
yanaginagi - mnemonic

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年6月27日 at 0:31:01

Artist: yanaginagi
Title: mnemonic
Source: Nagi no Asukara
Tags: 凪のあすから insert song OST Mukaido Manaka Hiradaira Chisaki Sakishima Hikari Isaki Kaname Kihara Tsumugu Shiodome Miuna Hisanuma Sayu
BPM: 110
Filesize: 7770kb
Play Time: 04:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.96 stars, 586 notes)
  2. Normal (1.45 stars, 327 notes)
Download: yanaginagi - mnemonic
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
anime「凪のあすから」insert song「mnemonic」
you may also like other songs of this anime: OP, ED, OP2, ED2

i like this song!!!!, can i map one more hard diff ;___;...
From my mod queue!


You need a background. Something related to the song would be good, otherwise, people use anime pictures if they can't get something related.


00:35:640 - 00:36:459 - really think you should map this area.


02:07:004 (1) - I heard doing this kind of thing in sliders isn't allowed anymore, but I'm not sure.

03:25:277 - 03:27:186 - I would map this area to the voice

03:54:731 (2) - I don't really like this slider shape.


Good luck!

Came here from my mod queue... but there really seems like there isn't much to really change... Either way, it's your choice.

-If something like the things I'm going to write were already suggested, I'm sorry for it...


-If possible, search for a background; be it a touching video or an image.
-You should insert Kiai at 00:52:822 and end it at 01:27:731 , another one at 02:20:095 with it's end at 02:55:004 and other one at 04:20:095 with it's end at 04:55:004


-OD +1 (guess it would be alright...)

Nothing else found... for my criteria is a good map. Hope it gets ranked soon ;)
From my queue!

Green is something I like, black is a suggestion, red is something potentially unrankable.

First I'd like to second what LixRei said, some kiai would be nice.

02:31:822 (5,6) - Move down slightly for better flow?
03:12:459 (1) - Change to 1/1 slider to better fit the rhythm perhaps?
03:21:186 (1) - Same as above
04:02:640 (1) - You could stack this with the previous slider
Very nice Normal difficulty!

OK, this is kind of subjective, but I personally don't like the usage of CS5 here.
00:25:822 (3) - A bit nazi here, but I think the slider's shape could be polished up just a little -
01:53:095 (3) - End of the slider could curve round the other way to give better flow into the notes afterwards
02:38:640 (3) - Having this go through the centre of 1 would be lovely
03:54:731 (2) - Change this slider so each end curves symmetrically inwards, like this -
04:02:640 (1) - You could stack this with the slider head before it
04:30:731 (1,2) - I think it would be better to have the 1/4 slider first, followed by the note on top of the following slider
04:48:186 (1,2) - Same as above
Also very good!

I don't know if this will actually be very helpful, because the map is amazing as it is, so to make it up to you...

Hi there, coming from your request in my Modding Q

  1. Background, blah blah, captin posted one so I wont point it out :3
  2. No kiai times? There are some places where a kiai would fit for sure (04:20:095 (1) - for example)
  3. Tags, source?

  1. 00:22:277 (1) - NC on this one to support the strong beat, white tick and vocals?
  2. 00:31:004 (2) - ^?
  3. 00:51:186 (4) - move up a little bit to fit into 00:50:640 (3) - 's path
  4. 01:06:459 (2) - a bit more curve into this combo would fit here imo as similar combos are more wiggly/curvy as well
  5. 02:33:731 (2) - ^
  6. 04:04:549 (3) - circle?

  1. 01:01:004 (5,6,7) - I'd prefer if 5 had the same spacing to 2 as 2 to 4 (say that out loud as well :D)
  2. 01:20:913 (1,2,3) - this one feels weird when playing as it starts on a blue tick. You could move the first circle to 01:21:731 (3) - and move both sliders 1 tick to the left
  3. 04:30:731 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. 04:48:186 (1,2,3) - ^
  5. 04:13:004 (4,1) - Fells weird to play, I'd suggest to move the slider to the big white and add a circle inbetween

Looks good to me, gl :3
from my queue
00:48:731 (1) - 去了尾巴的whistle
00:58:004 (2) - 很贴近hp条了
02:19:004 (6) - DS 0.94 推荐修下
02:35:913 (5) - 尾巴的clap去了?
03:58:822 (3,4,1,2) - 这很怪的DS1.0 不是一直1.2吗?
00:22:277 (6,1) - 红点后半和1成一个向上的弧会好点
00:25:277 (2,3,2) - 这两个blanket弄成一样更好
01:03:459 (1,2) - 2尾巴上的whistle移到1上 clap不变 像这里01:20:913 (1,2) - 一样的音效
01:07:004 (5) - 朝向右边偏下怎么样?
02:30:731 (1,2,3) - ^ 和前面音效统一01:20:913 (1,2) 01:03:459 (1,2)
04:00:459 (1) - 去了NC

就这些 good luck :)
kodora showed me this map a long time ago
i also love the song so

no background? ok
add some tags for sure

also idk if you fixed those other mods yet so if there is some overlap between them and mine oh well

  1. I found that the hitsound volume before 00:52:822 - is a bit loud, maybe lower it 5%? Same with similar sounding sections
Pretty clean normal already, nothing really to point out
OD +1 will be nice
  1. 00:29:640 (5,1,2) - (Nazi) Blanket is slightly off here bud, curves out a bit at the end
  2. 00:32:913 (4) - Not too fond of having the strong beat on the repeat here. Try something like this perhaps
  3. 00:39:459 (5) - Same thing here, having a strong beat on the slider end isn't really satisfying, especially since there isn't much to go on in this song. Try this rhythm, and for all similar rhythms where you do this, try it as well or something similar. Just try to have the strong notes be on slider starts/circles during these slow parts for a more enticing effect
  4. 00:48:731 (1,2) - This blanket can be improved, use 2's approach circle to assist you with this
  5. 00:51:731 (5,6,1) - I love what you did here, good lead in to the more exciting part of the music! Really accents whats going on here nicely, players appreciate this sort of stuff
  6. 00:51:731 (5) - I would NC here for the change in music
  7. 02:03:049 (1) - Recommending against having a slider on a blue tick, you didn't do it often so normal players will be tripping up on this one
  8. 02:05:231 (4) - ^
  9. 03:22:277 (2) - Lower the volume of the slider tick, it is a bit imposing imo. Just do it with green lines or find a quieter slidertick hitsound. Do the same for the rest of the slider ticks in this section of the map (Like you did in the insane)
  10. 04:00:459 (4,1) - Normally I would recommend against anti-jump sort of things in lower diffs, but here it fits well! Nice one :)
Cool 8-)
  1. 00:04:277 (6) - If you are going to do this sort of fade effect going with the piano, lower to volume of the slider end so it transitions better with the next note
  2. 00:08:368 (6,1) - Same deal here
  3. 00:13:004 (6,1) - You know what to do by now, just do this for the rest of them
  4. 00:41:913 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Cool pattern you got going on here 8-)
  5. 01:53:095 (3) - Slider shape looks a bit forced, smooth it out a bit and add more space between 01:52:140 (1,3) -
  6. 02:07:004 (1) - This seems a bit random, maybe just make it straight. I don't really know if anything in the music makes it fit - you also didnt use this anywhere else
  7. 03:32:095 (1,2) - Oh now this is definitely a bit confusing. I suggest spacing 2 out a bit from 1 or something because players will not be expecting the second repeat. They'll probably slider break here if they aren't aware
  8. 03:36:459 (1,2) - ^
Nice mapset, good luck ;D
From xLoupGarou's Modding Queue

I don't know if you'll like this BG but here , Choose -
* Link
* Link

Important : You know this is a Insert Song(OST) from Nagi no Asukara ?

03:12:456 end it here instead 03:13:004
03:13:549 ^ - - - 03:14:095
03:14:640 I suggest to start the long note here 03:14:368 then end it here 03:14:913
03:16:822 end it here 03:17:095 i suggest ?
then add a note here 03:17:368
03:21:186 end it here? 03:21:731
03:22:004 add a note
03:22:277 end the long note here 03:22:549
03:23:368 start the long note here 03:23:095 end it here 03:23:640
03:25:549 end it here 03:26:095
03:27:731 Try this pattern
03:40:822 end the long note here 03:41:368
03:53:913 Remove
03:54:186 add a note
04:07:004 end it here 04:07:549
04:07:822 add a note

Aren't the notes too small?
Though the notes seems fine to me

are the map diffs not yet done?
Good Luck~
Sorry about the BG I changed it
Maybe this is much better

Nagi no Asukara BG ( Dropbox Ver. )

From Teller's team modding queues ( ・´ω・`)

  1. Widescreen 請統一
  2. 加上combo顏色
  3. rank圖最小要3個難度?
  4. 加上source 及 tags
  5. hitsound音量有點大
  6. Offset :+2ms
  7. 加上BG
  8. AudioLeadIn:0 --> 1000

  1. 00:04:277 (6) - 應該沒3/4 那魔長, 加上會顯得00:04:822 (1) - 好像節奏加快. 但是我想不到比較好的提議. 這個音又有點似 00:02:095 (5) -

    P.S :下面的圖為了 00:04:004 (5,6) - 顯得和 00:04:822 (1,2) - 不同 (音調上) 所以 將00:04:822 (1) - 變成SLIDER
  2. 00:04:822 (1,2) - 和 00:07:004 (1) - 不同 有似有點奇怪.
  3. 00:05:368 (3,5) - 與 00:07:004 (1) - 音調不同 或者可以試試另一個排版
  4. 00:08:368 (6) - 尾部 與00:09:186 (1) - 形成比較快的節奏. 或者可以停在00:08:640 -
  5. 00:15:731 (1) - 和 00:07:004 (1) - 一樣
  6. 00:19:822 (5) - 感覺在 00:19:959 - 開始 歌聲
  7. 01:54:186 (2) - 這裡好似不適合用短SLIDER 可以試試取消反彈, 因為這裡沒有大的變化 音量也不高 而且突出不了01:54:459 - .
  8. 02:39:186 (4,5) - 音調不一 建議不要重疊
  9. 03:23:095 (3) - 如果想跟人聲請放在 03:23:231 - . 這裡的震音沒太大的意思
  10. 03:25:549 (4) - 好似沒什麼理由 停在03:25:959 -
  11. 03:49:549 (1,2) - 用了反手, 所以建議03:51:186 (3) - 都用反手. 可以突出03:51:731 (1) - 的重音.

    比起hard難度 這更似insane.
    預視圈 (AR) 好似有點大/快.

  1. 04:19:004 (6) - 改做圈比較好 因為04:19:549 (7) - 節奏加速在04:19:277 - 開始 提早開始有點奇怪
    太多flow太流暢(大部份都是順/逆時針) 可以試試在重音之間 做一些交叉的flow
    還有,slider(普通彎形/直線) 和 圈佔大部份, 反彈的slider比較小 變化上不多.
    另外.圖的空間可以再用盡一點 NOTE大多集中在中間
  1. If this is from Nagi no Asakura, add that as source, and add OST to tags.
  2. 04:55:140 (1 - I would end the spinner at 05:01:549 - or 04:57:186 - to follow vocals.
  1. OD feels a bit low. I'm generally not a big fan of having OD two points lower than AR. Consider OD7? (or 6.5, since we can do that now :D )
  2. 03:30:049 - Lower the volume for the repeaters on these sliders a bit? Same for 03:32:095 (1) - etc.
  1. Fine.
Lol most useless modpost 2014.
The map play well, and anything I could say would be nitpicky things that probably wouldn't be noticed while playing anyway, and don't drag down the experience of the map at all, so have a star instead.
Topic Starter
added source and tags but kept the rest things, they're fine imo
thanks for modding
Mod Reqs from Queue

Just some suggestions


00:11:368 : Blanket Like this

01:08:640 : hmm NC?


00:17:095 : fix slider like this

00:41:913(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) : Something like this

Topic Starter
thanks for modding
but sorry I want to keep them for now.. the current patterns are better imo
wcx大大我来摸啦 \o/


00:06:186 (5) - 这里头部加whistle?
00:14:913 (5) - ^
00:17:913 - 我觉得这里的drum kick有点来得太突然...我还是觉得40%会比较好
00:20:095 - 和00:17:913 (1) - 对比的话,这里是不用whistle的
00:22:277 (6) - 这个有点nazi, 不要叠00:21:459 (3) - 这个吧?
00:31:004 (6,2) - blanket得还不够好...

Normal 没了...感觉好骗kd
神图, 加油 :D
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