
IOSYS - 惑いて来たれ、遊惰な神隠し Ã

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Keegan_old <- Video of me testing :<

Work in progress. Timing's a bit off in some places, bigish MP3.

Any tips or suggestions for changing stuff, for now? Not quite done yet.
I mainly watched the Youtube video. I love IOSYS, not a bad song, IOSYS always makes great songs. All right, time for some feedback. Great areas to put the beatmaps and stuff, I haven't been looking around a lot, so I assume this is your first one? If it is, nice, nice. Now, you probably want some criticism. Well, I felt a sense of crampiness with the beats, and they kind of seemed shallow (Like there was some sort of pattern without flips, though of course, it might be my mind playing tricks on me). Also, the breaks are very short, doesn't matter, but they seem to all be at the end, kind of strange (Though they are at all right places you know what I mean?). It's pretty nice. I can't remember if I watched a flash of this, or else it was another song with Death in its name. Anyway, to sum it all up, you did a splendid job, hopefully you take this comment into consideration.
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I certainly will. I'm only about half done, though :P Going to change a number of things, and hopefully fix the 'shallowness' problem. Might be because it does close to the same thing over and over again for a bit :p

I threw the breaks in because I was losing a bit too much of my HP between the notes near the end of what I have done, now.

Edit: and yeah, it's my first.
All right, definitely not bad for a first I believe. And I can see the HP problem, but you can always put it notes, unless your timing part is so despicable you have to really scour through the song to make beats, and that's no fun.
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