
MAT ( Mapping Assistance Team ) になりたい方募集 「日本語訳」

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Cyril Scarlet
本家リンク viewtopic.php?f=2&t=24400 (英語) Ephemeral さん

 ●第1回 MAT 募集 終了
  結果:DJPop, rust45, NoHItter, Breeze, MarioBros777, Sushi971, Real1, fartownik, Teara, VanMoNky

 ●第2回 MAT 募集 終了
  結果::xierbaliti, YGOkid8, Xgor, Matma Rex, yeahyeahyeahhh, Armin and orioncomet

 ●第3回 MAT 募集 確定情報が分かり次第お知らせします

ビートマップのチェックを行う係り、Mapping Assistance Team(MAT)を募集しております


まずは kudosu ポイントが 50以上、そして3ヶ月以上メンバー登録している事。

申し込みする際に kudosu が足りない場合、 ランクした ビートマップを 足りない kudosu ポイントに変換出来ます。
ひとつのビートマップにつき、 kudosu ポイントは 10 ポイントとなります。

足りない kudosu を足すために kudosu ポイント交換出来るマップは最大3つまでです。

もし興味のある方は、英語で以下の PM条件に従って Ephemeral さんに PM して下さい。

1.あなたの一番良いと思う MOD内容へのリンクを 5つ。
2.kudosu ポイントと変換したいビートマップへのリンク
3.あなたが MAT チームへ参加したい理由、何故 MAT にふさわしいかを50文字~250文字書いてください。
4.マップの MOD、 譜面作成など以外で他のイベントなどがあり、他の人に為になったと思われる所のリンク。

申し込みを出した方の内容は、Ephemeral さんがチェックします。
その後 MATや BAT に提出し、なるにふさわしいかどうかの判断をして頂きます。






ztrot wrote:

Think you've got what it takes to be a MAT?

If you want to join the ranks of the Mapping Assistance Team, then here are a few tips to get you started:
  1. Mod maps in Help and (especially) Pending, the way others mod them. Take the initiative and show us that you can mod.
  2. Follow and enforce the rules and guidelines of the Official Ranking Submission Criteria.
  3. Create your own maps and get them ranked. Not only does this show that you have dedication to your work, but you will also learn valuable tricks and tips which you can pass on when modding.
  4. Chat on IRC (in-game chat). We'll get to know you better, which in turn will make it more likely for us to promote you. A cheerful, bright personality with a good sense of humor helps.
  5. Don't ask, complain or rave on about how good you are, how many posts you've made, or how you've worked so hard and are still not a MAT. Put yourself in our shoes; would you want to promote someone who keeps whining?

I would like to announce that we will now be taking MAT applications throughout December and into February to combat the recent loss of some of our good MAT members. Please submit applications to me, ztrot , jericho2442 , or Derekku, as a forum private message; in-game messages will be ignored. If your application was rejected in the past, it is still possible for it to be considered. However, you must send a new application. I will try to have MAT selections once every quarter depending on the need for new members. In short, we are looking for candidates that:

  1. Are active and well-behaved in the community.
  2. Consistently provide informative and reliable mod posts.
  3. Are eager and willing to help others.
  4. Have experience in mapping, playing and, of course, modding beatmaps.
In your application, please explain why you want to be a MAT and what you consider your strongest points to be in regards to what you can do to help the community.

Now accepting MAT apps from 12/23/11 - 02/29/12 or until we hit our desired limit.

Edit: Since ztrot is going to be absent for a while, we recommend not sending ztrot applications till he gets back.
Mapper 31
誰が moddingを ちょっとでも してMAT募集に參加してください。
日本人MAT/BATが 本当に必要です。
Topic Starter
Cyril Scarlet
今度は僕も応募してみます、出来るかわかりませんが (´・ω・`) haha
B a K a R uちゃんなれば、きっと大丈夫ですヾ(≧∇≦*)
Magical Pokie
≧∇≦ I WANT to be 8-) :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Topic Starter
Cyril Scarlet
oh, this is old topic. i'm forgot to lock it lool

I'll write here when I got new infomation
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