
angela - ANGEL [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, August 30, 2014 at 10:51:18 AM

Artist: angela
Title: ANGEL
Source: コッペリオン
Tags: opening arcwinolivirus atsuko KATSU COPPELION GoHands TV Size
BPM: 184
Filesize: 15970kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K HD - 4Key (2.45 stars, 609 notes)
  2. 4K NM - 4Key (1.76 stars, 414 notes)
  3. 7K HD - 7Key (2.81 stars, 750 notes)
  4. 7K MX - 7Key (3.79 stars, 951 notes)
  5. 7K NM - 7Key (1.99 stars, 441 notes)
  6. Arcwin's 4K MX - 4Key (3.31 stars, 785 notes)
Download: angela - ANGEL
Download: angela - ANGEL (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Made by HinagikuKatsura. Rated H.K. - Heavily Keysounded.
4K MX (GD) - arcwinolivirus

This is you before the intro

This is you during the intro :)

Topic Starter
A little note for the modders:

Please take note that I used Storyboard Sound Samples (which can be found by pressing the TAB key).
- Errors such as epilepsy warning was the result of it, which is fine. :)
- 4K MX will be a GD.
Hi MOD here as requested (~*w*)~
[4K MOD]

00:38:374 (38374|3,38374|0) - Remove & add note to 2 for pattern balance
00:38:700 Add note to 2 (Loud impact drumbeat)
00:41:308 Add note to 3 (Loud impact drumbeat)
00:43:754 Add note to 2 (Loud cymbal)
00:43:917 (43917|1) - Move to 3
00:53:863 (53863|0) - Remove not necessary (No particular sound)
00:57:939 Add note? (Drumbeat)
00:23:863 (23863|2) - Remove no particular sound
00:25:167 (25167|3) - ^
00:25:656 (25656|0) - ^
00:36:417 Add note to 3 (Snare)
00:37:558 Add note to 2 (Snare)
00:39:352 Add note? (Snare)
00:42:287 Add note?
00:44:080 Add note to 4 (guitar)
00:49:787 Add note to 3 (Snare)
00:57:939 Add note to 2 & 3 (Drumbeat & guitar...)
01:01:037 Add note to 2
01:11:634 Add note? (Snare)
01:22:395 (82395|2) - *Suggestion make this a long note and end it here 01:22:721
01:22:721 (82721|2) - Remove

Nice map Good luck~ =w=)b
I can't mod a map that is keysounded, sorry. It's too awesome. XD

I'll just give you a star. Nice beatmap btw. >w<)b
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod Grave! Fixed some drum problems regarding the said diffs. :)
And also thanks for the star Drawdex! Appreciated it! :D

Added Arcwin's 4K MX.
Moved to pending.

played by arc. (so proud) :D

From Mod Q . desu~
*shocked by this great map*
-Generally the map really is good

Column |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|

[7K MOD]

00:18:808 Add note to 1
00:20:113 ^
00:21:254 Remove
00:21:417 Add note to 2
00:24:026 Add note to 7
01:07:069 Add 1 or 2 more note - up to you where to put it - ( loud impact )

00:00:548 Add note to 7
00:01:852 ^
00:03:156 Add note to 4
00:04:461 ^
00:14:243 Remove
00:20:113 Add note to 5
00:21:417 ^
00:22:069 Add note to 3

That's All
Good Luck~
*xLoupGarou shoots a star*
Truly amazing mapset. Add angela's song + keysound.... and brilliant~ here have my 3 stars~ >w<)/ ~~~~ * * *
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod xLoupGarou!

*sees arc throw some stars~ faints*
Huge thanks arc! ^^

:) Hello~ requested
Columns: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

[4K NM]
00:19:134 - Shouldn't there be a note here?
00:20:439 - ^ It feels strange without a note at that place, felt like something was missing (personal feelings only :) )
If you think there is too much notes you can choose to erase 00:19:461 (19461|1,19624|3) Personal I think it is fine
00:20:439 - ^
00:24:352 - ^
00:29:406 (29406|2) - should be move to 00:29:243 (or you can choose to add a note at 00:29:243 and not to move 00:29:406 (29406|2)
01:06:417 - Add a note
01:06:743 - ^
01:08:374 - Add a note at column 4 to support the strong beat
01:09:678 - Add a note at column 1 to ^
01:20:113 - Add a note at column 4
01:23:700 - Add 2 notes
01:23:863 - Add a note

[4K HD]
00:18:808 - Add a note at column 1
00:18:971 (18971|0) - move the note to column 2 if you added a note at 00:18:808
00:20:113 - Add a note
00:24:026 - Add a note at column 4 (to support strong beat)
00:25:330 - Add a note
01:08:374 - Add a note at column 2
01:09:678 - Add a note at column 4

[Arcwin's 4K MX]
01:24:352 - Add a note at column 2
Sorry Can't really mod hard maps

I am not really good at 7k :o
[7K NM]
00:19:134 - Same thing as 4K NM
00:20:439 - ^
01:08:374 - Add a note at 2 or 4
01:09:678 - Add a note at 2 or 6

[7K HD]
00:09:678 - Add a note
00:18:808 - ^
00:20:113 - Add a note ( this is a pretty strong beat should have more than one note)
01:08:378 - ^
01:09:678 - ^

[7K MX]
00:01:200 - Add a note
00:01:852 - ^
00:03:156 - ^
00:04:461 - ^
00:21:580 - ^
00:51:743 - ^
00:54:515 - ^
00:57:124 - ^

Nice map and good luck!

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

[Arcwin's 4K MX]
01:24:352 - Add a note at column 2
Sorry Can't really mod hard maps No change. There's no beat sound in that part and just the main melody.

Nice map and good luck!
Still thank you for checking >w<)b
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod Sakura! applied most of it. ^^

hi :D
for queue
i weak on piano sound mod
4k MX
00:11:471 (11471|2,11961|3,12613|3,12939|0) - maybe too loud (4-12.ogg)
00:20:439 (20439|2) - put louder than 00:20:276 (20276|0)
00:25:493 (25493|1,25656|3) - ^
00:27:613 (27613|0) - this got sound?
01:27:776 (87776|1,87776|2) - change to lower pinch sound
Some place maybe too loud the piano sound and some is too soft. Start is loud, when reach kiai time piano sound become very soft ady
4k HD
00:29:732 (29732|3,29895|1,30221|1) - change place this 2 column
01:15:874 (75874|0) - move to 3rd column

01:23:700 - 01:23:863 - 01:24:352 - add note ?

mike91lau wrote:

4k MX
00:11:471 (11471|2,11961|3,12613|3,12939|0) - maybe too loud (4-12.ogg) same volume with other oggs
00:20:439 (20439|2) - put louder than 00:20:276 (20276|0) why? its normal as it is. Same volume strength
00:25:493 (25493|1,25656|3) - ^ ^
00:27:613 (27613|0) - this got sound? silent note for the 2-noted snare
01:27:776 (87776|1,87776|2) - change to lower pinch sound I'll leave this to hinagiku.
Some place maybe too loud the piano sound and some is too soft. Start is loud, when reach kiai time piano sound become very soft ady
Thanks for hitsound modding(?) and checking :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod mike91lau!

- lowered main keysound volume from 80 to 70.
- added SB keysounds to Arcwin's 4K MX due to Hitsound copier's limitations.
- fixed some minor pattern problems.
Request Mod from Lightning Speed Mania Modding

osuu~ :)

now this one's piano sound seems fits the song ^^ really... for not using normal grand piano song..
this seems fits them...

Column |1-7|

Full mod usually points out something important to HELP your beatmap improve, pls dont mistake it as modders
trying to comment or pointing out your mistake or giving bad comment, its jst a suggestion to help mapper :)
Full Mod Inside
what i like about ur map is the amount of your notes , dif spread and pattern...
really i do... ^^

oh in case i mention add more note to a high sound level, u can add the extra note while give the same sample sound with low % volume
in case TWO notes will sounds too loud by adding simple whistle sound from editor since it'll be doubled by the SV tming volume %.

the OD 9 is okay , BUT there are lots of unexpected 1/8 part, might consider reduce this to 8?

00:16:200 (16200|6) - add 1 note to 1 and 00:16:240 - to 7 with same hs
00:27:613 - add 1 note , the sound lv is higher than any previous note

00:31:363 (31363|0) - move to 4 , rather than focusing it on left hand tht currently occupied with piano sound

01:04:461 - add 1 or 2 notes.

01:06:417 - add 1 LN at 2 , 01:06:743 (66743|1) - move to 4

[7K HD]

00:25:982 - add 1 more note, this kind of note has higher sound, i saw lots of note has this same problem,
but u mapped this 00:26:145 (26145|0,26145|3) - seems like having higher sound from tht single note above ^^
might wnt to consider set the piano or kick whistle sound into sample part?

thts all, it jst a bit uneasy for lots of chord having lower sound than 1 note.

[Arcwin's 4K MX]
wat? am i supposed to mod this?
agian, the amount of the notes is more than good enough with full keysound.

perhaps i might jst give some pattern suggestion...
00:40:982 - or remove the last chord,

01:12:776 (72776|2,72776|1) - make 1 of these to sample?

01:20:113 (80113|3,80276|1,80439|2) - how bout move them to 2 3 2

thts all tht comes into my mind while test play it...

[4K HD]

00:47:667 (47667|3) - to 3

00:49:134 (49134|2) - to 1 or 2

[7K NM]
00:27:450 (27450|0,27613|6) - move to 3 and 5

00:55:004 (55004|6) - to 5
00:55:330 (55330|0,55493|2,55656|6) - to 2 4 6
00:55:982 (55982|0,56145|2,56308|6) - to 3 5 7

01:06:417 (66417|5) - turn this into LN with the same piano Hs

[4K NM]

00:44:243 (44243|0) - move to 3 please~ ^^

00:57:939 (57939|2,58102|1,58265|2) - move to 1 3 1 then 00:58:428 (58428|3,58591|2) - both to 2 ,
finally 00:58:917 (58917|3,59080|2) - to 3 and 4

jst a pattern suggestion ^^

^^ good luck~
nice drum sound~

lordraika wrote:

Request Mod from Lightning Speed Mania Modding

[Arcwin's 4K MX]
wat? am i supposed to mod this?
agian, the amount of the notes is more than good enough with full keysound.

perhaps i might jst give some pattern suggestion...
00:40:982 - or remove the last chord, Both your suggestion pattern and my pattern are in good state of hand balancing, but I think I'll keep my personal one.

01:12:776 (72776|2,72776|1) - make 1 of these to sample? I will leave that to Hinagiku

01:20:113 (80113|3,80276|1,80439|2) - how bout move them to 2 3 2 nope, the previous note [1,2] just pressed twice and it feels weird and awkward if I move the 1st selected note to 2 which will become another [1,2] and that's im trying to avoid here.

thts all tht comes into my mind while test play it...
Thank you for checking and modding >w<)/
Topic Starter

lordraika wrote:

Request Mod from Lightning Speed Mania Modding

osuu~ :)

now this one's piano sound seems fits the song ^^ really... for not using normal grand piano song..
this seems fits them... i used guitar notes and chords for this one :)

Column |1-7|

Full mod usually points out something important to HELP your beatmap improve, pls dont mistake it as modders
trying to comment or pointing out your mistake or giving bad comment, its jst a suggestion to help mapper :)
Full Mod Inside
what i like about ur map is the amount of your notes , dif spread and pattern...
really i do... ^^ thanks!

oh in case i mention add more note to a high sound level, u can add the extra note while give the same sample sound with low % volume
in case TWO notes will sounds too loud by adding simple whistle sound from editor since it'll be doubled by the SV tming volume %.

the OD 9 is okay , BUT there are lots of unexpected 1/8 part, might consider reduce this to 8?

00:16:200 (16200|6) - add 1 note to 1 and 00:16:240 - to 7 with same hs
00:27:613 - add 1 note , the sound lv is higher than any previous note

00:31:363 (31363|0) - move to 4 , rather than focusing it on left hand tht currently occupied with piano sound

01:04:461 - add 1 or 2 notes.

01:06:417 - add 1 LN at 2 , 01:06:743 (66743|1) - move to 4
^All fixed

[7K HD]

00:25:982 - add 1 more note, this kind of note has higher sound, i saw lots of note has this same problem,
but u mapped this 00:26:145 (26145|0,26145|3) - seems like having higher sound from tht single note above ^^
might wnt to consider set the piano or kick whistle sound into sample part?

thts all, it jst a bit uneasy for lots of chord having lower sound than 1 note.
^All fixed

[4K HD]

00:47:667 (47667|3) - to 3

00:49:134 (49134|2) - to 1 or 2
^All fixed

[7K NM]
00:27:450 (27450|0,27613|6) - move to 3 and 5

00:55:004 (55004|6) - to 5
00:55:330 (55330|0,55493|2,55656|6) - to 2 4 6
00:55:982 (55982|0,56145|2,56308|6) - to 3 5 7

01:06:417 (66417|5) - turn this into LN with the same piano Hs
^All fixed

[4K NM]

00:44:243 (44243|0) - move to 3 please~ ^^

00:57:939 (57939|2,58102|1,58265|2) - move to 1 3 1 then 00:58:428 (58428|3,58591|2) - both to 2 ,
finally 00:58:917 (58917|3,59080|2) - to 3 and 4
^All fixed

jst a pattern suggestion ^^

^^ good luck~
nice drum sound~

arcwinolivirus wrote:

lordraika wrote:

Request Mod from Lightning Speed Mania Modding

[Arcwin's 4K MX]
wat? am i supposed to mod this?
agian, the amount of the notes is more than good enough with full keysound.

perhaps i might jst give some pattern suggestion...
00:40:982 - or remove the last chord, Both your suggestion pattern and my pattern are in good state of hand balancing, but I think I'll keep my personal one.

01:12:776 (72776|2,72776|1) - make 1 of these to sample? I will leave that to Hinagiku done

01:20:113 (80113|3,80276|1,80439|2) - how bout move them to 2 3 2 nope, the previous note [1,2] just pressed twice and it feels weird and awkward if I move the 1st selected note to 2 which will become another [1,2] and that's im trying to avoid here.

thts all tht comes into my mind while test play it...
Thank you for checking and modding >w<)/
Thanks for the mod and a star lordraika! Updated!
holy shyt
additive guitar






Firstly, I feel that the guitar sounds at the vocals 00:22:721 - TO 00:38:374 - are too loud, I suggest to lower the keysound by around 20%

[7K MX]

00:32:178 - I think this guitar keysound should follow the pitch of the vocals here, it sounds pretty weird with the music at 0% | I suggest to remove the keysound on 00:32:341 (32341|3) - , it doesn't seem to follow anything
00:37:721 (37721|5,38047|4) - Don't think any guitar is needed here, there's too much guitar, don't think filling up every single part of the chart with guitar will sound nice
00:10:004 (10004|4) - Change to an F# I think the repeating guitar is pretty nice, but I suggest to have some variation
00:15:221 (15221|5) - Same here

00:08:292 (8292|2,8374|4,8537|2) - Ctrl + H | This way, the drum will recieve a much greater impact 00:08:374 (8374|0,8537|0) -
00:09:515 (9515|1) - End the LN here 00:09:678 - | And rearrange the pattern | The LN is unnecessary during a section for drums here, it gives the player a better feeling for the drums

00:00:548 - Put the inheriting point directly on the uninherited point, it is rankable, it gives the player much more time to react to the slow down
00:16:200 - Make this more sight readable
00:37:721 (37721|2,37803|0,37884|6,37966|1,38047|2) - Use alternating hand pattern, it suits drums more
00:38:700 (38700|3) - | 00:40:493 - End the LN here those who use centre key with their left hand will have trouble knowing when to release the LN
00:41:145 (41145|4,41227|3,41308|6) - Put it in 7 5 6 respectively | This feels better for a drum imo
00:49:134 (49134|1) - Shorten by 1/2 | I don't get why you overlapped it ww
00:51:743 (51743|2) - Move to 6 | It gives the drum much more impact
01:10:819 (70819|1,70982|2,70982|0) - This is pretty weird to play, also, you are overlapping the guitar with the vocals, which confuses the player on what they are actaully playing
01:17:015 (77015|2,77015|6,77015|3,77178|5,77178|1,77178|4,77341|4,77341|3,77341|0) - Hammer at least 1 of the notes for each chord, it gives more impact
01:21:580 (81580|2,81743|2) - I don't get the hammer here?
01:24:841 (84841|0) - Move to 6, this note is a drum, I don't think you want a weak finger to play it
01:29:569 - Well, this audio ended rather abruptly, idk if there's a version of this which doesn't end this quickly

[7K HD]
00:40:982 (40982|3,41064|2,41145|4,41227|3,41308|4) - Don't focus all the notes on the centre here, it plays weird due to the trill with the index and thumb, I suggest to spread them out
01:06:417 - I think a duplicate 01:06:417 (66417|5,66743|6) - of this is needed due to the strong vocal here, lower the volume of course
01:17:178 (77178|4,77341|4) - Move to 7 | Don't hammer here, it feels inconsistent since you didn't hammer previously
01:22:721 (82721|3,82721|1,82884|2,83047|1,83047|3,83211|2,83374|3,83374|1,83537|2,83700|1) - The players which use left hand to press the centre key may find this pattern pretty difficult due to the brackets, I suggest to move the centre key somewhere else

[Arcwin's 4K MX]
Decided to test play this, found out something was really concerning
00:06:254 (6254|1,6295|2,6580|2,6621|1) - These 1/8 doublets makes it impossible to coordinate your hands to the point that you hit the 1/8s correctly, you will just end up hitting it like a chord, I suggest to make it so that the 1/8s only fall on one hand, so that the doublet is easier to execute
This also applies to the other 1/8 doublets
00:40:982 (40982|2) - Change this to a note, an LN here is uneccesary, it lessens the 00:40:982 (40982|3,41064|0,41145|3,41227|1,41308|3) - drum note's impact
00:51:254 (51254|1) - Suggest to shorten this by 1/1 | Same reasoning as above, it "dampens" the effect of the drums
01:06:743 (66743|1,66743|0,67069|2,67069|3) - Make a shield here, it gives more impact due to 01:07:069 (67069|3,67069|2) - being the start of the kiai time/chorus

[4K HD]

00:28:754 (28754|2,29732|1) - I don't get the LNs?
00:36:254 (36254|1,36254|3) - Woo, this drum is pretty loud, fix this

[7K NM]

00:06:906 (6906|5,7884|6) - Swap Columns | Makes it easier to read
00:36:254 (36254|6,36254|1) - Same as HD, this drum is somewhat too loud
01:18:808 (78808|5,78971|6,79624|6) - Swap Columns | Same as 1st mod

No problems for 4K NM

Good luck owo/
Sorry for your req. I can't mod this beatmap. I think it's perfect for me >w<

Good Luck :D
Topic Starter

lZenxl wrote:

holy shyt
additive guitar


*^i don't know what to say.* :)

Thanks for the detailed mod! Applied all of |Zenx|'s mod to all diff.

- Fixed some ln placements.
- Fixed some drum hitsound inconsistencies.
- Fixed a handful of awkward patterns.
- Removed some unnecessary vocal notes.

P i K o B a K a wrote:

Sorry for your req. I can't mod this beatmap. I think it's perfect for me >w<

Good Luck :D
Thanks Piko! :D
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