
jun with Alison - SUNKiSS <3 DROP ~jun Side~ [C...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 2:53:58 PM

Artist: jun with Alison
Title: SUNKiSS <3 DROP ~jun Side~
Source: DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2
Tags: wade junko karashima 辛島純子 dj silver richard lane konami bemani ビーマニ rhythm ddr video game electronic japanese happy hardcore original soundtrack ost trent dahcreeper spectator baron stardust prism daletto nyalettowo x3 Shameimaru joakh -joakh wonjae paranoid_grapes secre chickenbible
BPM: 185
Filesize: 4351kb
Play Time: 01:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. BARON'S EXPERT (4.65 stars, 454 notes)
  2. DAHCREEPER'S CHALLENGE+ (7.17 stars, 843 notes)
  3. DALETTO'S BEGINNER (1.56 stars, 205 notes)
  4. SECRE'S CHALLENGE (6.39 stars, 638 notes)
  5. SHAMEIMARU, ASCENDANCE & WONJAE'S DIFFICULT (3.22 stars, 392 notes)
  6. SPEC'S CHALLENGE (5.31 stars, 447 notes)
  7. STARDUST PRISM'S BASIC (2.23 stars, 227 notes)
  8. SUMMER LOVE (7.64 stars, 679 notes)
  9. TRENT'S CHALLENGE (7.07 stars, 603 notes)
Download: jun with Alison - SUNKiSS <3 DROP ~jun Side~
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
too many americans on one set

x: dahcreeper, me, spectator, trent, secre
i: baron
h: shameimaru/me/wonjae
n: stardust prism
e: daletto
hs: joakh
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