
Lime - Campanella [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 05 September 2024 at 13:35:37

Artist: Lime
Title: Campanella
Source: osu!mania 7K World Cup 2024
Tags: MWC 2024 World Cup MWC2024 MWC7K2024 finals chordstream featured artist fa mappers guild mpg vocals dramatical Night on the Galactic Railroad Kenji Miyazawa kankitsu kanki2 -NoName- Electronic English osu! original
BPM: 227
Filesize: 7853kb
Play Time: 02:13
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K Easy - 4Key (1.61 stars, 520 notes)
  2. 4K Expert - 4Key (4.71 stars, 2126 notes)
  3. 4K Extra - 4Key (5.26 stars, 2360 notes)
  4. 4K Flight - 4Key (5.79 stars, 2646 notes)
  5. 4K Hard - 4Key (3.37 stars, 1464 notes)
  6. 4K Insane - 4Key (4.09 stars, 1889 notes)
  7. 4K Normal - 4Key (2.33 stars, 891 notes)
  8. 5K Easy - 5Key (1.57 stars, 520 notes)
  9. 5K Extra - 5Key (5.18 stars, 2376 notes)
  10. 5K Flight - 5Key (6.29 stars, 2829 notes)
  11. 5K Hard - 5Key (3.26 stars, 1468 notes)
  12. 5K Insane - 5Key (4.02 stars, 1907 notes)
  13. 5K Normal - 5Key (2.3 stars, 891 notes)
  14. NoName's 7K Ascension - 7Key (8.7 stars, 4065 notes)
  15. NoName's 7K Easy - 7Key (1.53 stars, 490 notes)
  16. NoName's 7K Expert - 7Key (5.49 stars, 2531 notes)
  17. NoName's 7K Extra - 7Key (6.07 stars, 2920 notes)
  18. NoName's 7K Extreme - 7Key (6.62 stars, 3171 notes)
  19. NoName's 7K Flight - 7Key (8 stars, 3654 notes)
  20. NoName's 7K Hard - 7Key (3.23 stars, 1492 notes)
  21. NoName's 7K Insane - 7Key (4.35 stars, 2033 notes)
  22. NoName's 7K Normal - 7Key (2.47 stars, 1048 notes)
  23. NoName's 7K Takeoff - 7Key (7.53 stars, 3445 notes)
Download: Lime - Campanella
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

osu!mania 7K World Cup 2024

Lime - Campanella

Lime: Official Website | osu!mania Profile | SoundCloud | Twitter

Graphic Design
kanki2 (Lime)

-NoName- | Tailsdk

Special Thanks
Azer | mangomizer | Sakura006
Fast chordstream / stamina - [NoName's 7K Takeoff]

RC1 | RC2 | ★ RC3 ★ | RC4 | RC5 | RC6 | RC7
LN1 | LN2 | LN3 | LN4 | LN5
HB1 | HB2 | HB3
TB (Tiebreaker)
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