
Ono Kensho - ZERO (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 3:38:34 PM

Artist: Ono Kensho
Title: ZERO (TV Size)
Source: 黒子のバスケ
Tags: AsuKow pnky kyairie notabox mrgglock soue regou regraz kuroko no basuke basket ball 3rd third season anime size op opening theme 6 six japanese rock jrock j-rock male vocal vocalist Teiko 帝光篇 Tetsuya Kuroko 黒子 テツヤ Seijūrō Akashi 赤司 征十郎 Atsushi Murasakibara 紫原 敦 Shintarō Midorima 緑間 真太郎 Daiki Aomine 青峰 大輝 Generation of Miracles キセキの世代 Kiseki Sedai
BPM: 195
Filesize: 14706kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. AsuKo's Beyond (5.8 stars, 365 notes)
  2. Kyairie's Hard (3.36 stars, 252 notes)
  3. Light Insane (3.82 stars, 265 notes)
  4. Mrgglock's Insane (4.83 stars, 304 notes)
  5. pnky's Normal (2.55 stars, 200 notes)
  6. Regou's Nostalgic (5.98 stars, 360 notes)
Download: Ono Kensho - ZERO (TV Size)
Download: Ono Kensho - ZERO (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Original set: beatmapsets/1949743 Thank you Asukow and the GDers!
Regou's Extra taken from: beatmapsets/1029552 Thank you Regou!


Normal - pnky
Hard - Kyairie
Light Insane - me
Insane - Mrgglock
Extra - Asukow
Extra - Regou
Hitsounding - Soue


BG is official art from

Thanks for nom: Mimari / Riana
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