
Tsukiyama Sae - Hana Saku Iro wa Koi no Gotoshi...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 01 December 2024 at 16:36:02

Artist: Tsukiyama Sae
Title: Hana Saku Iro wa Koi no Gotoshi
Source: 鬼がくる。~姉がひん死でピンチです~
Tags: video game japanese visual novel vn vgm op opening eroge enishi soft oni ga kuru. ~ane ga hinshi de pinchi desu~ onikuru 鬼くる Ebi Curry Earl えびかれー伯爵 甘利紗陽 Sasa Ikeki 池木 紗々 Kashiko Nakamura 中村 かしこ 金閉開羅巧夢 Takumu Kotohira
BPM: 200
Filesize: 7571kb
Play Time: 04:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Blooming Flower - 9Key (4.23 stars, 2810 notes)
Download: Tsukiyama Sae - Hana Saku Iro wa Koi no Gotoshi
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

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Maria-Miau / Maxus

Re-Download after 04/08/2024 for new audio

I cannot play this map and I created it... shameless
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