
Sakamoto Maaya - Yakudou (Game Ver.) [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 at 10:43:08 PM

Artist: Sakamoto Maaya
Title: Yakudou (Game Ver.)
Source: Fate/Grand Order -Cosmos in the Lostbelt-
Tags: TYPE-MOON TYPEMOON TYPE MOON FGO PROJECT f/go arc 2 2nd part opening op theme japanese jpop pop j-pop rock jrock j-rock videogame video game gacha female vocal vocalist short tv size version ver original soundtrack v 5 ost Dokuhaku 独白 creeperbrine303 -[snowflakes]- snowflakes nahieu2005 davidminh0111
BPM: 205
Filesize: 2777kb
Play Time: 01:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Aesc (5.36 stars, 620 notes)
  2. Creeper's Kantan (1.76 stars, 201 notes)
  3. davidminh's Oni (4.21 stars, 550 notes)
  4. nahieu's Muzukashii (3.92 stars, 447 notes)
  5. SnowFlakes' Futsuu (2.57 stars, 334 notes)
Download: Sakamoto Maaya - Yakudou (Game Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
< #9 >

taiko #6
last qualified map in 2024
in utc+7 at least
just finished lb6, it was peak

kantan by Creeperbrine303
futsuu by -[SnowFlakes]-
muzukashii by nahieu2005
oni by davidminh0111
inner oni by me

WTHBRO / [-E S I A-]

audio taken from Zekk's standard set
bg taken from -Eresh's standard set
metadata in discussion
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