
Akiko Shikata - Umineko no Naku Koro ni

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 6:42:51 AM

Artist: Akiko Shikata
Title: Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Tags: 07th expansion when they cry seagull i don't know what uu- means
BPM: 73.35
Filesize: 12068kb
Play Time: 01:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.41 stars, 139 notes)
  2. Insane (4.85 stars, 193 notes)
  3. Normal (2.52 stars, 91 notes)
Download: Akiko Shikata - Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Download: Akiko Shikata - Umineko no Naku Koro ni (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Note: If you downloaded before August 26, 2010, know that the difficulties have been renamed from Easy/Normal/Hard to Normal/Hard/Insane. Redownload or just rename your .osu files.
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oh, also, how do you move the title scroll thing to another point in the song? Do I need to get with a BAT to do that? I want it moved to 13:816 (same place the title shows up in the video).

ohhh, forgot to cross this out since Larto was nice and did it for me.

still need this
Hijiri Tezuka
A little thing that might help is making an easy and medium diff. because if you just have insane then this map may not get approval. I may just do a medium mode for the map if you want to...
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I juuuust uploaded Easy and Normal has been up for a few minutes. I think the star difficulty on normal misrepresents the map a bit. It's not that hard. At least that's what I think. That's why I'm hoping you guys can give me opinions on it!

Thanks for the star by the way! :)

I'm still going to keep this in WIP/Help until I decide I'm happy enough with it to move it to Pending. Feel free to give comments on the maps though, since they're pretty much "done" now.
01:09:437 (4,5) - spacing a bit too short
AIMod has a few things it says makes this Hard difficulty, but they're slightly too long spacings on long pauses anyway so I wouldn't call them hard at all. It's still in development anyway.

00:10:271 (1) - Too close to the end of the previous slider for the time gap.
00:39:173 (4) - Not a problem, I just love the hitsound for the slider here :)
As for the difficulty, I'm not that good at saying what exactly is normal here. Development difficulty mod puts in hard for having objects within 137ms of each other which is over the normal limit of... 140ms. lol. Who knows?

The whole part before the break - Now these are intuitive jumps. Good work.
01:07:801 (3) - oh god what how are you supposed to read that? Not sure this is even rankable, but then again I even hate those sliders that have a short little hidden loop before the big one.
01:19:253 (1)-end of song - WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!? Holy shit man. It took me several run-throughs in the editor to figure out what the hell you where doing here... apparently it's 1/8s mixed with 1/2s mixed with 1/4s all in a super spaced out (but constant) distance snap. It might be hard for you to see since you designed it, but it's pretty much impossible to read especially when the "path" crosses over itself plenty of times. This should not be in a map that is not Insane, if it should be in any map at all.
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Yoshi348 wrote:

01:09:437 (4,5) - spacing a bit too short
lol whoops. fixed that.
AIMod has a few things it says makes this Hard difficulty, but they're slightly too long spacings on long pauses anyway so I wouldn't call them hard at all. It's still in development anyway.
people's opinions > AIMod's opinions. if people think the spacing is fine then it's fine.

00:10:271 (1) - Too close to the end of the previous slider for the time gap.
ehhhh I'm going to leave this as it is. If I spaced it "properly" it would look ugly.
00:39:173 (4) - Not a problem, I just love the hitsound for the slider here :)
thx bro. I think the taiko sounds work really well in this section.
As for the difficulty, I'm not that good at saying what exactly is normal here. Development difficulty mod puts in hard for having objects within 137ms of each other which is over the normal limit of... 140ms. lol. Who knows?
3ms... pfft, who cares. I think this is a normal. I might label it "normal+" if that wasn't so ugly.

The whole part before the break - Now these are intuitive jumps. Good work.
01:07:801 (3) - oh god what how are you supposed to read that? Not sure this is even rankable, but then again I even hate those sliders that have a short little hidden loop before the big one.
ahahahaha this slider rules. I guess it could be kind of confusing though, yeah... I'll change it.
01:19:253 (1)-end of song - WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!? Holy shit man. It took me several run-throughs in the editor to figure out what the hell you where doing here... apparently it's 1/8s mixed with 1/2s mixed with 1/4s all in a super spaced out (but constant) distance snap. It might be hard for you to see since you designed it, but it's pretty much impossible to read especially when the "path" crosses over itself plenty of times. This should not be in a map that is not Insane, if it should be in any map at all.
I actually don't think this is so hard to read. well, maybe except 01:22:797 (2) since it changes direction like that. I'm going to leave this until there is more consensus that it needs changed though because I like it how it is.

Thanks for playing/modding!
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I can't see myself making any extravagant changes to this map so.... off to Pending!
Oh.. This song is awesome. Have it on my cellphone ^^


00:54:305 (1) Move this note to 00:54:441 and fix spacing? Sounds better to me than at it's current position

EDIT: I will look through this map again when I have time for it. ^^
Hijiri Tezuka
Did the diff I said, hope you get this Ranked :)

Download: 07th Expansion - Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (Soaprman) [Oyashiro Beatrice's Curse].osu
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Teras wrote:


00:54:305 (1) Move this note to 00:54:441 and fix spacing? Sounds better to me than at it's current position
Agreed. This happened to apply to all difficulties. Good find!

Oyashiro Beatrice: sorry, but I don't really need any extra difficulties on this. I guess I should have said that as a response to your post... oh well. I appreciate the effort though!
akiko shikata is the artist.not 07.
Tried to redownload.. "The beatmap has not been uploaded correctly. :?
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Try it now. I was in the middle of full resubmit shenanigans. :P
Lol at the replacement wacky slider. Messes with your head without actually being a problem.

So yeah, take my praise up there, and notice that I'm not as bewildered by the end of Hard as I was before, and we're adding up to a great beatmap. I'm not 100% sure on the last couple jumps but I suck at them so I'll bow to other modders' judgements. The set tilts a little towards the hard end but the Easy is sufficiently easy and importantly, not boring or underdeveloped, so yay.
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Maybe I should spam this in mod queues or troll #modreqs or something... ugh...

Soaprman wrote:

Maybe I should spam this in mod queues or troll #modreqs or something... ugh...
Do it. Mods won't come to you :P


Do something about the last part in hard.

1:19:934 - 1:24:024 I didn't notice that these notes did not have any tick between each other until I checked it in the timeline so I would suggest if you could move them together so it's possible to read them. because right now I can't..Maybe it's just me. But apart from that this is the only thing bugging me in all your diffs. So I'm sure that this will get ranked soon.

Edit: Yep, double mod post ftw.
Don't Kudosu for this. It's jsut my personal opinion about that part.
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Alright. Two people mentioning that the end of hard needs changed = it maybe actually does need changed. So I changed it.

Thanks for swinging by again!

I have a bit of spare time tonight. I guess it's a good time to promote this map a bit, huh?

Teras wrote:

Don't Kudosu for this.
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Alright, it's at 8 stars now. EVERY BAT PLS POST IN THIS THREAD NOW
I saw you were mapping Akiko Shikata and I love Akiko Shikata songs, so here I am :p

aww, you didn't map the full version :(

Uncapitalize the "Ni" in the title? That's how Wiki romanizes it, probably because ni is a particle and not a real word or something.

Yeah, right, this is a Normal, especially if you OD+1 it :<
00:13:816 (the break) - Hey, this is an awesome part, map it D:
A song this short doesn't need breaks anyhow.

Yeah, right, this is a Hard, especially if you OD+2 it :<

and IMO the wtf spacing at the beginning and end and those 1/4 triples makes this Insane but eh it could go either way
01:07:801 (3) - uh >____>
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