
Tedjimo yomigY - JezoensiS

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lundi 30 décembre 2024 at 23:47:03

Artist: Tedjimo yomigY
Title: JezoensiS
Tags: jazz instrumental featured artist fa mappers' guild mpg mg piano bass drums Bazuso Nozuchi Fuxi66 Fuxi Orkay Mezelyus
BPM: 139
Filesize: 10060kb
Play Time: 02:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Bazuso's extrA (5,95 stars, 939 notes)
  2. Collab experT (5,35 stars, 902 notes)
  3. Fuxi's harD (3,53 stars, 464 notes)
  4. JazZ (6,16 stars, 934 notes)
  5. NormaL (2,53 stars, 308 notes)
  6. Nozuchi's insanE (4,62 stars, 706 notes)
Download: Tedjimo yomigY - JezoensiS
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

normal by pisapou
hard by fuxi
insane by nozuchi
expert by orkay and mezelyus
extra by bazuso
jazz by pisapou

nominated by kataryn
and by fllecc

hitsounds by orkay
banner and storyboard by pisapou

background by vincent van gogh

find the song on soundcloud or youtube
and also check out artist's twitter

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