
z/x and other buttons bug [Resolved]

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well i discovered this bug while playing a map than needs z/x , this is what happens

if you press z and try to press either mouse , space or control ot wont do anything but with any other than i mentioned while pressed you can, in short, z disables other button than make hit clicks while playing
...which is why I am constantly requesting the option to disable clicks during play so when I click by accident, that doesn't happen...
peppy said at some point that eiji would be the only one who'd use the mouse disabling in gameplay, but I've accidentally clicked when I didn't mean to before. Probably not an urgent feature to add, but could be quite handy.
How about clicking instead of z/x? <3
This is a totally different issue in fact - kai isn't asking for the buttons to be disabled. I think he isn't realising that z and space bar maps to LEFT CLICK, and x and ctrl maps to RIGHT CLICK. If you hit z or space bar, left click will do NOTHING because it is in fact already clicked.

This isn't a bug, but a feature :>

peppy wrote:

This isn't a bug, but a feature :>
A surprise feature!
Actually I mentioned this a few months ago, shortly after discovering the ctrl button's implementation of clicking, and was also reminded that it was intended behaviour.

RL friend who uses imbalanced class/jobs in RO wrote:

"Stop complaining its a game feature!"
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