
Origami Angel - Dr. Fondoom [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024 at 07:05:07

Artist: Origami Angel
Title: Dr. Fondoom
Tags: featured artist fa mg mpg mappers' guild english punk indie rock alternative midwest emo gami gang tfc thx for carry
BPM: 175
Filesize: 3532kb
Play Time: 01:13
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cup (1,33 stars, 81 notes)
  2. Overdose (4,78 stars, 258 notes)
  3. Platter (2,85 stars, 239 notes)
  4. Rain (4,05 stars, 240 notes)
  5. Salad (1,98 stars, 138 notes)
Download: Origami Angel - Dr. Fondoom
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
cup: done
salad: done
platter: done
rain: done
overdose: done

hs: done

bns: bastian//ascendance

for priority mpg quest (back to basics) for rank only
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