This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, January 1, 2025 at 11:51:57 PM
Artist: Ice Nine Kills
Title: IT Is The End
Tags: makidonalds basensorex armin a_r_m_i_n stixy smoke lmt dtm9 nowa nowaie finnish bn ITS The Silver Scream INK Spencer Charnas Ricky Armellino Patrick Galante Joe Occhiuti Dan Sugarman Justin DeBlieck Metal Metalcore English IT Pennywise Less Than Jake Fenix TX JR Wasilewski Buddy Schaub Will Salazar
BPM: 150
Filesize: 8025kb
Play Time: 04:04
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
normal - maki, me, basen d
hard - stixy & armin d
insane - smoke d
another - lmt d
extra - nowa d
extreme - armin d
topdiff - me d
hs - me d
bns - malphs / godhacc
Artist: Ice Nine Kills
Title: IT Is The End
Tags: makidonalds basensorex armin a_r_m_i_n stixy smoke lmt dtm9 nowa nowaie finnish bn ITS The Silver Scream INK Spencer Charnas Ricky Armellino Patrick Galante Joe Occhiuti Dan Sugarman Justin DeBlieck Metal Metalcore English IT Pennywise Less Than Jake Fenix TX JR Wasilewski Buddy Schaub Will Salazar
BPM: 150
Filesize: 8025kb
Play Time: 04:04
Difficulties Available:
- A r M i N's Devastation (6.48 stars, 1057 notes)
- Living Nightmare (6.66 stars, 1045 notes)
- LMT's Another (5.26 stars, 922 notes)
- Maki, Aakki & Basen's Normal (2.4 stars, 365 notes)
- Nowa's Extra (5.68 stars, 906 notes)
- Smoke's Insane (4.72 stars, 641 notes)
- Stixy & A r M i N's Hard (3.48 stars, 532 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
normal - maki, me, basen d
hard - stixy & armin d
insane - smoke d
another - lmt d
extra - nowa d
extreme - armin d
topdiff - me d
hs - me d
bns - malphs / godhacc