어주고
14:12 koreapenguin: 크게때리는거고 마디시작이잖아요
14:13 HabiHolic: 스정
14:13 koreapenguin: 개인적인건데
14:13 koreapenguin: 01:19:504 (4) - 이거 플레이어 배려를위해서
14:14 koreapenguin: 뉴콤치면좋을듯
14:14 koreapenguin: 뉴콤바뀔때마다 드레인차는거아시죠?
14:14 HabiHolic: 수정했어요
14:14 HabiHolic: 네
14:14 koreapenguin: 요즘맵들보면 플레이개념이없는매퍼들이 맵막만드니까
14:14 koreapenguin: 애들이 하비님처럼만만들면
14:15 koreapenguin: 진짜좋을텐데말이죠.
14:15 HabiHolic: 으익..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:16 koreapenguin: 태그에 op 도하나추가
14:16 koreapenguin: 메타데이타찾아드릴테니까 태그에 다추가하는것도좋을듯
14:17 HabiHolic: ㄳㄳ!!
14:17 koreapenguin: Square Enix 추가
Thanks mod!
Akiyama Mizuki

14:22 HabiHolic: 그걸
14:22 HabiHolic: 구걸
14:23 bbj0920: 아얄씨 모딩 되나요
14:23 HabiHolic: 당연하죠~
14:24 *bbj0920 is editing [ SPYAIR - JUST ONE LIFE (TV Size) [Easy]]
14:24 bbj0920: 초반 부분을 봤는데 곡에 비해서 힛사가 심심함
14:24 bbj0920: 드럼 사운드를 추가하시는 걸 추천들요ㅕ
14:25 bbj0920: 00:01:422 (1) - drum-finish
14:25 HabiHolic: 어느부분에요?
14:26 bbj0920: 00:04:709 (3) - ^
14:26 bbj0920: 00:06:353 (4) - drum-whistle...?
14:26 bbj0920: 정도요
14:26 bbj0920: 00:07:997 (1) - finish
14:26 bbj0920: 00:11:285 (1) - ^
14:28 HabiHolic: 다 됨
14:29 bbj0920: 00:27:723 (1) - 여기에 finish가 들어가면 어떨까 싶네요
14:29 bbj0920: 아아아 drum-finish요
14:29 HabiHolic: 나이스 캐치
14:29 HabiHolic: 그냥 피니쉬도 어울리는데
14:29 bbj0920: 그런가요
14:29 HabiHolic: 네
14:30 bbj0920: 01:27:722 - 음악이 끝나는 부분인데 노말 사운드가 좀 크게 들립니다
14:30 bbj0920: mute요
14:30 HabiHolic: 10퍼로 줄였어요
14:30 bbj0920: 네
14:30 bbj0920: 이제 노말이요
14:31 bbj0920: 00:01:422 (1) - 이지와 같습니다
14:32 bbj0920: 00:04:709 (1) - ^
14:32 HabiHolic: 넣음
14:34 bbj0920: 00:57:722 - clap?
14:35 bbj0920: 01:17:037 - ^.....?
14:35 bbj0920: 01:27:722 - ㅇㅇ
14:35 HabiHolic: 헐
14:35 bbj0920: 이지랑 같음
14:36 bbj0920: 하드입니다
14:36 bbj0920: 이 점프는 무엇인가요
14:36 HabiHolic: ㅇㅅㅇ
14:37 HabiHolic: 점프아닌데
14:37 bbj0920: 하드에 1/4 점프가 있는데요
14:37 bbj0920: 00:13:750 (9) - 이거랑 00:14:572 (1) - 이거 사이에요
14:38 HabiHolic: 점프 없앴음요
14:38 bbj0920: 00:24:230 (2) - drum-whistle
14:38 bbj0920: 00:25:463 (5) - ^
14:39 bbj0920: 00:27:723 (3) - 이지와 같
14:39 HabiHolic: Done
14:40 bbj0920: 00:46:627 (7) - drum-whistle
14:40 HabiHolic: ss
14:40 HabiHolic: ㄴㄴ
14:40 HabiHolic: 별로 안어울리는거같아요
14:41 bbj0920: 그런가요
14:41 bbj0920: 01:26:901 (8) - clap이요
14:41 HabiHolic: 네
14:43 bbj0920: 인센 모딩은 전부다 E/N/H와 겹치네요
14:44 HabiHolic: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:44 bbj0920: 힛사밖에 모딩을 못하는 잉여라서요 ;_;
14:45 bbj0920: /savelog
Topic Starter

bbj0920 wrote:


14:22 HabiHolic: 그걸
14:22 HabiHolic: 구걸
14:23 bbj0920: 아얄씨 모딩 되나요
14:23 HabiHolic: 당연하죠~
14:24 *bbj0920 is editing [ SPYAIR - JUST ONE LIFE (TV Size) [Easy]]
14:24 bbj0920: 초반 부분을 봤는데 곡에 비해서 힛사가 심심함
14:24 bbj0920: 드럼 사운드를 추가하시는 걸 추천들요ㅕ
14:25 bbj0920: 00:01:422 (1) - drum-finish
14:25 HabiHolic: 어느부분에요?
14:26 bbj0920: 00:04:709 (3) - ^
14:26 bbj0920: 00:06:353 (4) - drum-whistle...?
14:26 bbj0920: 정도요
14:26 bbj0920: 00:07:997 (1) - finish
14:26 bbj0920: 00:11:285 (1) - ^
14:28 HabiHolic: 다 됨
14:29 bbj0920: 00:27:723 (1) - 여기에 finish가 들어가면 어떨까 싶네요
14:29 bbj0920: 아아아 drum-finish요
14:29 HabiHolic: 나이스 캐치
14:29 HabiHolic: 그냥 피니쉬도 어울리는데
14:29 bbj0920: 그런가요
14:29 HabiHolic: 네
14:30 bbj0920: 01:27:722 - 음악이 끝나는 부분인데 노말 사운드가 좀 크게 들립니다
14:30 bbj0920: mute요
14:30 HabiHolic: 10퍼로 줄였어요
14:30 bbj0920: 네
14:30 bbj0920: 이제 노말이요
14:31 bbj0920: 00:01:422 (1) - 이지와 같습니다
14:32 bbj0920: 00:04:709 (1) - ^
14:32 HabiHolic: 넣음
14:34 bbj0920: 00:57:722 - clap?
14:35 bbj0920: 01:17:037 - ^.....?
14:35 bbj0920: 01:27:722 - ㅇㅇ
14:35 HabiHolic: 헐
14:35 bbj0920: 이지랑 같음
14:36 bbj0920: 하드입니다
14:36 bbj0920: 이 점프는 무엇인가요
14:36 HabiHolic: ㅇㅅㅇ
14:37 HabiHolic: 점프아닌데
14:37 bbj0920: 하드에 1/4 점프가 있는데요
14:37 bbj0920: 00:13:750 (9) - 이거랑 00:14:572 (1) - 이거 사이에요
14:38 HabiHolic: 점프 없앴음요
14:38 bbj0920: 00:24:230 (2) - drum-whistle
14:38 bbj0920: 00:25:463 (5) - ^
14:39 bbj0920: 00:27:723 (3) - 이지와 같
14:39 HabiHolic: Done
14:40 bbj0920: 00:46:627 (7) - drum-whistle
14:40 HabiHolic: ss
14:40 HabiHolic: ㄴㄴ
14:40 HabiHolic: 별로 안어울리는거같아요
14:41 bbj0920: 그런가요
14:41 bbj0920: 01:26:901 (8) - clap이요
14:41 HabiHolic: 네
14:43 bbj0920: 인센 모딩은 전부다 E/N/H와 겹치네요
14:44 HabiHolic: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:44 bbj0920: 힛사밖에 모딩을 못하는 잉여라서요 ;_;
14:45 bbj0920: /savelog
I couldn't find if (TV Size) is part of the official title of the song, I will keep looking, but if you have a reliable source please provide it.

I feel timing off, I think both offsets are kinda early but the second is the one I felt worse. I tried to fix it, but cant find a perfect one. You should ask someone good at timing to check this out.

00:21:148 (1) - feels better while playing if this slider is at the same spacing as 00:20:737 (6,7) - , since feels a bit like a break here

00:54:846 (1) - Everytime I play it I hit this early thinking is at 1/2 beat, I think you should place it a bit farther from 00:54:435 (8) - since the ralation in spacing of these obejcts 00:53:819 (7,8,1) - makes it a bit confusing

Nice map, good job!
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:

I couldn't find if (TV Size) is part of the official title of the song, I will keep looking, but if you have a reliable source please provide it. / oops.. Fixed~

I feel timing off, I think both offsets are kinda early but the second is the one I felt worse. I tried to fix it, but cant find a perfect one. You should ask someone good at timing to check this out. / i think that's ok

00:21:148 (1) - feels better while playing if this slider is at the same spacing as 00:20:737 (6,7) - , since feels a bit like a break here / Fixed

00:54:846 (1) - Everytime I play it I hit this early thinking is at 1/2 beat, I think you should place it a bit farther from 00:54:435 (8) - since the ralation in spacing of these obejcts 00:53:819 (7,8,1) - makes it a bit confusing / Hmm.... Ok!

Nice map, good job!
Still think timing is wrong, confirmed with two other mappers that agree that the problem may be on the BPM, I'll try to find someone that can fix this, but please do it as well.
BPM : 146
Timing Points : 1439ms, 51581ms

is better :3
Topic Starter

W h i t e wrote:

BPM : 146
Timing Points : 1439ms, 51581ms

is better :3
Thanks White!!

Lissette wrote:

Still think timing is wrong, confirmed with two other mappers that agree that the problem may be on the BPM, I'll try to find someone that can fix this, but please do it as well.
Yea White's Timing check and update!
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