
A.SAKA - Nanatsu Issenzakura [OsuMania]

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Hoshimegu Mio
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年8月31日 at 22:52:57

Artist: A.SAKA
Title: Nanatsu Issenzakura
Tags: 木製みゅーと wooden music mokusei mute 神楽ノ花 kagura no hana featured artist fa rice rc stream japanese folk instrumental electronic comiket 85 C85 Beat Beat Revolution 3rd CYBERNATION あだだandでんのオワタツジン STELLIGHTS rice stream
BPM: 172
Filesize: 3448kb
Play Time: 01:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. Earfothe <Hard> - 5Key (3.25 stars, 1110 notes)
  2. Iethe <Easy> - 5Key (1.54 stars, 403 notes)
  3. Lencten Blostma <Spring Blossoms> - 5Key (4.63 stars, 1703 notes)
  4. Lunatik <Insane> - 5Key (3.93 stars, 1407 notes)
  5. Maene <Normal> - 5Key (2.08 stars, 729 notes)
  6. Onginnende <Beginner> - 5Key (0.99 stars, 198 notes)
Download: A.SAKA - Nanatsu Issenzakura
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Casual 5K rice.

BG from Edited wuwa screenshots by EhrgeizRabenschwarz


MJH (Discord)


Niks (1st) / Protastic101 (2nd)

Diff names are all in OE except for Lunatik (ME). If you can find a better alternative for it or correct the other diff names pls tell me about it.
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