
Toshihiko Horiyama - Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered 2007

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, April 14, 2008 at 1:05:42 AM

Artist: Toshihiko Horiyama
Title: Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered 2007
BPM: 148.04
Filesize: 3533kb
Play Time: 01:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.55 stars, 104 notes)
Download: Toshihiko Horiyama - Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered 2007
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
There's such a lack of Apollo Justice here. =(

Anyways, hi everyone! This is my first beatmap, so I'm not totally sure if I'm doing this right. Could someone please play this through to see if the beat makes sense at all? Sorry, I haven't done the other difficulties yet.
Hi there! :D

Well, your timing sounds excellent to me. Good job! :) I can't hear much difference between 148.04 and 148.00 bpm, but since this is a computer-generated song, I'd wager the bpm is 148.00. Tiny tweak, really.

However, you don't have very good Beat Spacing - the distance between notes on the grid that corresponds to the time interval between them. Let's take the beginning of your map as an example: all seven circles in your first combo are each on beat apart from the previous and the next, but the distance between them on the grid progressively becomes larger. Very generally speaking, Beat Spacing can be sometimes ignored in portions of easy maps, where notes are sparse and would have to be plced outside the grid if beat spacing were followed, and in very hard maps for a bit of an extra challenge, but in the majority of cases it's preferrable to follow it, as it makes the beatmap more intuitive to play.

The three-note combos starting at 00:16:79 and 00:18:41 have overlapping circles, which usually means that they have the same time difference between them. Here, the two last circles are closer together than the first is to the second. I'd suggest seperating the first circle and leave the other two overlapping each other.

After the second break, I think the circle at 01:11:92 should be the beginning of a new combo. The circles of the green combo after that seem to fall in weird places in the song. Also, the green and blue combos at the end seem slightly too long compared to the rest of the song.

The difficulty settings are a bit low for a Hard difficulty map, I think.

Overall, not a bad start at all! :) This concludes the preliminary hearing. *gavel slam*
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