
IOSYS - Border of Death

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2010년 6월 4일 금요일 at 오후 11:05:05

Artist: IOSYS
Title: Border of Death
Source: Touhou
Tags: Yakumo Yukari ignorethis
BPM: 160
Filesize: 15778kb
Play Time: 04:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. !ignore this (3.61 stars, 346 notes)
  2. Hard (4.81 stars, 465 notes)
  3. Lunatic (4.98 stars, 589 notes)
  4. Normal (2.99 stars, 159 notes)
Download: IOSYS - Border of Death
Download: IOSYS - Border of Death (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

It's jump map

Thanks to playing
gooood jump

[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • Delete the .osb file, then "Full Submission"
    • "bg321.jpeg" should be 1024x768 pixels
    • Add a preview point in all diffs
    • Offset 24290 (resnap all notes)
    • Add some Source (if possible) and some tags
    • Remove countdown

  • • 00:59:895 (1) - You should separate the start-slider form the end-slider
    • Remove the unused kiai-timing sections

    • 01:04:020 (3) - New combo

  • • 01:27:270 (x) - Add a circle
Cyril Scarlet
- Source: Touhou
- Tag: Yakumo Yukari
- Set a preview point to all diffs

OwO... remove useless Timing selection after 04:00:082

00:26:707 (7) - remove new combo and new combo here 00:27:270 (1) ?
01:06:082 (5) - new combo?
01:27:270 - add note and sound finish?
03:09:645 - 03:35:145 - this break is so long, imo

03:09:645 - 03:35:895 - this break is so long, imo

Starr :oops:
In red maybe important,In blue suggestions

-00:25:020 (3) Start this slider in 00:24:832
-00:27:645 (1) make ir 1/2 shorter and add 1 repeat

-Run AIMod

-Run AIMod
-00:59:336 (1) Unsnaped
-00:59:899 (1) - -^

StaR =)
is the video a little... laggy?
kiai time should be from 01:03:287 to 01:27:133 and 02:18:249 to 02:42:085
and the kiai at the end seems too long. end it at 04:36:257

[Normal Moddo]
many timing problems >_>
01:03:598 (x) - add a circle here
01:04:211 (4) - move it 1/2 beat to the right (in the timeline)
01:07:189 (2) - same thing ^
01:11:360 (4) - move it 1/2 beat to the left (timeline)
01:12:070 (x) - add a circle here
01:19:272 (2) - move it 1/2 beat to the right (timeline)
01:19:613 (3) - extend the slider to 01:20:183
01:20:183 (4) - move 1 beat to the right (time line)
01:21:113 (5,6) - remove beat 6, replace beat 6 with beat 5
01:21:193 (1,2,3) - extend slider and move beat 2 and 3 1/2 beat to the right in timeline
01:22:644 (4) - extend
01:23:504 (6) - extend?
02:12:228 (1) - only use the backslider once, and add some notes near it because 02:13:848 doesn't fit with the beat
maybe the same mistakes are near the end too

03:09:892 (break) - don't make the break too long

03:09:892 (break) - don't make the break too long

And *ahem*
PLEASE GIVE KUDOSU TO PEOPLE WHO HELPED YOU, thank you. (you know, that button near the users' avatars?)
we need to make a living too, you know.


i like the map, music and video :3
hope to see it ranked
Topic Starter
Fixed all
give star
  1. Delete osb.file since it's useless
  2. Insane has no Preview Time, source and tags, please add them
  3. Source : Touhou, "t" should be capitalled
  1. 00:24:290 (1) - Add finish
  2. 00:59:915 (x) - Why not just use 20 BPM here instead of 0.5xBPM of 40BPM? :(
  3. 02:09:290 (1,3) - Add finish
  4. 02:12:290 (1,3) - ^
  1. 00:24:290 (1) - Add finish
  2. 00:59:915 (x) - Why not just use 20 BPM here instead of 0.5xBPM of 40BPM?
  3. 01:51:290 (6) - Add finish
  4. 02:09:290 (1) - Add finish at slider start and end
  5. 02:10:790 (1,2) - Add finish
  6. 02:12:290, 02:12:665 (1) - Add finish
  7. 03:07:790 - 03:09:477 - Use lower hitsound, and add note at 03:09:477
  8. 03:36:290 (S) - Finish
  9. 03:48:290 (3) - ^
  1. Lower HP Drain Rate 1-2 tick
  2. 00:24:290 (1) - Add finish
  3. 00:59:915 (x) - Why not just use 20 BPM here instead of 0.5xBPM of 40BPM?
  4. 00:59:336 (1) - Unsnapped note
  5. 02:09:290 (1,2) - Add finish
  6. 02:10:790, 02:11:165 (4) - ^ Add finish
  7. 02:12:290 (6,7) - ^
Topic Starter
[All Diffs]
00:59:915 (1) - I don't like this slider, I don't think the slow BPM really fits at all and I don't like how the slider noise cannot be heard for the whole slider. I suggest making this normal. If not that, 1/2.

You seem to be using quite a lot of sliders.
00:48:102 - I don't like this break, if you map it, the players will have about a minute of playing timing before the first break which I think is good for a normal.
00:59:915 (1) - If you don't make all diffs normal for this slider, at least make it normal BPM on this one, the slow BPM may trip up noobs and I don't think it's in the state where they might not be able to adapt since you then have sliders going 4x as fast.
01:51:665 - Same as the first break.

00:48:102 - Same as Normal
01:51:665 - Same as Normal
03:09:665 - Now this is a reallly long break. I suggest trying to find some way to shorten it.
03:36:290 - Why is it like this and not fully mapped like Insane?

You have a max score of 15 Mil, this is 5 Mil above the recommended guideline.
This map has the countdown disabled while the other maps have it on, please make it consistent.
00:31:415 (6) - It's very hard to tell that this is a slider due to the hit bursts.
00:59:352 (1) - This isn't snapped.
00:59:915 (1) - This is also a problem in this map due to the fact it's so slow that the HP drains too much.
It is indeed a very jumpy map, maybe too jumpy, you have a lot of 1/2 jumps where it doesn't seem to fit well, I'll let you decide what to change but for god's sake don't mess with these jumps, they are awesome: 03:57:102 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

Hard and Insane are a bit too long, but they're fun, I'll let someone else check this. Star~
star ~

[00:24:29] normal finish maybe better


[00:24:29] normal finish maybe better
[01:05;54] one more time return?


[00:24:29] normal finish maybe better

too much hitsound i think.
and in fact ,i like the old one more than this new Border of Death

anyway a star
good~~ star~
스타입니다 얍!

ps. not yet for pubbling
Hurude Rika
you said it's jump map right? <3

Download: IOSYS - Border of Death (dksslqj) [Relaxing!].osu

01:46:790 (2) - Start it one 1/2 beat earlier
01:54:290 (2) - Move one level 3 grid down
02:30:290 (1) - The repeat on this is nearly imposible to see. D: Perhaps make that slider go in another direction?


00:54:290 (6) - New combo
01:37:602 (4) - Too far from (3)
01:41:352 (6,7) - This seems a bit awkward, but I guess it's fine


-The max score seems a bit high but considering how hard this is to FC it should be fine

04:24:290 (3) - New combo?

Nice work! :) *star*
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